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1、,微 生 物 學 Microbiology,藥學系副教授 藥 學 博 士,朱 世 德,修課守則與教學評量,請準時到課,如未能到課請依學則請假。 上課中有問題提問,請先舉手再發問。 保持課堂安寧,嚴禁任意交談。 成績考查方式: 期中考試:30,筆試。 平常考察:30,上課表現、出席狀況及參與議題研討之表現等。 期末考試:40,筆試。,Chapter 1,The Microbial World and you.,超級細菌NDM-1 今日新聞網(2010/09/10 10:38),由於超級細菌NDM-1已經攻陷全球16個國家,在全球造成超過10人之死亡,衛生署疾病管制局緊急在2010年9月9日晚間正

2、式公告,將多重抗藥性腸道菌感染症(New Delhi metallo- lactamase 1 Enterobacteriaceae,即NDM-1腸道菌感染症)列入第四類法定傳染病。 目前台灣還沒有這種超級細菌的病例,因為並非空氣傳染,病人不必強制隔離,衛生署呼籲醫療院所和醫師一旦發現疑似病例,必須在24小時內通報,同時將病毒株送到衛生署進行確認,要是沒有通報,將被處以9萬到45萬元的罰款。 這個被稱為末日細菌的超級細菌NDM-1屬於腸桿菌的一種,和E. coli於同一家族,NDM-1不但可以自我複製,還會跨越不同的細菌種類,現有的抗生素幾乎無效。,依傳染病防治法,第四類傳染病定義為其他新興傳

3、染病及再浮現傳染病,由中央主管機關於指定時,規定其報告期限(24小時內),幾年前在台灣引起致死的傳染病嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)即被列為第四類法定傳染病。 通報定義包括: 一、臨床條件,同時符合下列二項條件:(一)出現感染症狀,特別是曾接受侵入性或外科手術等相關醫療措施。(二)醫師懷疑為NDM-1腸道菌感染症感染之病患 二、流行病學條件,符合以下任一條件:(一)病患於六個月內曾有國外旅遊史,特別是印度、巴基斯坦等地區。(二)病患雖無國外病史,但醫護過程中具有與NDM-1腸道菌感染症疑似個案之接觸史。 目前已知Tigecycline和Colistin兩種抗生素稍具療效,新型抗生素發現的發現

4、,默克(Merck)製藥的科學家找到了一種新型抗生素,它可以有效的摧毀 MRSA(meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌),或著是人們所熟知的醫院超級細菌。其作用機轉為阻斷製造脂肪酸(fatty acid)的酵素,脂肪酸對於細菌在合成細胞膜上是不可或缺的。 此化合物結合至FabF上。Merck的研究人員遍尋了 25 萬種自然產物,偶然在南非的土壤樣本當中發現由一種放射菌(actinomycete)之Streptomyces platensis所分泌之Platensimycin。 Platensimycin 被發現是多種革蘭

5、氏陽性細菌的強力抑制劑(inhibitor),包括許多葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus)的品系。 研究人員從受傷的老鼠當中發現 platensimycin 可以消滅與 MRSA相關之金黃色葡萄球菌(S. aureus)。初步研究platensimycin並沒有發現明顯之毒性及副作用之產生。進一步研究發現 platensimycin 可以有效的對付 MRSA及其他多種類的細菌。,Q&A,Advertisements tell you that bacteria and viruses are all over your home and that you need to buy antib

6、acterial cleaning products. Should you?,Bacteria on the human tongue. Most of the bacterial found in the mouth are harmless.,Applications of Microbiology, p. 3,Designer Jeans:Made by Microbes?,Stone-washing:Trichoderma Cotton:Gluconacetobacter Debleaching:Mushroom peroxidase Indigo:E. coli Plastic:B

7、acterial polyhydroxyalkanoate,Microorganisms are organisms that are toosmall to be seen with the unaided eyeGerm refers to a rapidly growing cellA few are pathogenic (disease-causing)Decompose organic waste,Microbes in Our Lives,1-1 List several ways in which microbes affect our lives.,Learning Obje

8、ctives,Are producers in the ecosystem by photosynthesis Produce industrial chemicals such as ethanol and acetone Produce fermented foods such as vinegar, cheese, and bread Produce products used in manufacturing (e.g., cellulase) and treatment (e.g., insulin),Figure 1.1,Microorganisms,The Microbial W

9、orld,A brief history of microbiology. The first observation. Hooke andLeeuwenhoek. The debate overspontaneous generation. Redi:腐肉無法生蛆 Virchow:The Theory ofbiogenesis. Pasteur:Aseptic techniques.,The golden age of microbiology: Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch: The germ theory of disease. Immunology. Va

10、ccine. Surgical technology. Fermentation and Pasteurization: Fermentation: 酵母菌可將糖類代謝成酒精。 Pasteurization: 在較低溫(60)之條件下的滅菌法。,The golden age of microbiology:,Disinfectants(消毒劑): Joseph Lister: Phenol puerperal fever(產褥熱) The germ theory of disease: Anthrax:Bacillus anthracis. Kochs postulates: Vaccinat

11、ion: Edward Jenner: Vaccination Smallpox vaccine / cowpox Vacca Vaccine Immunity,Smallpox 天 花,Treatment with chemicals is chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents used to treat infectious disease can be synthetic drugs or antibiotics. Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that inhibi

12、t or kill other microbes. Quinine from tree bark was long used to treat malaria. 1910:Paul Ehrlich developed a synthetic arsenic drug, salvarsan, to treat syphilis. 1930s:Sulfonamides were synthesized.,The Birth of Modern Chemotherapy,1928: Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic. He obser

13、ved that Penicillium fungus made an antibiotic, penicillin, that killed S. aureus. 1940s: Penicillin was tested clinically and mass produced.,The Birth of Modern Chemotherapy,Figure 1.5,Bacteriology is the study of bacteria. Mycology is the study of fungi. Parasitology is the study of protozoa and p

14、arasitic worms. Recent advances in genomics, the study of an organisms genes, have provided new tools for classifying microorganisms.,Modern Developments in Microbiology,Immunology is the study of immunity. Vaccines and interferons are being investigated to prevent and cure viral diseases. The use o

15、f immunology to identify some bacteria according to serotypes (variants within a species) was proposed by Rebecca Lancefield in 1933.,Modern Developments in Microbiology,Virology is the study of viruses. Recombinant DNA is DNA made from two different sources. In the 1960s, Paul Berg inserted animal

16、DNA into bacterial DNA and the bacteria produced an animal protein. Recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering involves microbial genetics and molecular biology.,Modern Developments in Microbiology,Using microbes George Beadle and Edward Tatum showed that genes encode a cells enzymes (1942) Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty showed that DNA was the hereditary material (1944). Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod discovered the role of mRNA in protein synthesis (1961).,



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