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1、Regional anatomy of neckLi yanJunDepartment of regional anatomy Basic medical college,一Introduction (概述),(一)The Boundary (境界),头颈界 颈胸界,The portions (分区),Two portionsNeck 颈部 Anterior region posterior region Sternocleidomastoid region Nape 项部,1. anterior region: (颈前区)suprahyoid region (舌骨上区)submental t

2、riangle (颏下三角)submandibular triangle (下颌下三角)infrahyoid region (舌骨下区)carotid triangle (颈动脉三角)muscular triangle(肌三角) 2. posterior region: (颈外侧区)occipital triangle(枕三角)greater supraclavicular fossa(锁骨上大窝) 3.sternocleidomastoid region(胸锁乳突肌区),Triangles of the neck (Right side),(二)The landmarks (体表标志)1.

3、the hyoid bone(舌骨)2 the thyroid cartilage(甲状软骨)3. the cricoid cartilage(环状软骨)4. the jugular notch(颈静脉切迹)5. the sternocleidomastoid(胸锁乳突肌)6. the greater supraclavicular fossa(锁骨上大窝),Surface landmarks of the neck (The head is fully extended),二颈部层次结构The superficial structures (浅层结构)1. the skin (皮肤) 2.

4、the superficial fascia and its contents: platysma(颈阔肌) , superficial veins (anterior jugular vein, external jugular vein) (颈前静脉、颈外静脉) superficial nerves,Superficial structures of the neck (The left platysma is removed, anterior view),superficial nervesbranches of the cervical plexus(颈丛皮支)lesser occi

5、pital nerve (枕小神经)greater auricular nerve(耳大神经)transverse nerve of the neck(颈横神经)supraclavicular nerve(锁骨上神经)branches of the facial nerve(面神经颈支),Cutaneous nerves of cervical plexus (Left side),3. cervical fascia(深层结构)Superficial layer Middle layer Deep layer,三颈前区,(一)舌骨上区1.颏下三角(submental triangle) 2.

6、下颌下三角(submandibular triangle ),(二)舌骨下区1. The carotid triangle:(颈动脉三角)1) the boundaries:Between the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid and the superior belly of the omohyoid posterior belly of the digastric.,2) The contents:(1)common carotid artery and its branches:(颈总动脉)carotid sinus, caroti

7、d glomus, external and internal carotid arteries(2)internal jugular vein and its tributaries (颈内静脉)(3)hypoglossal nerve and its branches (舌下神经)vagus nerve and its branches(迷走神经)accessory nerve(副神经),2. muscular triangle:(肌三角)1) The boundaries:Between the anterior border of the sternoc- leidomastoid,

8、superior belly of the omohyoidand anterior medial line of the neck.,2) The contents:Muscles: sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, superior belly of the omohyoid, pretracheal fascia (胸骨舌骨肌、胸骨甲状肌、甲状舌骨肌、肩胛舌骨肌上腹和气管前筋膜)Thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, the cervical portion of esophagus and trachea ct

9、c.(甲状腺、甲状旁腺、颈段食管和颈段气管)Pretracheal space (气管前间隙)Some blood vessels and nerves (某些血管和神经),1. The thyroid gland:(甲状腺),Shape and position H-shape Left and right lobes: lie on either side of inferior part of larynx and superior part of trachea, extend from middle of thyroid cartilage to level of sixth tra

10、chea cartilage Isthmus: overlies 2nd to 4th tracheal cartilage Pyramidal lobe: some times arises from isthmus Fibrous capsule:,The blood vessles and nerves: the superior thyroid artery and superior laryngeal nerve; (甲状腺上动脉和喉上神经) the inferior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve;(甲状腺下动脉和喉返神经)

11、 the lowest thyroid artery(the arteria thyroidea ima)(甲状腺最下动脉) the superior thyroid vein, the middle thyroid vein, the inferior thyroid vein and the unpaired thyroid venous plexus.(甲状腺上中下静脉和甲状腺奇静脉丛),Parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺,Yellowish-brown, ovoid bodies Position Two superior parathyroid glands: lie at

