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1、Period 36,响水县2018年中考一轮复习课件,(九年级上册 Unit 6),课前自学反馈,Asian,live,murderer,coming,director,wealthy,课前自学反馈,weekly,done,recorder,latest,mysteries,stay at home all day,need a little sleep,learn a lot about,win a big prize,not much dialogue,uptodate information,a number of,the coming World Cup,have nothing to

2、 do,be covered live,vote online for,send text messages to,two free concert tickets,an interview with sb,feel sad about sth,get scared easily,take a close look,win an award for,live in the wild,a horror film directed by sb,sayin a low voice,come out of,call the police,three men in police uniforms,get

3、ting bored with staying,will be covered live,A weekly roundup of,years,with uptodate information,There are a number of interviews,while watching,a wealthy doctor is found dead,Write down,will not find out the answer until,takes a close look at,won an award for its amazing,have a chance to,have littl

4、e interest in,is just a waste of time,tried to use a knife to open,词 汇 点 睛,1 cover vt. 报道,电视报道;涉及;覆盖 The reporters are sent to cover the fire in the factory. 那些记者们都被派去报道这家工厂的火情了。 His speech covered some differences between Eastern culture and Western culture. 他的演说涉及了一些东西方文化的差异。,The table is covered

5、with a nice cloth. 桌上盖着一块漂亮的桌布。 拓展 cover n. 盖子,套子,覆盖物;(书等的)封面、封皮;隐藏物,躲避处 The front cover of the novel has been torn off.这本小说的封面已被撕掉了。,2 director n. 导演 点拨 director由“direct(v.)or”构成。类似结构的单词还有actor(演员), visitor(参观者), inventor(发明者), collector(收藏家)等。 拓展 (1)direct作动词,意为“导演;指导”。 Who directed that film?那部电影

6、是谁导演的? (2)direct作形容词,意为“直接的”。,He took a direct flight to New York.他乘坐直达航班到纽约。 (3)directly作副词,意为“直接地”。 She has never talked about Tom directly. 她从不直接谈论汤姆。 (4)direction作名词,意为“方向”。 People ran in all directions when they heard the noise like thunder. 当人们听到像雷一样的声音时,他们到处乱跑。,3 wealthy adj. 富有的 The young ma

7、n was born in a wealthy family. 这个年轻人生于一个富裕的家庭。 Everyone wants to be healthy, wealthy and happy. 每个人都想过健康、富裕和幸福的生活。 拓展 wealth 作名词,意为“财富,财产”。 The father passed on the familys wealth to his son. 这位父亲把大笔家产传给了他的儿子。,4 unless conj. 除非 点拨 unlessifnot,意为“除非,如果不”,含有unless引导的条件状语从句的复合句,可以转换为“祈使句or句子”。 You wil

8、l fail unless you work hard. You will fail if you dont work hard. Work hard, or you will fail. 你如果不努力工作,就会失败。,1 A weekly roundup of what is happening in sport, with uptodate information. 一周体育新闻摘要及最新消息。 点拨 (1)weekly adj. 每周一次的,每周的;adv.每周一次地 Mr Wang is used to reading the weekly newspaper every Sunday

9、 morning. 王先生习惯于每周日早上看周报。 She calls her mother weekly. 她每周给妈妈打一次电话。,句 型 透 视,(2)uptodate作形容词,意为“最新的”,同义词为latest和newest。 但uptodate和latest指与时间有关的最新的,而newest指新旧程度。 Amys digital camera is uptodate/the latest in our class. 埃米的数码相机在我们班是最新的。 拓展 表示时间单位的名词词尾加ly可变为形容词或副词,表示频率,如:daily 每日的,日常的;monthly每月一次的,月刊;ye

10、arly 年度的,每年。,2 About 300,000 fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos, and the results will be announced during the show.大约30万歌迷已经在网上投票选出了他们最喜欢的歌曲、歌星和音乐电视,其结果将在节目中宣布。 点拨 (1)vote online for sthvote for sth online,意为“为某事在网上投票”。 You can vote online for your favourite p

11、rogramme of the Spring Festival Gala Evening. 你可以为你最喜欢的春节联欢晚会节目网上投票。,(2)announce作动词,意为“宣布,发表”。 The news was announced by Radio Beijing.这则消息由北京广播电台发布了。 John announced that he had found a new job. 约翰宣布他已经找到了一份新工作。 拓展 announcement作名词,意为“通告,通知,布告”。 The president will make an important announcement. 总统将要

12、发表一项重要声明。,3 Murder in Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director. 乡宅凶杀案是一部由新晋导演辛迪克拉克执导的恐怖片。 点拨 此处directed 是过去分词作后置定语,修饰film。过去分词作定语可表示动作已经完成和被动的含义。放在被修饰的名词之前,称为前置定语;放在被修饰的名词之后,称为后置定语。,(1)前置定语:单个过去分词及由过去分词构成的复合形容词作定语时,通常置于被修饰词之前。 如:the developed countries 发达国家; welltrained

13、 policemen 训练有素的警察; manmade satellites 人造卫星; invited people 被邀请的人; used books 用过的书 (2)后置定语:过去分词短语作定语要后置。 The bridge built last year needs repairing. 去年建造的那座桥需要修理。,.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. Is that singer from an _ (Asia) country? 2. Some students in our class would like to be _ (direct) 3. He was the eldes

14、t son of a _ (wealth) family. 4If everyone works hard, well soon have the job _ (finish) 5. Lucy writes a _ (week) email to her friend.,Asian,directors,wealthy,finished,weekly,当堂效果检测,.单项选择 1The number of swimmers _ getting larger and larger. Look! A number of students _ swimming in this river. Ais;

15、are Bare; is Cis; is Dare; are 2Ill go hiking with my cousin tomorrow. But if it _, Ill stay at home and help my mother do some housework. Awill rain Bis raining Crains Ddoesnt rain 3The result _ the match _ in a week. Aof; will announce Bof; will be announced Cfor; was announced Dfor; announced,A,C,B,4The _ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. A100minute B100minutes C100 minute D100 minutes 5_ you know the way to the park, youd better take a map with you. AUnless BIf CSince DWhether,



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