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1、Book1, unit5,一、单词拼写,1. _ n. 质量; 品质; 性质 2. _ n. 法则; 原则; 原理 3. _ n. 律师 4. _ n. 青年; 青年时期 5. _ n. 总统; 校长,president,quality,principle,lawyer,youth,6. _ n. 意见;看法;主张 7. _ n. 毛毯;毯子 8. _ n. 舞台;阶段;时期 9. _ vt. 建立;建设 10. _ vi. 逃脱;逃走;泄露,escape,opinion,blanket,stage,found,11. _ vt. 进攻; 攻击; 抨击 12. _ adj. 乐意的; 自愿的

2、13. _ adj. 法律的 14. _ v. 投票 n. 投票; 表决 15. _ adj. 和平的; 平静的,peaceful,attack,willing,legal,vote,二.词性转换 1_adj.积极的;活跃的_adv.积极地;活跃地_n活动 2_vt.(与to连用)献身;专心于_adj.忠实的;深爱的_n奉献;忠诚 3_adj.慷慨的;大方的generosity n慷慨;大方 4_adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的_n和平 5_adj.怀有希望的;有希望的_(反义词) adj.绝望的_n& v希望;盼望,返回目录,active,actively,activity,devote,de

3、voted,devotion,generous,peaceful,peace,hopeful,hopeless,hope,6_n暴力;暴行_adj.暴力的 7_adj.相等的;平等的_adv.相等地;平等地_ n平等;相等 8._vt.教育;训练_adj.受过教育的;有教养的_n教育 9_n亲戚;亲属_n血缘关系;亲属_ n关系 10. _vi. 请求;乞求_n乞丐 11. _v.带领;引导 _n指导;领导,返回目录,violence,violent,equal,equally,educate,educated,education,relative,relation,beg,beggar,gu

4、ide,guidance,equality,relationship,12. _ vt. 建立;建设_n. 建立者;创始人 13. _ n. 残忍;残酷_adj. 残酷的;残忍的 14. _ adj. 法律的;合法的(反义词) _adj. 违法的;不合法的 15. _ n. 律师_n. 法律;法规;法学 16. _ v. 投票;选举 n. 投票;选票;表决_n. 选民;选举人 17. _ adj. 自私的_n. 自私_adj. 无私的_n. 无私 18. _ adj. 不公平的;不公正的(反义词) _ adj. 公平的,found,founder,cruelty,cruel,lawyer,la

5、w,legal,illegal,vote,voter,selfish,selfishness,selfless,selflessness,unfair,fair,三、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子,2. Although he is quite old, he leads an _ life. His _ include tennis and painting.(act) . 3. The _master beat Tom heavily with a whip. He couldnt stand being treated _. (cruelty) 4. After years of figh

6、ting, people preferred _, and they wanted to live_(peaceful). 5. The workers of the shoe company demanded _ pay for equal work and claimed that if they were not treated _, they would go on a strike.(equality),active,activities,cruel,cruelly,peace,peacefully,equal,equally,三、用所给单词的适当形式完成句子,6. From my

7、point of view, it is _ (fair) to blame the mother or father very time something goes wrong with the child.,unfair,1. 丧失勇气或信心_ 2. 处于麻烦中_ 3. 担心_ 4. 失业_ 5. 事实上_ 6. 使充气;使爆炸_ 7. 把投进监狱_,lose heart,in trouble,worry about,out of work,as a matter of fact,blow up,putinto prison,四 重点短语,8. 当权_ 9. 设立;建立_ 10. 实现某

8、人的梦想_ 11. 在中活跃_ 12. 致力于_ 13. 以和平的方式_ 14. 对抱有希望_,come into power,set up,realize ones dream of,be active in,be devoted to,in a peaceful way,feel/be hopeful about/of,15. 愿意_ 16. 求助于_ 17. 积极参与_ 18. 被判处_ 19. 能胜任_ 20. 投票支持_,be willing to,turn to,take an active part in,be sentenced to,be equal to,vote for,

9、1. He _ _ _ his time, for _ I was grateful. 他十分慷慨地给予我时间,我为此非常感激。2. I worried about _ I would become out of work. 我担心我会不会失业。,was,generous,with,which,whether,优美句子,3. The last thirty years _ (see) the greatest number of laws _ (stop) our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage _ we hav

10、e almost not rights at all. 过去的三十年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。,have seen,stopping,where,4. Only then _ we realize to answer violence _ violence.只有到了这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反暴力。5. I did not work again for twenty years _ Mr. Mandela and the ANC _ _ _ in 1994. 在曼德拉和非国大于1994年掌政之前,我有20年没有工作。,d

11、id,with,until,came,into,power,My name is Elias. I am poor black worker in South Africa. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. I was twelve years old. It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to I went for advice. He offered (guide) to poor black peop

12、le on their legal problems. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.,a,whom,guidance,课文语法填空,I needed his help _I had very little education. I began school at six. The school _ I studied for only two years was three kilometres away. I had to leave because my family could not continue

13、to pay the school fees _ the bus fare. I could not read or write well. _ trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook (live) in Johannesburg. Sadly I did not have because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I_ (become) out of work.,


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