12、 junction of superior and middle third of posterior border of thyroid gland Two inferior parathyroid glands: lie near the inferior thyroid artery, close to the inferior poles of thyroid gland Function: regulate calcium and phosphate balance and is therefore essential for life,气管和食管颈部,四胸锁乳突肌区,1.颈袢2.颈

13、动脉鞘3.颈丛4.颈交感干,五颈外侧区,(一)枕三角1.副神经及周围淋巴结2.颈丛分支,(二)锁骨上三角,Root of neck 颈根部,Formed at thoracic inlet by Anteriorlymanubrium sterni Posteriorlybody of first thoracic vertebra Laterallyfirst rib and costal cartilage,六颈部淋巴,(一)颈上淋巴结(二)颈前淋巴结(三)颈外侧淋巴结,谢谢,大学课件出品版权归原作者所有联系QQ :910670854如侵权,请告知,吾即删更多精品文档请访问我的个人主页ht

14、tp:/ 却聪明得太迟 把钱省下来,等待退休后再去享受 结果退休后,因为年纪大,身体差,行动不方便,哪里也去不成。钱存下来等养老,结果孩子长大了,要出国留学,要创业做生意,要花钱娶老婆,自己的退休金都被拗走了。,人生太短,聪明太晚(2),当自己有足够的能力善待自己时,就立刻去做,老年人有时候是无法做中年人或是青少年人可以做的事,年纪和健康就是一大因素。小孩子从小就告诉他,养你到高中,大学以后就要自立更生,要留学,创业,娶老婆,自己想办法,自己要留多一点钱,不要为了小孩子而活我们都老得太快却聪明得太迟,我的学长去年丧妻。这突如其来的事故,实在叫人难以接受,但是死亡的到来不总是如此。学长说他太太最

15、希望他能送鲜花给他,但是他觉得太浪费,总推说等到下次再买,结果却是在她死后,用鲜花布置她的灵堂。这不是太蠢愚了吗?! 等到、等到.,似乎我们所有的生命,都用在等待。,人生太短,聪明太晚(3),等到我大学毕业以后,我就会如何如何我们对自己说 等到我买房子以后! 等我最小的孩子结婚之后! 等我把这笔生意谈成之后! 等到我死了以后 人人都很愿意牺牲当下,去换取未知的等待;牺牲今生今世的辛苦钱,去购买后世的安逸 在台湾只要往有山的道路上走一走,就随处都可看到农舍变精舍,山坡地变灵塔,无非也是为了等到死后,能图个保障,不必再受苦。许多人认为必须等到某时或某事完成之后再采取行动。明天我就开始运动,明天我就

16、会对他好一点,下星期我们就找时间出去走走;退休后,我们就要好好享受一下。,人生太短,聪明太晚(4),然而,生活总是一直变动,环境总是不可预知,现实生活中,各种突发状况总是层出不穷。身为一个医生,我所见过的死人,比一般人要来得多。这些人早上醒来时,原本预期过的是另一个平凡无奇的日子,没想到一个意料之外的事;交通意外、脑溢血、心脏病发作等等。剎那间生命的巨轮倾覆离轨,突然闯进一片黑暗之中。那么我们要如何面对生命呢?我们毋需等到生活完美无瑕,也毋需等到一切都平稳,想做什么,现在就可以开始做起。一个人永远也无法预料未来,所以不要延缓想过的生活,不要吝于表达心中的话, 因为生命只在一瞬间。,人生太短,聪明太晚(5),记住! 给活人送一朵鲜花,强过给死人送贵重的花圈,每个人的生命都有尽头,许多人经常在生命即将结束时,才发现自己还有很多事没有做,有许多话来不及说,这实在是人生最大的遗憾。 别让自己徒留为时已晚的空余恨。逝者不可追,来者犹未卜,最珍贵、最需要实时掌握的当下,往往在这两者蹉跎间,转眼错失。,


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