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1、,A Lets spell,unit6 In a nature park,Put you fingers in the air,sing,2、Chant : (视频播放) It is winter. I look out of my window.I can see white snow.Down comes the snow,slow,slow,slow.It is spring. I look out of my window.I can see something yellow.Up comes a flower,slow,slow,slow.,Step2、Lead -in & Pres

2、entation1.创设情景:同学们,今天我们将参加爸爸去哪儿节目,大家开心吗?今天村长会交给我们什么任务呢?让我们一起来看看任务卡吧。,任务:找到陷入困难的奶奶,并帮助她。,小贴士:通过以下闯关来完成任务。,第一关,第三关,第二关,第五关,第四关,第六关,第一关,找到奶奶 了解情况,呈现房子的图片,引出单词house T:Look!Whats that? S:Its a house . T:Yes,its an old house. h-ou-se,house,(板书 house) Listen and repeat:ou , /u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / house

3、,house S:ou ,/u / house,house,2.接着播放音频文件,the sound of the mouse 引出单词sound,并教授单词,教师有意识拆音s-ou-nd-sound.T:Listen! Whats that sound? S:The sound of a mouse./A ladys shout and the sound of gun. T:Youre right.The sound of a mouse./A ladys shout and the sound of gun.s-ou-nd-sound. (板书 sound)Listen and repe

4、at:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / sound,sound S:ou ,/u / sound,sound T:What happened?Lets go and have a look!,3.播放动画视频,展示从天花板掉下来很多老鼠的画面,继续引出单词mouse,count,并教授单词,教师有意识拆音m-ou-se-mouse ; c-ou-nt-count.,T: OK,its so crazy.What animals can you see? S:Mouse. T: Well done,m-ou-se-mouse. (板书 mouse) Listen an

5、d repeat:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / mouse,mouse S:ou ,/u / mouse,mouse T:So many mice ,can you count?,S:No. T:Lets try to count.One,two,three.Wow, its too much to count.c-ou-nt,count ,(板书 count)Listen and repeat:ou ,/u / S:ou ,/u / T:ou ,/u / count,count S:ou ,/u / count,count,小结,发现字母组合ou的发音规律ho

6、use sound mouse count 设计意图:培养学生的观察、记忆、思维能力,和自主探究的学习能力。,顺利过关!,1.Lets do.播放三年级上册第二单元Lets do 部分的内容,让学生听听做做,操练形式为分组操练和全班操练。设计意图:说唱比较有节奏感,能增加语音教学的趣味性,很好地进行听音,辨音和模仿跟读。学生很自然积极地得到:眼到,耳到,口到,心到的训练。 4.Look,listen and circle.,Step 3、Practice,第二关,2.Lets do,Black,black,stand up. Orange,orange,sit down. White,whit

7、e,touch the ground. Brown,brown,turn around.,顺利过关!,第三关,智力比拼,2.Do the exercises a、把下面含有相同字母组合的词分别填在适当的圈里。,house how about cow mouse flower now around sound wow count down,sound,house,around,mouse,about,count,ou,now,ow,flower,wow,down,how,cow,mouse,house,count,(4)soudn,sound,(1)hsoue,(2)moues,(3)cnout

8、,b、把字母重新排序。,顺利过关!,第四关,Lets chant.,3.Lets chant.,a.播放Lets chant内容,学生跟读。 b.学生分小组自由说唱。 c.分男生组和女生组比赛说唱。 d.全班一起说唱。,顺利过关!,4.Look,listen and circle.a.播放Look,listen and circle 部分的录音,让学生完成听音圈出单词的活动.。,第五关,Listen and circle.,b.Who can read more:(学以致用读单词, 分小组比赛,看谁能够又快又准的读出单词)出示更多含有ou的单词如:out,shout,loud,cloud,gr

9、ound,about,round,mouth.请学生拼读,带领学生利用字母和字母组合卡片进行拼读游戏.通过练习,巩固ou的发音规律,拓展新词。,顺利过关!,第六关,Look,listen and write.,:,Step 4.Consolidation & Extention1.Look ,listen and write.教师呈现教材中的三幅图片,学生分小组谈论图片。播放本部分录音,学生根据录音中内容,完成练习。2.Check the answer,then choose one sentence from above and write.,成功过六关!,恭喜,闯关奖励,:,情感渗透:经过

10、大家的努力合作,最终顺利过关,为老奶奶赢得了一套新房子,开心地完成了村长今天交待的任务。培养学生有爱心、有责任心和乐于助人的良好品质。,:,五、小结:/au/,ow : cow flower wow down how brown now,ou : house sound mouse count about around ground,六、布置作业:Homework1、读读,拼拼 Lets spell2 、写写house,mouse,sound,count3、自行归纳、总结字母组合ou的发音 规则,阅读包含更多例词的文本,七.板书设计Unit 6 In a nature park A lets spellou /u /,Bye-bye !,Thank you,


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