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1、英语演讲稿身边的小事英语演讲稿身边的小事篇一:原创 我身边的中国故事英语演讲稿When I was out for a travel in Jeju Island, what surprised me most are those Chinese features all around this prestigious scenic spot of Korea. The moment I got out of the plane, I was amused by those broken Chinese words printed on the wall of the airport. Mos

2、t of those hilarious words say “currency exchange!” or “greatest hotel room ever! ” and “Duty free shops” in a pretty funny way. I guess Chinese people are, like, walking cash to them. Anyway, although those who wrote them clearly are not even close to good Chinese speakers, they had indeed made my

3、travel phenomenally convenient as well as homelike at the same time. There is even a whole district called JUNGMUN, which means “Chinese” in Korean. It is one of the most bustling places in Jeju, as tourists from China basically bought the whole place up. I could even spend RMB in Jeju, which is usu

4、ally not allowed in other religious or countries. Chinese tourists have indeed promoted the economics there, I guess.Another interesting phenomenon Id like to talk about is the Chinese feature in US TV series. As you all know, US TV series play a rather important part in Chinese students lives. Agen

5、ts of SHIELD is a well-known series and I personally love it very much. When an agent came back, half-dead, saying “I have spent my last four years in a ShanXi cooper mine”, I couldnt help laughing. And I dont have to mention the Chinese food Saturday of Sheldon in The Big bang theory, the mysteriou

6、s girlfriend named Shadow of Oliver Queen in The Arrow, and those meaningless quoting of Confucius and Sun Zi in countless US TV series. American writers seem to see Chinatown as a sacred and exotic place in which live insidious villains who happen to master kung fu and have serious Asian faces. The

7、se phenomena above are just a small part of Chinese features overseas I have noticed. Needless to say, the rise of China has indeed became more and more relevant and significant to the ordinary Chinese people. There most certainly is not any other country in this world that has changed its internati

8、onal standing at this magnitude, and the world is embracing China in an unprecedented way. However , although we have seen the progress made by the world, Im still hoping that they can see through the surface to perceive the essence of China. What we should really focus on are every individual of th

9、e 1.3 billion ordinary Chinese. We should change the viewpoint and take a serious look at China, at Chinese people, at their down-to-earth dreams, at their impulsive drive to change their fate, to change their nations fate, and at their kindhearted temperaments, at their diligent characters. Todays

10、China is made up of Chinese people who have virtue and excellence, not just of Bruce Lee and Kung pao chicken cubes. We should not overlook this great country, and we most certainly should not see only the high-rise buildings and the apparent prosperity, but also lay our sights on those unsung heroe

11、s who have been making contributions to this very society since the beginning. 篇二:注重细节的英语演讲稿英语演讲中要注意的 12 个小细节一次优秀的公众演讲主题鲜明,振奋人心,更能为听众带来精神上的享受。能够向演说家一样在台上侃侃而谈,是很多人学习演讲的目标。舞台背后的准备与辛勤练习,更是决定了台上几分钟演说是否精彩。而所有的努力与付出,都是一个又一个小小细节组成的。以下是公众演讲的一些禁忌,小心不要因小小细节而功亏一篑。 no-nos in public speaking 演讲禁忌 talking too rap

12、idly; 语速太快;speaking in a monotone; 声音单调;using too high a vocal pitch; 声音尖细;talking and not saying much;“谈”得太多,说得太少;presenting without enough emotion or passion; 感情不充分; talking down to the audience; 对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态; 夸张的词语使用得太多;using abstractions without giving concrete examples;使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明;using

13、unfamiliar technical jargon;使用别人不熟悉的技术术语; 注重细节 ,促成功之路亲爱的朋友们:大家好!“泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高,江海不择细流,故能成其深。 ”麦当劳关注食品制作的每一个细节,取得巨大成功,巴林银行忽视了一个极为平常的细节,导致银行倒闭。可见,我们要想成功,就必须注重细节。注重细节促使事业成功。英国一位作家曾这样说道:“细节是构成金字塔的一块块方石,是铺就铁路时自甘居下的一条条枕木。 ”我们只有关注细节,把握细节,演绎细节,才能把握人生和命运。徐虎,他的每一次上门服务,从个体上看都是如此之平凡、普通,但正是这无数个细节成就了他的光辉形象,使他为人们所敬

14、爱。爱因斯坦,他的天才造就了相对论,但他的演算并没有复杂的微积分,没有精致的三段论,只有几万次看似普通的计算,推理或证明本身很微小,但正是这些微小的细节促成了人类科学史上的一次突破和飞跃。正是因为他们注重了工作中的每一个细节,他们的事业才取得了非凡的成功。 忽视细节导致事业失败。德国的一位建筑师卡尔说:“是细节成就了一幢幢高楼,忽视细节就等于忽视自己的事业与生命,上海地铁二号线是我们自己设计的。上海地处华东,地势平均高处海平面就那么有限的一点点,一到夏天,雨水经常会使一些建筑物受困。设计者由于忽视了一个极为普通的细节,在地铁的每一个室外出口设计三节台阶,致使成本大大增加,无法与德国人设计的二号


16、而付出惨重的代价,我们也常常因为重视细节而成功。细节背后是人生,是事业,是国家的荣誉。袁隆平的杂交神话, “神州六号”的美丽轨迹,无不是细节铸就的。生命因为有了细节,才充满了惊 喜!人生因为注重细节,才成就美丽。细节是美的源泉让一木一石现出光彩;细节是时间的圣使,使飘逝的化为永恒。朋友们,让我们注重人生的每一个细节,去铸就生命的成功吧!因为,细节决定着人生与事业的成败。朋友们一定记住:细节决定成败。 美好明天就在眼前,朋友们加油吧! 演讲人:高世超 XX/8/16 篇三:细节决定成败演讲稿 细节决定成败演讲稿大家好:有一首民谣是这样说的:丢失了一个钉子,坏了一只蹄铁;坏了一只蹄铁,折了一匹战马;折了一匹战马,伤了一位骑士;伤了一位骑士,输了一场战斗;输了一场战斗,亡了一个帝国。马蹄铁上一个钉子是否会丢失,不禁使我们想起“失之毫厘,差以千里”这句中国传统的古语。无论做人、做事,都要注重细节,从小事做起。古人还说:不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。这句话精辟地指出了我们要成就一番大事业,要有所作为,要获得硕大的胜利果实,就要从我们身边的小事做起,把一个


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