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1、20102017 补全对话 吉林中考汇总2010(Yang Li is showing her photo album to May.) May: You have so many beautiful photos! Yang Li: Thanks. Look, this is a photo of my big family. May: (56) ? He looks so cool. Yang Li: Hes my cousin, Yang Fan, my uncles son. May: (57) ? Yang Li: Hes in Shanghai. Hes a student in

2、Fudan University. These days he is very busy because hes a volunteer for the World Expo(世博会). May: That sounds (58) ! What does he do every day? Yang Li; He has classes in the morning at school. After class, he goes to the Expo Garden. May: How does he get there? Yang Li: He gets there (59) . The bu

3、s ride usually takes him about an hour. He works as a guide for nearly eight hours every day. May: Its tiring but exciting, I think. Can he speak English well? Yang Li: Of course. He (60) speaking English. Thats why he can become a volunteer easily. May: I see. Learning English is more and more impo

4、rtant.2011Mice: Hello, Daisy. Daisy: Hi, Mice. Im going to have a party next week. _ (66) Mice: A party? _ (67) Whats it for? Daisy: Its my birthday on Wednesday. Im going to be sixteen. Alice: Oh, dear!_ (68) Daisy: It doesnt matter. My birthdays on Wednesday, but the partys on Friday. Mice: Oh, th

5、ats OK. What time will it begin? Daisy:_ (69) Alice: Right, that should be no problem. Daisy: Its going to be at the London Hotel(旅馆), near the town centre on Shindy Street. Alice: OK._ (70) I ve got a map. Daisy: Wonderful. See you then. Mice: See you.2012:( Eric came back home from school on Frida

6、y evening. ) Eric: Hi, Dad! Im back. Dad: Hmm, Eric ! How was your study this week? Eric: Pretty good. And I have good news to tell you. Do you want to know? Dad: Of course. (56)_ ? Eric: I won first prize in the English speech contest. Dad: Well done. (57) your science? Any progress? Eric: Yes, Dad

7、! At least I tried my best and learned a lot from my mistakes. Dad: Good! I m sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon. Eric: Thank you, Dad! Ive been busy these days and 1 feel tired. Shall we (58). tomorrow? Dad: A picnic? Why not? We all need to relax ourselves. Erie: Great! (59)

8、 ? And what time? Dad: Lets go to Central Park at 8:00 in the morning. Eric: (60). ? Dad: The radio says it s a fine day. Finish your homework first and we can help mum dosomething for the picnic, Eric : That s wonderful, Dad.2013Doctor : Hello, Larry. (56)_ ?Larry: I feel terrible. Ive got a sore t

9、hroat and a headache. Doctor: OK. Have you taken any medicine? Larry: (57) _. Ive nothing till now. Doctor: You havent had a fever. Well, dont worry! I dont think youve got the flu (流感). I think its just a cold. Larry: OK. (58)_. Doctor: You should drink lots of water and take some vitamin C. Larry:

10、 All right, Is there (59) _ I can do? Doctor: Well, you can go to bed early. Larry: Should I stay off school for a few days? Should I stay in bed? Doctor: No, you shouldnt. Its nothing serious, so (60) as usual. Larry: Oh dear! 1 have a math exam tomorrow.2014A: Welcome to Weihua clothes Store, 46 ?

11、 B: Id like to buy a sweater for my mum. Her birthday is coming. A: A happy mum! 47 ? B: She likes white. It looks good on her. A: All right. What size do you want for your mum? B: Small is OK. A: 48 this one? B: It looks beautiful. How much does it cost?A: Oh, its 398 yuan. B: What! 398 yuan? I thi

12、nk it is too 49 .A: But wait a minute! Theres a sale on today. Everything is half price. B: Well, thats great! Ill 50 it. Im sure she will like it. 2015Mario: Hi, David. What are you doing? David: Hi, Mario. Im (46) a book called Discovery. Mario: Whats it about? David: Its about the life in space.

13、Mario: Fantastic! Working in space is my dream.David: Really? What do you want to be when you(47) ?Mario: Guess what? Im going to be an astronaut, just like Yang Liwei. David: Oh, great. (48) ? Mario: By studying hard and doing more sports.David: You know, its not easy to be an astronaut. Mario: (49

14、) , but nothing is impossible. Anyway, Ill try hard. Dario: I hope your dream will(50) .Mario: Thank you!2016Susan:I cant believe that we are leaving school very soon. Harry:Me neither. But the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life. _46_? Susan:I am going to study in a senior high school near my home. Harry:_47_ going to a farther one? Maybe you can make some new friends there. Susan:If so, I will live in the school and go home once a week. Ill miss my parents and the delicious food at home. I have to wash my cloth


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