重庆市大学城高中英语 unit 4 unforgettable films(第3课时)教案 重庆大学版必修2

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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 UnforgettableUnforgettable filmsfilms章节: Unit4 课时: 课题名称Unforgettable films三维目标1.get to know the main idea of the passage2. master the usage of some important words 3. retell the story重点目标Aim1 2 3难点目标Aim 2 3导入示标TheThe SoundSound ofof MusicMusic is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers

2、, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. It is based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. Many songs from the musical have become standards, including the title song “The Sound of Music“, “Edelweiss“, “My Favorite Things“, “

3、Climb Evry Mountain“ and “Do-Re-Mi“.The original Broadway production, starring Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel, opened in November 1959, and the show has enjoyed numerous productions and revivals since then. It has also been made into an Academy Award-winning 1965 film musical starring Julie Andrews

4、and Christopher Plummer. The Sound of Music was the final musical written by Rodgers and Hammerstein; Hammerstein died of cancer nine months after the Broadway premiere.目标三导Learning,Learning, doingdoing andand thinking1thinking1LearningLearningQ1: Can you tell me the kind of the movie according to t

5、he introduction?1.Skim the passage and match each Para with its summaryPara1 people love the film7Para2 films skills are used excellently in itPara3 I like the film bestPara4 the film is both enjoyable and educationalPara5 the film is about children, governess and father 2. complete the table in P 5

6、1DoingDoingGroup workUnderline the sentences you dont know and discuss them with your group members_Step2 Analysis the sentences1. It is a very old film which won five Oscar awards.它是一部赢得了五项奥斯卡奖的老影片。award (n.) 奖励, (v.)授予,奖给【辨析】award, reward, prizeaward 奖金,侧重在按法律与规定而给予的荣誉。reward 奖赏,重点在于对好行为或者功绩的报答、酬谢

7、。prize 奖品,奖金,指在竞争、竞赛中获得的奖。2. Woven around a very simple theme, this film tells a story about seven naughty but lovable children, their governess, Maria, and their strict father, the captain, who knows nothing about bringing up children.电影围绕着一个简单地主题展开,讲述了一个关于七个淘气又可爱的孩子,他们的家庭女教师玛利亚,以及对带孩子一窍不通的严厉父亲之间的故

8、事。weave v.编(一段故事) 过去式-wove 过去分词 -woven Woven around.是过去分词短语做状语。A、与句子主语的关系9当过去分词(短语)做状语时,要与句子的主语有关系,而且一般是被动关系。在读下面所有的例句时,请注意过去分词短语与句子主语的关系。Eg:Frightened by Santa Claus words,Scrooge woke up.句子的主语是 Scrooge,状语部分为 Frightened by Santa Claus words,可以看出 Scrooge 是“被”Santa Claus 的话“惊吓”(Frightened)。B、在句子中的位置过

9、去分词做状语,修饰的是句子中的位于,多放在句首,也可以放在后面,后者插在句子的中间。Eg:Seen from the hill,the city looks magnificent. 从山上看这座城市非常壮观。They came in,followed by their wives.他们进来了,妻子们跟随在后。Tom,horrified at what he had done,could at first say nothing. 对他做的事感到恐惧,一时说不出话来。C、所表示的状语种类过去分词做状语可以表示伴随情况(即主句的谓语动作与状语同时发生)、表示原因、表示条件、也可以表示时间。Eg:

10、He entered,accompanied by his secretary.(伴随情况) 他由秘书陪着走了进来。Moved by his speech, many people volunteered to help him. (原因) 由于受他讲话的感动,许多人自愿帮助他。Taken in time,the medicine will be quite effective.(条件)如果及时服用,这种药是相当有效的。Heated,water changes into steam.(时间) 当被加热的时候,水可以变成蒸汽。8D、所需注意的问题1)过去分词有时可以和连词一起使用。(实际上就是我

11、们上一期讲到的状语从句的省略现象)He will come if asked.(if 后面省略了 he is)若受到邀请,他会来得。Whenever asked about it,he could hardly hold back his feelings. (Whenever 后面省略了 he was)每当有人问及此事,他就难以控制自己的感情。2)在分析“与句子主语的关系”的关系时,提到“当过去分词(短语)做状语时,要与句子的主语有关系,而且一般是被动关系。 ”但是,在语言的发展过程中,有一些过去分词短语在使用的过程中成为了固定结构,当使用这些固定结构时不需要分析它们与主语的关系,就直接使用

12、。常见的有以下几种:judging by由.判断、断定provided:conj.(=on the condition that)假如,如果,倘若.,在.条件下,后面常加 that 引导的从句,that 可以省略。(providing 也可以有这种用法,也就是说 provided 与 providing 做连词使用,用法及含义是一样的。)given倘若.请学习下面的例句:Judging by his accent,he came from Tangshan.从他的口音判断,他是唐山人。Given good weather,our ship will reach Shanghai on Mond

13、ay evening. 假如天气好,我们的船将于星期一晚上到达上海。You may keep the book a further week provided/providing (that) no one else requires it. 倘若这本书没有其他人想借的话,你可以再续借一个礼拜。E. 在高中生学习这种语法的过程中,be 加过去分词构成的词组做状语是他们的学习中难点。先看下面的两个简单句:8The young fellow is dressed in black. He looks cool.=Dressed in black,the young fellow looks coo

14、l.(把含有 be dressed in 的句子转换成状语,其实就是去掉了系动词be),类似的结构很多,Eg: He is interested in English. He listens to BBC every day.=Interested in English,he listens to BBC every day.从语法的角度来分析,这种结构中的过去分词是及物动词,后面句子的主语是它的宾语,由于含有这些动词的过去分词的词组:be+done 已经非常固定,所以我们可以不分析它而是直接去掉 be,用 done 做状语。3. The children take to her and th

15、ey become great friends, for she is young enough to enjoy their fun and she is also mature enough to guide their behavior.一方面,她很年轻,能与孩子们同喜同乐;另一方面,她的成熟足以引导孩子们的行为。孩子们喜欢上了她,并与她成了极好的朋友。1)take to sb./sth.喜欢上某人/某物【辨析】take to 的近义表达法A. prefer 更喜欢,宁愿prefer sth to sth.比起什么更喜欢什么prefer doing sth to doing sth. 比

16、起做某事更喜欢做某事prefer to do sth rather than do sth. 喜欢做某件事,而不是喜欢做另一件事B. be fond of sth 喜欢某事be fond of doing sth 喜欢做某事for 意为“因为” ,并列连词。不用于句首。不表示必然的因果关系,表示推断的原因。【辨析】because, as, since, forA. because“因为” ,表示必然的因果关系,结果是由原因产生的,着重点在说明原因和理由。B. as“因为,由于” ,着重点在于主句,原因、理由只是附带说8明。所以回答 why 的问题时,不能用 as,只能用 because。C. Since “因为,既然” ,用法与 as 相似。多表示显然的、已知的理由。D. for 表示必然的因果关系时,可与 because 换用,但 for 只能放在主句之后。for 为并列连词,补



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