世纪英语听说教程3(第四版)unit 1

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1、Unit 1,Chairing a Meeting,Contents,Section One,Section Two,Section Three,Warm-up Activities,In-class Activities,After-class Activities,Warm-up Activities,Useful Expressions Task 1,Directions: Create dialogs with your partner, using the following expressions for chairing a meeting. Present one of you

2、r dialogs to the class., I d like to get things under way. Im Li Ming, the chairman of this meeting. Let s clarify the joint purpose of this meeting. The main topic of todays agenda is advertising. Mr. Jones, would you start things off? What s your opinion on this matter?,Translation, I think the ca

3、use of our poor sales performance is our advertising strategy. I propose more advertising for this project. We should keep in mind that high quality advertising improves sales. I agree with you on that point.,Warm-up Activities,Translation, 我想开始开会。 我是李明,是这次会议的主席。 让我们阐明一下本次会议的共同 目的。今天主要的议题是广告。 仲斯先生,请

4、您开始发言好吗? 您对这件事怎么看?, 我认为销售下降的原因在于我们 的广告策略。 我提议对这个计划多做广告。 我们要铭记:高品质的广告会促 进销售。 在那一点上,我赞同您。,Warm-up Activities,Directions: Create dialogs with your partner, using the following expressions for chairing a meeting. Present one of your dialogs to the class., Let s get back to the main issue. Where were we?

5、 Let s wrap up the discussion. At the next meeting, we will discuss the advertising expenses. When shall we have our next meeting? Let s adjourn the meeting.,Translation, We can be flexible. Let s reestablish the point we agree on. I m afraid I can t accept your proposal. That has nothing to do with

6、 the main issue. You seem to be getting off the point.,Warm-up Activities,Translation, 我们说到哪儿了? 让我们结束这次讨论吧! 下一次会议,我们将讨论有关广 告费用的问题。 我们什么时候召开下一次会议? 让我们休会吧!, 我们有让步的余地。 让我们再确认一下我们的协议点。 恐怕我无法接受您的提议。 那跟正题没有关系。 您似乎脱离主题了。 让我们回到正题上吧。,Warm-up Activities,Directions: Follow the recording and practice reading th

7、e model dialog. Pay attention to the highlighted expressions, and then role-play it with your partner.,A: Now, I d like to get things under way. The main topic on todays agenda is the development of a sales strategy for the new product. Id like to hear all of your ideas. Mr. John, you seem in top fo

8、rm today. Could you start the ball rolling ? B: Uh, sure. I think we should keep in mind that the key to good sales is advertising. C: Well, that s kind of obvious, Mr. Jone Smith. B: Wood, give me a break. A: Uh, let s keep this going, shall we?,Word Tips,Warm-up Activities,Word Tips,strategy /5str

9、AtEdVi/ n.策略,计策 agenda /E5dendE/ n.议程表,议事日程 start the ball rolling 开始一个活动,这里指开始发言,In-class Activities,A: Ladies and gentlemen. Now to Professor Black from ABC Company. He is a famous expert in world economy. His achievements in this field all over the world. B: . A: We now invite Professor Black to

10、give us a lecture on Economic Relations between America and China. . .,Directions: Listen to the dialog twice and supply the missing words.,I have the honor to introduce you,_,have won wide recognition,_,Thanks for your nice remarks,_,Lets give him a warm welcome,_,Word Tips,In-class Activities,A: J

11、ust now Professor Black has given us an interesting lecture. ? Dont miss this good opportunity. B: Yes. Questions are welcome. . A: No more questions? OK. Mr. Black, giving us an informative and enlightening lecture. I m sure all of us have benefited a lot from your lecture. to Mr. Black.,Directions

12、: Listen to the dialog twice and supply the missing words.,Do you have any questions to ask,_,thank you very much for,_,Lets once again express our thanks,_,Word Tips,In-class Activities,Word Tips,achievement /5tFi:vmEnt/ n.成就,成绩 recognition /7rekEg5niFEn/ n.赞誉,认可 remark /ri5mB:k/ n.备注, 评论,注意 inform

13、ative /in5fC:mEtiv/ a.见闻广博的 enlighten /in5laitn/ vt.启发,启蒙,In-class Activities,Directions: Listen to the dialogs twice and answer the questions.,Dialog 1 Q: What will they do next? A:,They will call the roll.,_,Dialog 2 Q: What is the woman doing now? A:,She is chairing a meeting.,_,Dialog 3 Q: Have

14、they covered all the items of the agenda? A:,No, they haven t fixed the next meeting.,_,Word Tips,In-class Activities,Directions: Listen to the dialogs twice and answer the questions.,Dialog 4 Q: What s the man s suggestion? A:,He suggested that they should vote.,_,Dialog 5 Q: What does the woman mean? A:,She wants to remind the man who is willing to take the minutes of this meeting.,_ _,Word Tips,In-class Activities,Word Tips,oll call 点名 ball rolling 发言 designate /5dezigneit/ vt.选派为,指定 take minutes 作会议记录,



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