聚焦中考(广西地区)2017版中考英语总复习_第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件

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《聚焦中考(广西地区)2017版中考英语总复习_第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《聚焦中考(广西地区)2017版中考英语总复习_第三轮 中考题型实战 题型五 补全对话课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、补全对话,补全对话是近年来中考考查的热点,该试题通过设置语言环境,把语言知识升华到语言技能,旨在通过书面形式来考查学生熟练并灵活运用英语口语的能力,具有较强的综合性,是中考试题中的难点。广西中考测试题型的形式有:选句子补全对话;写单词补全对话。 1中考要求 掌握打电话的交际用语。特别是拨电话和接电话与平时交谈用语的区别。 掌握购物的交际用语。能运用购物的交际用语进行模拟购物活动。 能熟练运用看病的交际用语。 掌握问路和应答用语。要特别注意礼貌用语的运用。 掌握就餐用语。能运用相应的交际用语进行模拟就餐活动。,能熟练运用交际用语进行借东西和归还东西。 能运用交际用语对某一活动计划进行讨论。 会用

2、交际用语谈论天气。注意天气预报的播报用语。 掌握其他交际用语。如:问候及其应答语;道歉及其应答语;感谢及其应答语;请求及其应答语;帮助及其应答语;邀请及其应答语;祝贺及其应答语;建议及其应答语等。,2解题技巧 确定对话的情景类型:带着空格快速默读对话,并根据对话所给的信息确定对话的情景类型。 理顺关系,各个突破:了解对话发生的情景之后,要在头脑中迅速回忆起相关的习惯表达法, 然后再开始答题。答题时应注意理顺上下文之间的关系,并利用已知信息推断出正确答案。考生可以先把有把握的空格填好,没把握的可暂时放下不管。然后回过头来解决那些暂时确定不了答案的空格。,正确书写,从容答题:答题时应注意单词的正确

3、拼写,时态的正确运用,还要注意句子的习惯表达方式等。书写应工整、规范。 通读全文,核对答案:不管做哪种类型的“补全对话”题,这一环节都是必不可少的。因为同学们在做题的过程中难免会出现一些失误。如果最后再仔细检查一遍,就能及时纠正错误,确保答案的准确性。,【例1】 情景交际。根据对话内容,从AG七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项。(2016,黄石) A:Good morning,sir.1._ B:Id like to buy a shirt,please. A:Oh,good!Weve got lots of new shirts of different styles.This way,

4、please.2._ B:Let me have a look first. A:This blue one is made of cotton (棉),and that green one is made of silk.Both of them feel soft and cool in summer. B:The green one looks nice.3._ A:Of course.Hmm,it fits you very well. B:Thank you!4._ A:$78.,B:5._ A:But it really looks beautiful on you. B:That

5、 is true.OK.Ill take it. ACan I try it on? BHere is the money. CWhich one do you like? DWhere is the shirt? EWhat can I do for you? FHow much is it? GThat is a little bit expensive.,解析:1.服务员见到顾客,习惯上说:What can I do for you或Can I help you? 2句意为“你喜欢哪一件?”“我先看一看。”根据语境可知本句是服务员为顾客介绍商品。 3句意为“绿色的看起来好看。我可以试穿吗

6、?当然,嗯,很合身。”由后句“It fits you very well”可知顾客请求试穿。 4根据回答可知询问价格。How much is it?“多少钱?” 5前句询问了价格。后空由一个but表示转折,“但是真的很合你的身。”可以推测出本句是在对商品的价格进行谈论。That is a little bit expensive.“有一点儿贵”。 答案:1._ 2._ 3._4_ 5._,E,C,A,F,G,根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出五个适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(2016,南宁) A:Hello.This is John Brown.1._ B:Hello.This is

7、Julie Stone.The window of my living room got broken this morning.2._ A:No problem.I will come tomorrow morning.3._ B:Could you come immediately? A:Well,I will get to your house as soon as possible. B:Thats nice.It costs about 60 dollars,right? A:Yes,as long as its a small window.Mrs. Stone,didnt I r

8、epair a window for you a few weeks ago? B:Yes,you did.,G,D,A,A:4._ Were they playing ball in the house? B:No.I told them not to do that again.5._ I was practising volleyball. AIs that OK? BThis time I broke it. CHow can we do that? DCant you come and repair it? EOh,my God.You broke it again. FYour s

9、ons have broken the window again? GCan I help you?,F,B,1What did Zach do during the summer vacation in 2010?_ AHe stayed at home to look after his family. BHe travelled to his hometown with his family. CHe joined in a school activity with other kids. DHe walked to collect money for kids in need. 2We

10、 can learn from Paragraph 2 that Zach _ Abegan to help people at a very early age Bmade money to pay for his education Cenjoyed playing around in his community Dworked very hard for his family,D,A,【例2】 请根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整与正确。每空一词。(2016,南宁) A:Its always raining.I dont like spring in this city

11、. B:Yes.Its terrible. A:Do you like summer here? B:No,its 1._ hot.Im sure you wont like it if you have to go to work on 2._ every day. A:Well,its true.But summer in my home town is lovely,especially the beach! B:Oh,that must be very beautiful. A:You can come to the beach with 3._ this summer.Im sure

12、 you will enjoy it very much. B:No,4._I prefer climbing mountains. A:Climbing mountains?Oh,you will be tired. B:Maybe,but I can enjoy the beautiful sights and the 5._ air.,解析:1.根据前句的问句“你喜欢这儿的夏季吗?”和答语“No”。可知不喜欢夏天,因为太热。 2前句讲夏天太热,结合本句句意和空前的介词on推测,应该是表达如果每天步行去上班。on foot意为“步行”,是固定搭配。 3根据前句可知A的家乡有海滩,所以建议B

13、可以和自己一起去海滩。介词后用宾语。 4根据答语“No”,可知拒绝了A的邀请,但根据英美文化可知仍要感谢对方。 5根据前半句I can enjoy the beautiful sights.可知讲登山的好处,再根据空后的air和常识推理此处指新鲜的空气。 答案:1. 2. 3. 4_ 5._,so/too/very/quite,foot,me,thanks,fresh/clean,根据下面对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的单词,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(2016,北海) Jack:Hello,Anna!Nice to meet you! Anna:Hi,Jack!Nice to 6. you

14、,too! Jack:The summer vacation is coming.And 7. is your plan for it? Anna:Ill go to Guizhou with my friends. Jack:Really?You can go to see Huangguoshu Waterfall. Anna:Sounds good!Ill 8. a lot of photos there! Jack:Great!I cant wait to see the photos! Anna:Do you want to 9. us? Jack;No.Just want to s

15、tay at home and relax. Anna:Well,have a happy summer vacation! Jack:The 10. to you!,meet,what,take,join,same,A A:Good morning.Sit down,please. B:Morning,doctor. A:Whats the matter 1. you? B:I was caught in the rain yesterday.Ive got a bad cough and my head hurts. A:Do you have a fever? B:Yes,My 2. i

16、s 38.I feel terrible. A:Oh,let me see.Theres nothing serious.You just have a cold.Have a good rest,and youll be fine soon. B:Thanks,I will.Any other suggestions? A:You 3. better choose your clothes according to the weather report.The weather often changes in summer. B:4. will the weather be tomorrow? A:Now,were in the season of rain.5. will still be rainy tomorrow.When you go out,please take an umbrella.,


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