九年级英语上册 module 11 population unit 1 its the biggest city in china课件 外研版

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1、九年级(上册) Module 11,1,Unit 1 Its the biggest city in China.,2,Lead-in,There are so many people on the Great Wall that you cant take photos.,3,Can you describe the picture?,4,Use the words in the box to describe it.,crowd 人群 increase 增长 noise transport pollution population smoke space traffic 交通,1. The

2、re are crowds (of people) in the shopping mall and there is not enough space. 2. There is too much noise.,5,3. The population of many countries is increasing quickly. 4. There are too many people so there is too much traffic, noise and pollution.,6,Complete the sentences with the words in the box .,

3、1. Ten percent of the _ lived in the country. 2. The factory has produced a lot of _ so it should be closed. 3. When we got to the party, there wasquite a(n) _ of people there already.,population,pollution,crowds,7,4. At that time of night, there was no_ in the street. 5. That big table takes up too

4、 much_ in my small kitchen. 6. If every family have more than onechild, the pupulation will _quickly.,transport,increase,space,8,Listen and choose the best answer.,Before you listen to the tape, read the questions and answers in Activity 2 and make sure you understand the sentences clearly to help y

5、ou listen to the tape and choose the answers more easily.,9,1. Why was Bettys shopping tripunsuccessful?a) Too many people.b) Too noisy.c) Too much pollution.,10,2. Whats the population of Beijing?a) About 11,000,000.b) About 13,000,000.c) About 15,000,000.,11,3. Whats the population of Chongqing?a)

6、 About 27,000,000.b) About 31,000,000.c) About 36,000,000.,12,Listen to the dialogue among Tony, Daming, Lingling and Betty. Complete the table.,When you listen to the conversation, you should pay attention to the numbers.,13,259,136,130,400,about 1,300,000,000,about 6,500,000,000,14,1. Whats this w

7、eeks homework?本周的家庭作业是什么?weeks是名词所有格形式,修饰后面的 homework。有些表示时间、距离、国家、 城镇等无生命东西的名词可以加s构成所有格。如: Yesterdays newspaper 昨天的报纸ten minutes walk 步行十分钟的路,Language points,15,2. There is too many people and there is not enough space, and there is too much traffic, noise and pollution.人口太多, 空间不够;而且车辆,噪音以及污染过多。这句话

8、中,出现了too many, too much, 它们都用来表示太多,但too many 后面要跟可数名词复数,而too much 后面跟不可数名词。,16,3. Along with the crowds, the smoke and the transport problems.还有人口, 烟雾以及交通问题。along with sb./ sth. = together with, 意思是“连同, 跟什么一块”。,17,4. Thats thanks to my “Homework Help” .这要归功于我的作业助手。thanks to 表示 由于, 多亏, 因为=because of

9、如:Thanks to John, we missed the train. 由于约翰的原因, 我们没有赶上火车。,18,5. That makes 136, 130, 400 babies every year.那就使得每年有一亿三千六百一十三万零四百个婴儿出生。136, 130, 400读作one hundred and thirty six million, one hundred and thirty thousand, four hundred。,19,大数词的读法和用法: 基数词的读法与写法个位和十位之间加连字符“-”,个位或十位与前面的数词之间and;每隔三位加一个单位数词,从后

10、向前数,分别为thousand(千),million(百万), billion(十亿),每个单位数词之间加一个分节号,但也可不加。,20,词语拓展,population意为“人口”,常作人口的总称 1. population是一个集体名词, 作主语时,如果指一个地区或国家的整体人口,谓语动词通常用单数;若强调整体人口中的成员,谓语动词通常用复数。如:,21,The population of our town is about 20,000. 我们镇大约有两万人口。Three fifths of the population here are old people. 这里五分之三的人是老年人。

11、,22,2. 表示一个地区或一个国家有多少人口时,可用The population of . is . 结构,也可用. has a population of . 结构。如:The population of my country is 28,100,000. 我们国家的人口是二千八百一十万。The city has a population of 50,000. 那座城市有五万人口。,23,3. 在询问人口时,要注意population和 people的区别。前者通常用what来提问,后者用how many 来提问。如:Whats the population of Canada? 加拿大的

12、人口是多少?How many people are there in the hall? 大厅里有多少人?,24,150,000 one hundred and fifty thousand 500,000 five hundred thousand 2,100,000 two million, one hundred thousand,Listen and repeat the numbers.,25,5,600,000 five million, six hundred thousand 82,550,000 eighty-two million, five hundred and fif

13、ty thousand 200,030,040 two hundred million, thirty thousand, forty,26,Read the conversation again and check the statements you agree with.,There are too many people in the world. ( ) 2. The increasing population is the biggest problem in the world. ( ) 3. People shouldnt have too many babies. ( ),2

14、7,4. People should be free to decide howmany babies they want. ( ) 5. Countries with large populations should pay to help the enviroment. ( ) 6. A city should not hold more than1,000,000 people. ( ),28,Exercises,I. 请进行同义句转换,每空一词(含缩写) 1. How many people are there in Wuhan? _ the _ of Wuhan? 2. Thanks

15、 to his help, I finished the work on time. _ _ his help, I finished the work on time.,Whats,population,Because of,29,II. 请根据汉语意思写出英语句子。,今年的计划是什么?2. 请在书里查一些关于环境的信息。3. 去年这个国家有大约一百零五万婴儿出生。,Whats this years plan?,Please look up some information about the environment in the book.,About 1,050,000 babies w

16、ere born in this country last year.,30,Homework,Work in pairs. Talk about the results of overpopulation.,There is not enough space. There is too much traffic, noise and pollution. Along with the crowds, there will be smoke and the transport problems. 4. If there are too many people, their work will be influenced in the future. 5. ,



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