五年级英语上册 unit6 in a nature park课件1 人教

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1、Follow Me,Good morning Two little black birds,1,In A Nature Park 在一个自然公园里,Binhu Primary School,Miss Li,2,nature park 自然公园,石头剪刀布,3,There grasses in the nature park.,There flowers in the nature park.,are,are,花,草,f f f f flower,g g g g grass,句子填空游戏 :老师每读一次,留一空给大家填空,当老师读完整个句子,同学们拍3下,当同学们读完整个句子,老师拍3下。,4,

2、mountain山,There is a in the nature park.,5,There a in the nature park.,is,path,forest,小路,森林,吹泡泡:看老师的手势读单词,当吹得太大“砰”的一声,所有同学要伏在桌上不能发出声音,发出声音的受罚!,6,sky,There is a cloud .,cloud,in the sky.,天空,云,7,There a in the nature park.,is,river,河流,8,There a in the nature park.,is,lake,Is it a river?,湖,9,70,花,云,天空,

3、湖,森林,山,小路,自然公园里有一片森林。,P70,31,草,河流,10,踩地雷,lake,path,river,flower,cloud,sky,11,I love the nature park,sky天空 The sky is blue.天空是蓝的,cloud白云 The cloud is white.云是白的。,grass草 The grass is green.草是绿的。,river河 The river is clean.河是干净的。,flower花 The flowers are nice.花是漂亮的。,mountain山 The mountains are high.山是高的。,12,打地鼠,天空,云,山,河流,花,草,湖,森林,小路,13,打地鼠,lake,flower,grass,forest,cloud,mountain,sky,river,path,14,15,Draw a picture of a nature park as you like.自己设计一幅自然公园图画。(并用英语标上各风景名称)Introduce 湘阴 for your friends.把湘阴介绍给你的朋友吧!,Homework.,任选其一,16,There is/are.in the nature park.,17,


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