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1、,Lesson 43Let Me Check My Calendar,A task: What job do you want to do after you graduate from high school? What do you need to study to get that job? What else do you need to do? Write a plan to help your dream come true. Try using this pattern:To get my job, first _, then _ and finally, _.”,pilot,f

2、ire fighter,butcher,merchant,tailor,Think about it! What does a student do? What does a lawyer do? What about a merchant? What would you like to be? And why?,Read quickly and answer the questions: What does a lawyer do?What about a merchant?,help people understand and use laws,help people who are in

3、 trouble with the law and also help put criminals in prison,Language notes:,steal stole stolen “偷, 窃取”steal sth. “窃取某物”steal sth. for sb. “为某人窃取某物”steal sth. from sb. “从某人那里偷盗,偷某人的某物”have sth. stolen “某物被偷”,1. Find out what he stole.,Who has stolen my bike?He stole the bag for her.He stole some mone

4、y from the passenger on the bus.She has had her purse stolen.,2. 12:00 pm In court with Earl.,in court “在法庭上”,Ill meet him in court tomorrow.,Language notes:,pick v. “摘,采(花朵、果实)等” (偶然地)获得,学会(语言),收听,接收,中途接人,恢复健康,恢复活pick up “拾起, 捡起”,3. 7:30 am Pick up trousers from the tailor.,Please pick up the pen o

5、n the floor.He picked up a foreign language.We picked up the news by accident.Mr Wang picked up his daughter on his way home.She is beginning to pick up.,4. Make sure they are long enough this time.,make sure “确定, 确信, 证实” 后面常跟宾语从句,Make sure that the room is locked before you leave.Please make sure t

6、hat the lights are turned off.,Language notes:,enough n. “足够, 充分”,Enough has been said on this subject.Ive got enough to do at the moment.,enough adj. “足够的, 充分的”做定语修饰名词, 可放在名词的前面或后面也可作表语,Do you have enough time? = Do you have time enough?Six bottles of wine will be enough.,enough adv. “充分地, 足够地”用于修饰

7、动词、形容词或副词, 但要放在所修饰的动词、形容词和副词之后,Have you played enough?The box is light enough for me to carry.She stayed there long enough.,Language notes:,常用句型: enough (for sb.) to do sth. “足够(某人) 做某事”常和 so that 句型发生转换,It was cold enough to wear a fur coat.The house is big enough for three of us to live.,He is so

8、strong that he can lift the stone.= He is _ _ to lift the stone. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it. = The box isnt _ _ for me to carry.,strong enough,light enough,Language notes:,5. My turn to cook supper tonight.,turn n. “(轮流做某事的)时机, 机会, 次序”,in turn “依次, 轮流”out of turn “不依次序地” take ones turn

9、 to do sth. = take turns at doing sth. “依次/轮流做某事”wait ones turn “等着轮到”Its ones turn to do sth. “轮到某人做某事”,依次发言。请轮流洗碗。等着轮到你吧。轮到你打扫房间了。,Speak in turn.,Please take turns to wash dishes.= Please take turns at washing dishes.,Wait your turn.,Its your turn to clean the room.,Language notes:,6. Supper at Ma

10、rtins.Pick up steaks from the butchers.,当所有格后面的名词是表示住所、店铺等类的名词时,常可以省略。,在我姑姑家在牙医诊所去诊所,at my aunts,at the dentists,go to the doctors,Language notes:,be in trouble with “在某方面遇到麻烦”,7. Lawyers help people who are in trouble with the law and also help (to) put criminals in prison.,help sb. with sth. “在某方面

11、帮助某人” help (to) do sth. “帮助做某事”help sb. (to) do sth. “帮助某人做某事”,have trouble with “在有麻烦”have some trouble with “在有一些麻烦”have much trouble with “在有很多麻烦”have no trouble with “在没有麻烦”,Whats wrong/the matter/the trouble with sb./sth?,Language notes:,Who put you in/into prison last year?Last week eighty cri

12、minals were put in/into prison.,put in/into prison “把投入监狱”,Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs: Jill is shopping _ her brothers birthday present. Li Qins father is a criminal. He has already been put _ prison. Last night we had dinner _ that restaurant. Take care when you drive, o

13、r youll be _ danger. Businessmen shouldnt sell bad food _ customs. They havent seen each other since they graduated _ high school. I have some trouble _ English. They picked _ the broken pieces of glass. She is very kind. She often helps me _ my English.,for,in/into,at,in,to,from,with,up,with,Fill i

14、n each blank with the proper word from the brackets: A thief _(steal) a purse from a lady and ran away quickly. My bike _(steal) yesterday. - What does your uncle do? - He is a _(law). 3. My family are planning _(spend) our holiday in Chengdu. 4. What do you use _(write) on a piece of paper? 5. Dont

15、 forget _(turn) off the light when you leave the room. 6. Its your turn _(sweep) the floor. 7. What would you like _(be)? 8. Please pick up one pound of pork from the _ (butcher). 9. My mother is a good _(cook).,stole,lawyer,to spend,to write,to turn,to sweep,to be,was stolen,butchers,cook,汉译英: 不要忘记

16、穿上干净的衬衣。Dont forget _ _ a clean shirt. 2. 从中学毕业以后,他计划去上大学。After he _ _ high school, he _ _ go to university. 3. 轮到你扫地了。 _ your _ to sweep the floor. 4. 我们所有人都应该帮助那些陷入困境的人们。All of us should help the people who are _ _. 5. 请你确保所有的灯都被关掉了。Please _ _ that the lights are turned off. 6. 律师帮助把罪犯投进监狱。Lawyers help _ criminals _ _. 7. 那是什么? 去把它捡起来? Whats it? _ it _.,


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