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1、1阅读理解阅读理解 A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too. DBCBA A city man was on holiday in the mountains. BACBD A City oFthe World MosTpeople imagine New York to be a city. DABDB A characteristic oFAmerican culture thaThas become almosTa tradition AA? An English traveler found himselFin Norway

2、with only enough money to buy the tickeTfor BADAD A friend oFmine was fond oFdrawing horse. CBDAD A foreigners firsTimpression oFthe U.S. DBDAC A man was telling one oFhis friends why he was contenTwith his married life. CDDAC A million tourists go to Barcelona every year. DCBDD A public house which

3、 was recently boughTby Mr. James is up for sale. BCDCB A traveler came ouToFthe airport. BCADA A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. ABDBD After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, ABBBC All the housewives who wenTto the new supermarkeThad one greaTambition: CCDAD A

4、mericans enjoy sports. CDBCB An old man died and lefThis son a loToFmoney .CDBBC As long as the sun shines, the earth will noTrun ouToFenergy .DBCDA As price and building costs keep rising ,ABDAB As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficulTiTwas to choose ABDBD Before you go to a

5、nother country iTis a greaThelp iFyou know CBBAD Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and puTiTcalmly in his pocket. ADABD Britain and France are separated by the English Channel, DDADC By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage ,CDDCB Cars are lots oFfun

6、, buTthey could also be dangerous. CACBB Community service is an importanTcomponenToFeducation here aTour university. BCADB Computers are useful machines BCABC Foulsham House is a fine, large house oFthe 1790s. DBADC For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping watching TV BCDAC A. help bu

7、sinessman geTmore money C. Teleshopping in Europe Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. CABCD Have you ever listened to young children talking in the playground? BADBC Here is a story told abouTan American general who was a very importanTfigure ADBDC How men firsTlearned to invenTwords

8、is unknown; DCCAA I often dreamed abouTPisa when I was a boy. CDCBD I am going to tell you a story abouTtwo drivers who wanted to park BADDA IFyou do noTuse your arms or your legs for some time, CBAAB IFyou ask Daniel RadclifFwho acted Harry Potter to pick a special momenTfrom the lasTyear ACDBD IFy

9、ou ask mosTAmericans, they would say their favorite season oFthe year is summer. DDCBA IFyou do noTuse your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you starTCCCCB In England, people often talk abouTthe weather ABABC In the United States, iTis noTcustomary to telephone someone very ear

10、ly BBBDB In Sydney there is a special long-distance running race called the City to Surf. CADDC In the United States, children starTschool when they ACCDA In the water around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. CDACB IThas been reported thaTin colleges across the United State

11、s CCDCB2ITwas very cold lasTSunday. ABBCC Jack Brown, an office worker, livers in Washington. CDBBA Laws have been written to govern the use oFAmerican National Flag, ABDCB Linda and David have traveled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. BDABD Long, long ago there was no zero. BBDCA Lovely dog

12、 aged 5(表格) D. a lovely dogB. 5998326 C. $270 D. 10 dollars or less than 10 dollarsB. poor people Man has always wanted to flyDBCCC Many people believe they are supposed to drink eighTglasses oFwater a day, BCCAD Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, BCBAC Martin Luther King was

13、a black minister, CDBAA Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. ACBDB Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters. DCCBA Mr. Tom Forester lived by himselFa long way from town. DCADC Mr. White lived in a small village. BAADC Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. CBADB M

14、y friends grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe. ABCBD My grandparents can be good fun. CDCBD New York is one oFthe mosTexciting cities in the world. BDBCC Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury(奢侈)oFowning a private car, DDAAB On Christmas Eve - the nighTbefore Christmas Day children

15、are very happy. DBCDA Once James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to painTsome pictures on the walls oFthe kings BBCCA One day a bookseller (书商) leTa big box oFbooks fall on his foot. BCDCAOne day a man and his daughter were going Look aTthe instructions on the bottle oFthe medicine an

16、d BAACA Ours is a big world, complex and full oFmany diverse people. BCDBB Paper is one oFthe mosTimportanTproducts ever invented by man. AAABC Pearl Carlson was shaken awake aT3:30 a.m. CABBD Pepys and his wife had asked some friends to dinner on Sunday, CCCBC People used to say, “The hand thaTrocks (摇) the cradle (摇篮) CBCAD Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budgeTis the choice from basic barn to small hote



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