国际商法7 formation of corporation

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《国际商法7 formation of corporation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商法7 formation of corporation(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 formation of corporation,1. In general The formation of corporation is the process that the promoters tries to meet all the requirements in order to obtain the legal personality.,2. The conditions for the formation of corporation,There are only a few requirements for incorporation. The condit

2、ions prescribed by different countries vary, but usually include: a. the corporation shall have qualified and adequate promoters b. the corporation shall have minimum legally required capital c. the promoters shall make the articles of corporation d. the corporation shall have its own corporate name

3、 and corporate structure e. the corporation shall have its corporate domicile,3. Promoters(发起人),3.1 Definition A person who takes the initiative in developing and organizing a new business venture. 3.2 The activities of promoters a. arrange necessary capital for the corporation b. obtain necessary a

4、ssets and personnel c. arrange the procedures for the formation of the corporation,The certificate of incorporation and its effect,From the date when a companys incorporation form and copies of its memorandum and article, certified to be true copies b a founder member, are registered, the company is

5、 incorporated. The regisrar will issue a certificate certifying that the company is incorporated and, in the case of company whose members have limited liability, that the company is limited.,Restrictions on the choice of name,Normally, no company will be registered by a name which is the name as: a

6、. a name appearing in the Registrars index of company name; b. that of a body corporate established under an ordinance c. the type and case of letters, accents, spaces between letters and punctution marks.,Case 2000年初,某市一有限责任公司开张,登记为“大洋时装有限责任公司”(甲公司),从事服装生产。2000年底,在离甲公司500米处又有另一家公司开业,从事服装销售,登记名称为“大洋

7、服装商贸有限公司”(乙公司)。两家公司名称类似,顾客经常混淆。为此,甲公司向法院提起诉讼,称乙侵犯其名称权。乙公司主张两家名称并非完全相同,行业也不同。甲公司为服装生产加工产业,乙公司为商品零售产业,否认自己侵权。 Questions 乙公司是否构成对甲公司名称权的侵犯?,4. Articles of association(公司章程),4.1 introduction Articles of incorporation, frequently called “corporate charter: or “certificate of incorporation,” are at the he

8、art of the incorporation process. They must be filed with the company registration authority in order to provide certain key information to the government and to any party dealing with the corporation.,4.2 the memorandum of association(公司大纲),Another constitutional documents of a corporation in UK an

9、d Hong Kong is memorandum of association. The memorandum of association contains the name of the corporation, the registered office, the objects of the corporation, the liability of its members and the amount and division of shares with which the corporation proposes to be registered, while the arti

10、cles prescribe regulations for the internal management of the corporation. In UK and Hong Kong, a corporation has both memorandum and articles, while in US, these two have been combined in one document, articles of association.,5. Business scope of corporation (the objects clause),5.1 in general The

11、 corporations business scope shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered according to law. 5.2 the change of business scope The corporation may change its business scope by modifying its articles of association, but shall go through the formalities for modifying the regis

12、tration.,5.3 transactions beyond business scope,a. in China (1) the transaction is effective if it needs no special permission from the government (2) the transaction is not effective if it needs special permission,b. in United States and England: (1) in history, its not effective due to the princip

13、le of Ultra Vires (越权无效原则) Historically, an act of a corporation beyond its powers was a nullity, as it was ultra vires, which is Latin for “beyond the powers”. Therefore, any act not permitted by the corporation statute or by the corporations articles of incorporation was void due to lack of capaci

14、ty.,Ashbury railway Carriage and Iron Co Ltd v. Riche A corporation was incorporated with the following objects: to make, sell, or hire railway carriages and wagons; to carry on the business of mechanical engineers and general contractors; and to purchase, lease, work, and sell mines, minerals, land

15、 and buildings. The Directors contracted to purchase a concession to build a railway in Belgium and to provide Riche with finance for the construction of the railway. It was held that the contract was ultra vires and void.,(2) nowadays, its usually effective Today, the ultra vires doctrine is of sma

16、ll importance for two reasons. First, nearly all corporations have broad purpose clauses, thereby preventing any ultra vires problem. Secondly, most statutes do not permit a corporation or the other party to an agreement to avoid an obligation on the ground the corporation action is ultra vires.,200




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