数词复习课件 ms.dang

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《数词复习课件 ms.dang》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《数词复习课件 ms.dang(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中考专题复习,数 词,制作人:Ms.Dang,考考自己4.A.The No.7 Middle School B.The No.6 Middle School C.The No.14 Middle School,考考自己2.A.A quarter to five B.A quarter past fiveC.Half an hour past two,考考自己5.A.March 15th B.March 13th C.March 12th D.March 10th,考考自己,考考自己3.A.60 yuan a kilo B.20 yuan a kiloC.40 yuan a kilo,1.A.5

2、1528326 B.51518186 C.51568862,【考试说明】2014年中考学科考试说明要求:1.掌握1-100的基数词和序数词的形式及基本用法。2.熟练掌握时间、日期及分数的基本表达方法。3.掌握日常交际活动中数词的常见用法。如No.5, lesson 10等。4.理解数词的某些特殊用法。如hundreds of等。,1.了解数词的含义; 2.掌握基数词和序数词的构成形式和基本用法; 3.熟练掌握时间、日期、年代、分数及编号的基本表达方法; 4.熟练把握 hundred、thousand、 million、 billion 的用法;,复习目标,(重点),(难点),数词的含义:,表示

3、数目多少或先后顺序的词叫做数词。,基数词,序数词,one,two,three,sixty-four,ninety,first,second,third,sixty-fourth,ninetieth,一、基数词,英语中常用的基数词有:,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,13 14 15 16 17 18 19,fourteensixteen seventeen nineteen,2030 40 50 60 70 80 90,twentyt

4、hirtyfifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,2197100 106 238多 位 数,twenty -one ninety-seven,billion,million,thousand,one/a hundred a hundred and six two hundred and eight,76,832,154,968,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen,forty,基数词不难记, 找清规律很容易;十二以内词各异, 需要仔细特别记;十三数到十九去, 后加teen莫忘记; 二十、三十至九十,整十之后有ty;要说“几十几”, 中间“-”别丢弃;a

5、 hundred 是一百,请你记住莫大意。,记忆口诀,一、基数词,英语中常用的基数词有:,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12,zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,13 14 15 16 17 18 19,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,2030 40 50 60 70 80 90,twentythirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

6、,2197100 106 238多 位 数,twenty -one ninety-seven,billion,million,thousand,one/a a hundred and six two hundred and eight,76,832,154,968,hundred,中考热点,hundred, thousand, million, billion 用法:,1、前有具体基数词或some,many,several等 时用原形。,2、否则在这些词后加 s 并和 of 连用。,【及时练习 】1.By the end of last year we have plantedabout fi

7、ve trees.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of,A,2. Weve planted trees in the center of our city this year.A. thousand B. two thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of,3. books must be produced for the children.A. many million B. many millions C. many million of D. many millions of,D,A,

8、二、序数词,填表找规律:,123,firstsecondthird,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,fourthsixth seventhtenth elevenththirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth,20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90,twenieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth,2365394,twenty

9、-thirdsixty-fifththree hundred and ninety-fourth,fifth,twelfth,eighth,ninth,基变序,有规律, 末尾加上 th; 一、二、三特殊记, 面目全非要注意; 八加 h,九去 e, ve要用 f 替; 逢十改 y 为 ie, 后跟 th 莫忘记; 若想表示几十几, 只变个位就可以。,基数词变序数词规则,二、序数词,填表找规律:,123,firstsecondthird,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth

10、 tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth,20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90,twenieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth,2365394,twenty-thirdsixty-fifththree hundred and ninety-fourth,中考热点,数词中常考查1、2、3、5、8、9、12、,20的 基数词和序

11、数词的形式。,【及时练习】 1.The lift raised us on the (12) floor.,2. Today we are going to learn the lesson. A. twenty B. 20 C. twentieth D. twentyth,twelfth,C,三、数词应用,1、年份日期的表达方法;,1)月日,年(注意:日用序数词),2)日月,年(the+序数词+of+月,年),例:1997年3月21日 读作,March the twenty-first,nineteen ninety-seven,例:2007年4月12日 读作,The twelfth of

12、April,two thousand and seven,the twenty-first of March, nineteen ninety-seven,April the twelfth,two thousand and seven,例:2014年5月1日 读作,The first of May,two thousand and fourteen,May the first,two thousand and fourteen,2、年代的表达方法;,in the+年s/年s(在世纪年代),in 年(在年),例:在18世纪20年代,in the 1720s/1720s,读作:,in the s

13、eventeen twenties,写作:,例:在1720年,写作:,in 1720,读作:,in seventeen twenty,3、时刻的表达方法;,1)时在前,分在后,按基数词读;,2)分在前,时在后,a. “几点过几分”用 past (分钟数30)。,b. “几点差几分”用 to (分钟数30)。,例: 10:15,例: 7:05,例: 7:57,例: 2:30,ten fifteen,fifteen past ten,seven five,five past seven,seven fifty-seven,three to eight,two thirty,half past tw

14、o,4、分数的表达方法;,记忆口诀,先分子,后分母, 分子基,分母序, 分子大于1,分母加s,特别提示:1/2通常用a/one half1/4通常用a/one quarter,例:1/3,one third,two thirds,例:2/3,four fifths,例:4/5,a/one half,例:1/2,a/one quarter,例:1/4,5、事物编号的表达方法;,给东西编号时,例: 第三课,例: 第五排,Lesson three/3,the third lesson,Row five/5,the fifth row,序号在前用序数词,序号在后用基数词,6、次数、倍数的表达方法;,一

15、次/倍两次/倍三次/倍四十次/倍,once,twice,three times,forty times,基数词+times,【考点总结】,1、年份日期的表达方法;,2、年代的表达方法;,3、时刻的表达方法;,4、分数的表达方法;,5、事物编号的表达方法;,6、次数、倍数的表达方法;,7、hundred, thousand, million, billion 用法:,【巩固提高】1.Im 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is years older than me.A.one B.two C.three D.four,2.About of the students in Grade Ninethis year were born in the .A.three five,1996 B.three fifths,1990s C.third fifth,1997 D.third fifths,1990s,B,B,【巩固提高】3.Please turn to page and look at the picture in this unit. A.twentieth,one B.twenty,one C.twentieth,first D.twenty,first,



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