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1、Different expression about die,be gone 去世了 be among the missing 在去世人之中 be no more 再也不存在了 be in heaven 上西天 be pushing up the daisies 命丧黄泉 be ravished from the world by death 被死亡劫去 cross the great divide 跨进了阴曹地府 finish off 完结 depart this life 与世长辞 give up the ghost 见阎王了 go out of this world 离开人间 go th

2、e way of all flesh 逝世 to breathe ones last 断气,go to sleep for ever 永远睡觉 go west 归西 kick the bucket 蹬腿了 fall on sleep 沉睡 fall asleep 长眠了/ the last (long, eternal) sleep 长眠 lay ones bones 把一把骨头给扔了 make ones exist 去世 meet ones fate 天数尽了 pass over 去世了 pass away 离去,去世 sleep the sleep that knows no waking

3、 睡着就不醒了,sleep in the grave 睡在坟墓里头 sleep the sleep of death 睡死觉 sleep the final sleep 睡最后一觉 turn up ones toes 翘脚尖 ones days on earth end 日子到头了 never-ending sleep 永无结束的睡眠 go the of nature 身故 go to a better world 去极乐世界 go to glory 上天堂 go to heaven 归天,入天堂了 go to the sunset 去阴间 go to the ground 入地下,going

4、 our of this world 脱离凡尘 meeting ones death 丧身 hara-kiri 切腹(日本) to be frozen to death 冻死 meeting ones end 寿终 devoting oneself to 献身 sacrificing oneself/ to sacrifice/ to throw away ones life/ to lay down ones life 牺牲 breathing ones last 咽气 paying ones debt to nature 归土 passing away 归天 going west 归西 t

5、o expire 逝世,to go west 归西 to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王 to kick the bucket 翘辫子 to kick up ones heels 蹬脚 To be murdered 被谋杀 be killed 被杀 be hanged 吊死 be starved to death 饿死 be suffocated 闷死 be sent to the electric chair 坐电椅电死 be shot to

6、 death 被枪打死,be choked to death 窒息而死 be scared to death 吓死 to drown 淹死 to be given a lethal injection 注射毒针而死 to commit suicide/to kill oneself /to take ones own life/to die by ones own hands/ make away with oneself 自杀 to be burnt to death 烧死 kicking the bucket 一命呜呼 enter the celestial city 一命归天 on the point of death 不行了 dying young 夭折 parting forever 永别,be over 完了 be done for 完蛋 losing ones life 没命 dying in battle 阵亡 dying at ones post 殉职 dying (for a just course or for ones country) 殉难 to pass away 与世长辞 to close ones day 寿终 dying 仙逝 resting in peace 安息,


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