《unit 3lesson 17 lets buy postcards课件》小学英语冀教版三年级起点五年级下册

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《《unit 3lesson 17 lets buy postcards课件》小学英语冀教版三年级起点五年级下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《unit 3lesson 17 lets buy postcards课件》小学英语冀教版三年级起点五年级下册(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 17 Lets Buy Postcards!,五年级英语课件 unit3 lesson17,postcard,What does on this postcard?,A postcard has a picture on it.,a letter,a postcard,A letter has no a picture.,But a postcard has a picture on it.,What does the postcard have?,It has a picture of the Palace Museum!,Whats the postcard have?,Yo

2、u write a letter on paper,But you write an e-mail on a computer,shop,How much for this posrcard?,One yuan,Two yuan,读课文,回答问题,1. Who does Jenny want to send her postcard to?,Jenny wants to send the postcard to her mum and dad.,2.Who does Liming want to send his postcard to?,Li ming wants to send the p

3、ostcard to his cousin jing.,练习题,一、补全单词并连线l tt -m lP stc d,明信片电子邮件信,二、选择填空: 1、How for this postcard? Five yuan. (many,much) 2、How students are there in your class? Thirty-four. (many, much) 3、I want send this postcard my mum and dad.,17课笔记 1. postcard 明信片 A postcard has a picture on it .明信片上有图画。 2. e

4、-mail 电子邮件 You write an e-mail on a computer. 你在电脑上写电子邮件。 3. letter 信 You write a letter on paper. 你在纸上写信。,句型 1 Whats on this postcard? 明信片上有什么? It has a picture of the Palace Museum. 它上面有故宫的图片。 2. send to. 把寄给/送给.I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad. 我想把明信片寄给我妈妈和爸爸。 3. How much for(is) th

5、is postcard?这张明信片多少钱?One yuan.,4 Ill take nine,please. 我要买九张。Homework 1.抄写 an e-mail, letter, postcard, funny, sendto 2.抄写重点句子 1) Whats on this postcard? 2) It has a picture of the Palace Museum 3) I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad 4) How much for(is) this postcard? 5) Ill take nine,please,


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