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1、雅礼雨花中学八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷总分:120 分 时量:90 分钟 第一部分第一部分 听力技能听力技能 第 1 节 听力选择(共 15 小题,计 15 分) 听对话,选择正确的答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。 听下面 5 段对话,每听完一段对话后,做 1 个小题。 ( )1. Where was the man last night?A. At the cinema. B. At school. C. At home.( ) 2. What does Mary often do?A. Watches TV. B

2、. Plays computer games. C. Listens to music( ) 3.What did Linda do last weekend?A. Played basketball. B. Played ping-pong. C. Played tennis.( ) 4. When did the train start?A. At 8:45 B. At 8:30 C. At 8:15( ) 5. How often does the man go to the gym?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a we

3、ek. 听下面的对话,回答 6-7 小题。 ( ) 6. How was the weather last Sunday?A. Sunny. B. Rainy C. Windy.( ) 7. Who did Lisa go to the cinema with?A. Her father. B. Her mother C. Her brother. 听下面的对话,回答 8-9 小题。( ) 8. How often does Tom drink milk?A. Never. B. Every day. C. Sometimes.( ) 9. When does the girl have mi

4、lk? 听下面的对话,回答 10-12 小题。( ) 10. When did Nancy have her party?A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening( ) 11. What did Gina do at the party?A. She danced. B. She sang. C. She drew.( ) 12. What did Jane do in the afternoon?A. She played tennis. B. She did her homework. C. She

5、 played computer games. 听下面的对话,回答 13-15 小题。( ) 13. Where does Mary usually go on weekends?A. To the zoo. B. To the library. C. To the cinema.( ) 14. What does Bill usually do on weekends?A. He reads books. B. He listens to music. C. He watches TV.( ) 15. How often does Bill exercise?A. Every day. B.

6、 Twice a week. C. Hardly ever.第 2 节 笔录要点(共 5 小题,计 5 分) 根据你听到的内容,完成下面的表格填空,每空不超过 3 个单词。Last (16) _-Marys birthdayIn the morningMary and her sister cleaned the (17)_. Marys mother went shopping and her (18)_cooked in the kitchen.In the afternoonMary and her friends sang and danced together. Gina wrote

7、 a(n) (19)_ for Mary. They also watched a(n) (20)_ movie.第二部分第二部分 知识运用知识运用 (共两节,计 20 分) 第一节 语法填空 (共 10 小题,计 10 分) 从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。( ) 21. - There is _ in todays newspaper, isnt there?- Yes. Alin is having a concert in our city. A. something interesting B. something terrible C. anything inte

8、resting ( ) 22. Our P.E teacher is new here, so _students know him at the first beginning.A. a few B. few C. little( ) 23. I received a letter from Chinas Dream Show (中国梦想秀) yesterday and it seems_ a dream. A. be B. are C. to be( ) 24. _ the rainy weather, we cant go out for camping.A. because B. be

9、cause of C. although( ) 25. If you decide _it, you have to persist in it.A. to do B. do C. did( ) 26.Its difficult _the children in the pool village _ milk every dayA. for; drink B. to; to drink C. for; to drink( ) 27. -Why were you so _?-Because after I watched one hours game show, my father let me

10、 to watch_ one hour of sports news. A. excited, other B.exciting, another C.excited, another( ) 28. Ninety percent of the answers _ the questions _ from the Internet.A. to; are B. to; is C. of; is( ) 29. Lisa is _school student in Yali Middle School.A. a 18-year-old B. an 18 years old C. an 18-year-

11、old( ) 30. I _not the best in this match, but _I can win next time if I try hard.A. may be; maybe B. maybe; maybe C. maybe; may be 第 2 节 词语填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Do you know how the rainbow(彩虹) came out? Mother Nature(大自然) had many 31 . Each child had a gift(才

12、能). Her daughter Rain filled the land with water and 32 everything in the world grow and live. Rain knew 33 important she was, but she really needed 34 from her brother Sun. Because Sun can make colors. She loved colors and decided to have a try. One day Rain rained red. However everything turned 35

13、 . She tried yellow, but, once again, everything turned yellow. She tried blue. Do you know what happened next? 36 turned blue. Her dream of being a beautiful color cant 37 . Rain started _38_. “Why do you cry?” asked Sun. “I love all the colors, but I cant be the one without messing(弄乱) everything

14、up.” “But when you 39 on the earth, the trees, the land and everything else sparkle(闪光). Thats just as beautiful as the colors.,” said Sun. “Well, whenever you finish raining, Ill come out and leave a band(条纹) of all your favorite colors around.” From this day, sometimes after Rain has finished rain

15、ing, you can see that band of 40 . And that is how the Rainbow came about. ( ) 31. A. children B. sonsC. daughters( ) 32. A. made B. didC. found( ) 33. A. what B. howC. how a ( ) 34. A. time B. colorC. help( ) 35. A. red B. greenC. blue( ) 36. A. SomethingB. AnythingC. Everything( ) 37. A. come overB. come tru


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