牛津英语8A unit5 welcome to the unit

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《牛津英语8A unit5 welcome to the unit》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津英语8A unit5 welcome to the unit(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Why do people like parrots?,Because they can talk.,Do parrots know what they say?,No ,they dont,Where do parrots come from?,They come from hot countries.,Unit 5 Birdwatchers,Hobo: what are you doing womorrow,Eddie?,Eddie: I am going birdwatching at the market.,Hobo: at the market?,Eddie: I like the

2、 birds at the market.Beijing Ducks and roast chickens.Yummy!,Does Eddie really like birdwatching?Where does Eddie think is the best place to watch birds?3. Why?,No,it doesnt.,At the market.,Because it thinks at the market . Here are Beijing Ducks and roast chickens.,Birds in zhalong,B,E,C,A,F,D,It h

3、as long pointed wings and forked tail.,It has many long things like a beak and a neck.,It has brown and grey feathers.,It has white feathers.,It has broad wings and hooked beak.,It has web-footed feet.,Can you describe these birds?,forked tail.,long pointed wings,brown and grey feathers,Long beak,lo

4、ng neck.,Long legs,Long-winged,web-footed feet,Long thin neck,white feathers,Hooked beak,Broad wings,You want to find out which bird your partner likers best and why.Work in pairs . Take turns to ask youpartner.,Which bird do you like best? I like the parrot best. Why? Because it has colourful feath

5、ers.,Eddie: Ah, I am _(吃饱了).I _(想要) to sleep again. Hobo: You are really _(懒惰).What are you doing tomorrow? Eddie: I will_(观看鸟类) Hobo: Really? Where are you going to see them? Eddie: _(在市场上) Hobo: Oh, its far from your home .Its _ (在北面)the town. Why do you go there? Eddie: Because there is a special

6、 bird which has_(宽宽的翅膀). And the most important is.Hobo: I know. _ (烤鸡)and _ (北京烤鸭),又见到我们的老朋友Eddie和Hobo了看看他俩在说什么呢?,full,want,lazy,at the market,in the northest,broad wings,roast chickens,Beijing duck,birdwatching,Catherine: what are you g_ to do this afternoon? Victor: I am going b_. Would you like

7、to go with me ? Catherine: Ok. What bird do you like b_? Victor: I like g_eagle best. Catherine: why?Victor: because they are very strong. They have b_wings and can fly to a high place. How about you? Which is your f_ bird? Catherine: I like s _best .they are very beautiful. When they fly ,they look like fairies. Victor: well, lets g_ .,Catherine和Victor正在谈论他们喜爱的小鸟,你也来加入吧!,oing,irdwatching,est,olden,road,wan,o,avourite,goodbye,


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