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1、频率副词频率副词 1. 频率副词的用法频率副词的用法 always always 意为“总是”,频率最高,表示动作持续,没有间断,也可以表示讨厌等感情色彩。 e.g.(1)The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起。 (2)He is always smoking. 他总是抽烟。 usually usually 意为“通常”,即很少例外,频率仅次于 always. e.g.(1)He usually goes to school by bike. 他通常骑自行车上学。 often often 意为“经常,常常”,意思为“常常, 经常”,不如 usua

2、lly 那么频繁。e.g. (1)Children dont often do homework. 孩子们经常不写作业。 (2)He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。 sometimes sometimes 意思为“有时,不时”,表示次数较少(低于 often 所表达的次数),常常与一般 现在时或一般过去时连用。e.g. (1)Sometimes he goes to work by bike, and sometimes he goes by bus. 有时候他骑自行车 上班,有时候他乘公共汽车上班。 (2)Sometimes I helped my pa

3、rents in the house. 有时候我帮助父母做家务。 hardly hardly 意思为“难得, 几乎从来不”,它所表示的次数非常少。e.g. (1)He hardly drinks. 他几乎不喝酒。 (2)She hardly plays cards. 她几乎不打牌。 never never 意思为“决不, 从未”,表示一次也没有。e.g. (1)He never lives there. 他从来都没有在那儿住过。 (2)She never has anything to do. 她一向无所事事。2. 频度副词的位置频度副词的位置: 频度副词在句中习惯上位于 be 动词、助动词之

4、后,行为动词之前。如: (1)She is often late for school.她上学经常迟到。 (2)He usually goes to bed at about 12.他通常(午夜)十二点钟睡觉。 (3)When do you usually get up in the morning?早上你通常什么时候起床? sometimes 是个特殊的频度副词,既可以放在 be 动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前,也可以 放在句首,还可以放在句尾。如: (1)I sometimes think that it is a great mistake.我有时想这是一个大错。 (2)Sometime

5、s I help my mother in the house.有时候我帮助妈妈做家务。 often 可以放在句中,也可放在句尾,习惯上不放在句首。如: (1)We have been there quite often.我们经常到那儿去。(五)练习题(五)练习题一、选择题 1. (2009沈阳中考) -Does Alice often work until 2 a.m.?-No, she _ does. A. nearly B. certainly C. seldom D. always 2. (2009江西中考) I didnt know you take a bus to school.

6、-Oh, I _ take a bus, but it is snowing today. A. hardly B. never C. sometimes D. usually 3. (2009阜康中考) -Were you often late for school last term, Tom?-No, _. I got to school early every day. A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never 4. (2009山西中考) How often do you go to a concert?-_ ever. Im not int

7、erested in that at all. A. Usually B. Hardly C. Almost 5. (2009常州中考) -John sings so well. Has he ever been trained? -No. He learns all by himself. He _ goes to any training class. A. usually B. often C. never D. even 6. (2009漳州中考) Miss Gao is very popular with her students.-Yes. Her classes are _ li

8、vely and interesting. A. seldom B. never C. sometimes D. always 7. (2008攀枝花中考) We are going to have a party _ next week.A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times 8. (2008芜湖中考) Sandy is so careful that she _ makes mistakes in her homework. A. usually B. seldom C. often D. Always 二、完成句子 1. _

9、 _does Jenny go swimming?(珍妮多久去游泳?) 2. _ you _ go to school _ _?(你是否总是准时上学?)3. I _ study English in the _, but my sister _ _.(我很少在早上念英語,但我妹妹總是在早上念英語。) 4. Mike _ listens to _ when he studies.(麦克常常在唸书时听音乐。 ) 5. Mr. Zhang _ _ mountain-climbing on _.(张先生通常 在周末时去爬山。) 1、选择题 1-8 CADBCDAB 2、完成句子 1. How ofte

10、n 2. Are always on time 3. seldom morning always does 4. often music 5. usually goes weekends 辨析 sometimes 的意思是“有时”,是副词.例如: Sometimes he comes by bike and sometimes by bus. 他有时骑车来,有时乘公共汽车来. (2)sometime 也是副词,意思是“在某个时候”.可用于一般过去时与将来时.例如:You can hand in your homework sometime before Friday. 你可以在周五前某个时候交作业. (3)some time 是名词短语,它的意思是“一段时间”.例如: Ill be away for some time.我将离开一段时间. (4)some times 也是一个名词短语,time 在这里用作可数名词,意思是“次数”. some times 的意思是“几次”.例如:I have been to the Great Wall some times


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