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1、初中英语冠词用法专项练习初中英语冠词用法专项练习一、冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划一、冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划 / 。 1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall2This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse4 _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day5Lets go out for _ walk6Its t

2、oo hotOpen _ door,please7There is _ woman over there _ woman is Meimeis mother8 _ sun rises in _ east9 _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China10Are you going to do it _ second time?11Washington is _ capital of _ USA12 _ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street13He joined the army in

3、 _ spring of _ 199514 _ old man is _ teacherHe likes playing _ basketball after _ supper15After I had _ quick breakfast,I hurried to school16Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat?17They went to _ Peoples Park,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday18I often watch _ TV

4、in _ evening19 _ day of _ December 20,1999 is Monday20Tomorrow is _ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today21I think _ maths is more important than any other subject22He often goes to _ school by _ bike23What does this _ word mean, _ Father?24What _ important news!II.

5、选择填空。选择填空。1Does Jim have _ ruler?Yes,he has _ Aan;some Ba;one Ca; Dany;one2There is _ old bike _ old bike is Mr ZhaosAan ;The Bthe;An Ca;The Dthe;The3 _ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ayAThe BA CAn DTwo4How many books do you have?I have _ bookThats _ English bookAa;an Ba;one Cone;an Done;one5At th

6、at time Tom was _ one-year-old babyAa Ban Cthe D6 _ tiger is _ ChinaAThe;a BA;the CThe;from DThe;the7We cant see _ sun at _ nightAthe;the Bthe; Ca; D;8 _ useful book it is!AWhat an BHow a CWhat a DWhat9One afternoon he found _ handbagThere was _ “s”on the corner of _ handbagAa;an;the Ba;a;the Can;an

7、;an Dthe;a;a10 _ old lady with white hair spoke _ English well at _ meetingAAn;an;a BThe;an CThe;a DThe;the11 _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the worldAA;a BThe;the CA;the DThe;a12 _ new bridge has been built over Huangpu RiverAThe;a BA; CA;the DAn;the13 _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in

8、our schoolAA;an BThe;a CThe;the DA;the14He used to be _ teacher but later he turned _ writerAa;a Ba;the C;a Da;15They made him _ kingAa Bthe Can D16His father is _ English teacherHe works in our schoolAa Ban Cthe D17Is he _ American boy ?Aan Ba Cone D18Does Tom often play _ football after _ school?A

9、; B;the Cthe; Da;19They passed our school _ day before yesterdayAan Bone Ca Dthe20Australia is _ English-speaking countryAa Ban Cthe D21She has _ orange skirt _ skirt is niceAa;The Ban;The Can;A Dthe;The22This is _ appleIts _ big appleAan;a Ba;the Ca;an Dan;the23Look at _ horse over thereAa Ban Cthe

10、 D24Dont play _ basketball hereIts dangerousAa Ban C Dthe25There is _ old woman in the carA Bthe Ca Dan26Beijing is _ beautiful cityIts _ capital of ChinaAa;a Bthe;the C;the Da;the27Shanghai is in _ east of ChinaA Ban Ca Dthe28Ive been a student there for nearly two and _ half yearsAa Ban Cthe D29Bi

11、ll is _ English teacherHe likes playing _ footballAa;the Ban;the Ca; Dan;30The museum is quite farIt will take you half _ hour to get there by _ busAan; Ban;a Ca; D;初中英语冠词用法专项练习答案与详解初中英语冠词用法专项练习答案与详解I1a;an;the2a;an。第一个空的 a 是泛指,第二个空的 an 是指“一小时” 。3An;a。这两个空都是泛指,故都用不定冠词。4The;the;a。前两个空都是特指,故填 the;后一个空中

12、的 a 相当于every 或 each,three times a day 意为“一天三次” 。5a。go out for a walk 意为“出去散步” 。6the7a;The。前者泛指,后者特指。8The;the。第一个空用 the 表示太阳是世界上独一无二的物体;第二个空用 the 是因为在方位词的前面一般用定冠词。9The;the,。第一空用 the 是因为在河流名称的前面用定冠词;第二空用 the 是因为在形容词最高级前面用定冠词;第三空“零”冠词是因为专有名词前一般不加冠词。10a。a second time 意为“再一次” 、 “另一次” 。the second time 意为“

13、第二次” 。此句填 a 是表示动作的重复,而不能用 the(表顺序) 。11the;the。第一个 the 是特指美国的首都。第二个 the 是在由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加定冠词。12The。 “the 姓氏的复数”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人” 。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加 the。13the;。表示在某一年的季节名称前应加定冠词。14The a;。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。15a。三餐名称前若有形容词,则可在形容词前加冠词,此处是泛指,故用 a。16;。此句意为“农民养羊是为了产毛和肉吗?”前两个空也可填定冠词,意为:“那些农民养的那些羊是为了产毛和肉吗?”17the;the。普通名词构成的专有名词前应加 the。18;the。TV 前不加冠词。 “早、午、晚”名词前加冠词。19The;。第一空是特指。日期名词前不加冠词。20;a21。学科名称前一般不加冠词。22;。go to school 上学。by bike 骑自行车。23;。指示代词不能与定冠词连用。24。注意 news 是不可数名词,故不能加 a。II1


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