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1、The most mysterious scenery of caves in the world,-By group 4,Ripples of Calcite(波浪石),These rare calcite deposits,which look a bit like shredded wheat,were found on walls deep within Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns Nationl Park,New Mexico.Scientists think the rippled formations,known as folia,f

2、ormed as water levels repeatedly rose and fell,leaving calcite deposits behind. 在美国新墨西哥州的列楚基耶洞穴深处的洞壁上发现的这些珍稀方解石沉积物,看起来有点像小麦片。科学家认为这些波纹结构就是我们所知道的薄层,当水面反复升降、只剩下方解石沉积物时,就形成了这种薄层。,Underwater Stalagmites(地下水中石笋),Crystal clear water surrounds stalagmites in Lechuguilla Cave,part of Carlsbad Caverns Nation

3、al Park in New Mexico.This once nondescript cave was launched into international stardom in 1986 when caves broke through a closed passage and discovered numerous walkabletunnels,since then,more than 100 miles of tunnel have been mapped,making it the third longest cave in the United States. 在列楚基耶洞内,

4、石笋周围流淌着清澈的水,它是新墨西哥州国家公园的一部分。它是在 1984年由国际明显发现的。这些探洞人突破一条封闭的通道,发现了许多可以行走的通道。 从此,160多公里的通道被发现了,成为美国第三大最长洞穴和世界第五大最长洞穴。,Greenland Glacier Cave(格陵兰冰盾),A spelunker in a glacier cave in Greenland gazes up-on co- -lors and shapes that look m- -ore like a swirling galaxy than a cave formation.The otherw- -orl

5、dly contours of a geother- -mal spring. 格陵兰冰河洞穴的一位探勘者 向上注视着洞穴颜色和形状, 它们看起来更像漩涡星系,而 不是洞穴构造。此冰室的不同 寻常的轮廓是由地热温泉形成 的。,Glacier Caving(冰河洞穴),Spelunkers rapple 300 feet (90 meters) into the Greenland ice sheet .Glacier caves such as these from when seasonal meltwater or geothermal vents cut fissures and cha

6、nnels through an ice sheet . Because they are made of ice ,glacier caves can be quite unstable and present unique challenges to spelunkers .此照片是卡斯通.彼得深入格陵兰冰盾90米深处拍到的冰河洞穴一景。当季节性冰雪融化或地热喷口产生裂缝和通道贯穿冰原时,就会形成这种形式的冰河洞穴。由于它们是由冰构成的,因此,冰雪洞穴特别不稳定,随时都有崩塌的可能,这是洞窟探勘者面临的最大挑战。,Karst Cave,China(芦笛岩洞),Looking like th

7、e set of a science fiction movie, Chinas Reed Flute Ca- -ve is bathed in purple- blue light.Created by an underground river more than a half million years ago,this highly accessi- -ble karst formation is one of the regions mo- -st popular tourist attac- -tions.But during World War the cave served a

8、different purpose-it doubled as an air raid shelter.,就像看科幻电影似的 ,我国的芦笛岩洞沐 浴在一片紫蓝色光芒 中。此岩洞又名“国 宾洞”,位于桂林市西 北的光明山,洞深240 米,游程约五百米。 洞内天然形成密集的 钟乳石,它们线条丰 富流畅,有雄伟广阔 之势。此岩洞是在50 万年前由地下河流形 成的,是著名旅游 胜地,但在二战前期 此岩洞还有不同用途 ,作为防空洞。,Cave Diving(洞穴潜水),Cave divers explore a flooded chamber of Floridas Diepolder Cave ,25

9、0 feet (76meters) below the Earths surface . Named after the man who originally owned the land ,Diepolder Cave is located on Sand Hill Boy Scourt Reservation near Brooksville,Florida . Since 1960 ,300 people have dead underwater. 洞穴潜入者探测美国佛罗里达被洪水淹没 的代波尔德洞室,代波尔德洞穴深76米, 是以拥有此地的一美国男子的名字命名的 。自1960年来已大约有300人死于水下。,Cave Pearls(洞穴珍珠),Mineral deposits in caves can create amazing shapes,such as these chocolaty-looking cave pools when layers of calcite are slowly deposited around a grain of sand or dirt. 洞穴中的矿物沉积物能令人惊讶的形 状,如这些巧克力状洞穴珍珠。这些 独特的球形结构是在洞穴池中创造的, 当层层方解石慢慢沉积时,就会形成 粒状沙粒或尘埃。,Thats all,Thank you!,



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