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1、Period 24,响水县2018年中考一轮复习课件,(八年级下册 Unit 4),基础精梳理 ,German,France,write,tying,tied,tied,stomachs,manager,able,successful,successfully,succeed,translation,hide,confident,do with,in ones spare time,crash against sth,by the time,be tired out,the sameas,fall over,try to do sth,run away,hand in,and so on,on

2、 time,so far,a great success,translateinto,search for,at a time,give sb confidence,give sb advice on,open up,考点1 tie vt. 捆,绑,点拨 tie的现在分词形式为tying,过去式和过去分词均为tied。搭配 tie up系紧拓展 tie还可作名词,意为“领带”。,考点巧突破,tie,tie,考点2 until prep.& conj. 直到为止,点拨 until用于肯定句时,与延续性动词连用,意为“直到为止”;用于否定句时,与短暂性(瞬间)动词连用,常以notuntil的形式出

3、现,意为“直到才”,可与after, before等引导的时间状语从句进行转换。,【2015江苏盐城】7. Dont go out _ the rain stops. Otherwise, youll get wet.A. after B. since C. when D. until 【2015重庆A】36. Julie didnt leave office _ the police arrived. A. however B. whenever C. while D. until,notuntil表示“直到才”。句意:那个小女孩直到找到她妈妈才停止哭泣。,B,考点3 continue vt

4、.&vi. 继续,点拨 continue后可接名词、代词、不定式或动名词形式作宾语。搭配 continue to do/doing sth 继续做某事to be continued (未完)待续,continued,考点4 either adv. 也,辨析 either/too/also,拓展 either还可作代词,意为“两者中的任何一个”。,辨析 each/every/either,搭配 eitheror或者或者,either,D,考点5 hand in 上交,递交,点拨 hand in为“动词副词”结构词组,若接代词it或them作宾语时,代词要放在hand和in中间,即hand it/

5、them in;若接名词作宾语时,名词在hand和in中间或in之后均可。,_ I complete the composition today, sir? No, you neednt. You may _tomorrow morning.A. Can, hand it in B. May, hand in it C. Must, hand it in D. Need, hand in it,考点6 do with/deal with,D,考点7 the sameas 与一样的,拓展 the same as的反义短语为be different from,意为“与不同”。 The weathe

6、r in Beijing is different from that in Guangzhou. 北京的天气与广州的不同。,be different from意为“与不同”,与not the same as同义,故选A。,A,考点8 habit n. 习惯,搭配 have the habit of有的习惯 get into a habit养成一种习惯,refuse 意为“拒绝,回绝”,其后可以接名词,代词或动词不定式作宾语。 *注意,中文可以说“拒绝某人做某事”,但英语不能说refuse sb.to do sth. (2017上海) Vivian refuses _ her children

7、 to the weekend training centre for extra classes.A) to send B) sending C) sent D) sends,A,考点9 refuse,考点10 success n. 成功,点拨 success指“成功”时,是不可数名词;指“成功的人(或事)”时,是可数名词。,success,a,great,1. English, Chinese and _(法语) are important working languages of the UN. 2. She was a great_(write) and hes especially

8、famous for his play, Teahouse. 3. Ive never been to Beijing. I havent e_. 4. Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功). 5. Just now John didnt _ (拒绝) to go to Lisas party, did he? 6. Tina has got many interesting _(经历) since she came to China. 7. Lily has a good h_ of reading Engl

9、ish stories every day. 8. The bank is_(在对面) the supermarket, on the other side of the road.,French,writer,ither,success,refuse,experience,abit,opposite,智能双提升,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. He is one of the most popular _ (write) in China. 2. At first, I learnt English by _ (listen) to the radio. 3He was tired out

10、after _ (swim) for a long time. 4Jack kept _ (wait) for you for a long time. 5You must _ (finish) your homework on time.,writers,listening,swimming,waiting,finish,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 我们应该什么时候上交作业? When should we _ _ our homework? 2. 我完成了工作后,筋疲力尽。 After I finished my work, I _ _ _ 3他外套的尺码和我的一样大。 His coat

11、is _ _ _ _ mine. 4他的胳膊被绑在了地上。 His arm _ _ _ the ground. 5你决定如何处理这些书了吗? Have you decided what to _ _ these books?,hand,in,out,was,tired,as,the,same,size,to,were,tied,with,do,【2015新疆乌鲁木齐】29.Our teachers usually give us some_on how to face the difficulties and challenges_A. advice; brave B. advices; br

12、ave C. advices; bravely D. advice; bravely 【2015辽宁沈阳】5. Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of his _.A. success B. chance C. idea D. dream 【2015湖北随州】29. Mrs. Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year. She said she would never forget some pleasant _ while wo

13、rking there.A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions,【2015四川南充】27. The green dictionary _ belong to _. Her name is on it.A. may, Carlas B. must, Carla C. cant,Carla D. must, Carlas 【2015湖南永州】26. Could you please tell me _ next? A. how to do B. how to do it C. what to do it 【2015湖北恩施】Dad,when did you come back from the farmland yesterday?Well, I didnt come back_ the rain stopped.A. while B.until C.because 7. 【2015江苏泰州】 How long can I _ this novel Gullivers Travels? Only two weeks.A. borrow B. lend C. return D. keep,



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