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1、Automated Disaster and Emergency Planning Tool (ADEPT) 自动化灾害应急预案工具,Mark Keim, MD CDC,What is ADEPT? ADEPT是什么?,ADEPT is: A method to collect plan information一种收集预案信息的方法 2. A format to organize plan information一种组织预案信息的形式 3. A platform to deliver plan information一个传递预案信息的平台 ADEPT is not softwareADEPT不

2、是一种软件,1. The Planning Method 预案编制方法,Planning Method 预案编制方法,Definition: A logical way to write a plan 定义:一种编制预案的逻辑方法,Planning Method 预案编制方法,Locally owned and written由当地编制并适应当地的情况 Facilitated便利的 Operational-level执行层面的 Objectives-based基于目标的 Capability-based基于能力的 Consensus-based基于共识的,Compliant with nati

3、onal strategies遵循国家策略 Based on Best Practices基于最佳实践 Involve people who use plan预案的使用者参与 Builds persisting partnerships建立稳固的合作关系 Yields practical information to all users所有的使用者都可以得到实践的信息,Planning Method 预案编制方法,1. Establish Planning Partnership建立合作伙伴 2. Determine Plan Context 确定预案内容 3. Collect Plan Da

4、ta收集预案资料 4. Negotiate Plan协商预案 5. Present Plan提出预案 6. Validate Plan实施预案 7. Revise Plan修订预案,建立合作伙伴,确定预案内容,收集预案资料,协商预案,提出预案,实施预案,修订预案,Consensus-Based Planning 预案编制基于共识,Objectives and activities are discussed and agreed upon by consensus among those who will actually perform the activities预案目标和行动应该在实际操

5、作者中进行讨论并达成共识,Operational Level Planning 预案编制达到实际操作水平,Details how strategic objectives, goals, or plans will be accomplished:关于策略的目的,目标或预案如何实现的细节,Where are we now?我们现在在哪?Where do we want to be?我们想要去哪里? How do we get there?我们如何达到那儿?How do we measure progress?我们如何测量进展?,Objective-Based Planning 基于目标的预案编

6、制,Establishes a set objectives and identifies activities that will accomplish each objective建立一系列的目标并明确能达到这些目标的行动,S M A R T,Objective-Based Planning 基于目标的预案编制,pecific easurable chievable elevant ime-bound,特定的 可测量的 可达到的 相关的 有时限的,Capability-Based Planning 基于能力的预案编制,A capability is the “ability to achi

7、eve a desired operational effect” 能力就是能够达到期望的执行效果,Objectives Based All-Hazards Response Plan 基于目标的各种危害的应急预案,Capability-Based Plan,基于能力的预案编制,The “SOARS” Model for Objective-based Planning 基于目标的预案编制的“SOARS” 模型,Capability 能力 Strategic Objective战略层面的目的Operational Objective操作层面的目标Activities for each obje

8、ctive实现每个目标所要采取的行动Responsibility assigned each activity每个行动的职责Standard Operating Procedure for each activity 每个行动的标准化操作程序,S-O-A-R-S Planning Matrix S-O-A-R-S预案编制模型,2. The Plan Format 预案编制形式,Definition: A logical way to organize plan information 定义:一种组织预案信息的逻辑方法,Plan Format 预案编制格式,OBJECTIVES 目标,ACTIV

9、ITIES 行动,Leadership & National Plan 领导层&国家预案,Responders 响应者,Schema 方案,Plan Format 预案编制形式,Plan Format: 预案编制形式: a logical way to organize plan information 一种组织预案信息的逻辑方法,Link strategic objectives to operational activities 连接战略目的和可操作的行动 Objectives come from leadership or national plans目的来自于领导层或国家预案 Acti

10、vities come from responders行动来自于响应者,Separate background information from response information 区别背景信息和响应信息 Background information is narrative背景信息是叙述性的 Responder information in tables or database响应信息是表格或数据库的形式,Relational Data (responder data) 关系性数据库(响应者资料),Non-Relational Data (Background information)

11、 不相关资料(背景信息),Administration 管理 Introduction 介绍 Situation 形势 Concept of Operations 行动构想 Addenda 附录,EOP Format Example,Health,Water,Food,Shelter,Management,Non-relational,relational,Capability Tables,3. The Plan Platform 预案编制平台,Plan Platform 预案编制平台,Definition: The media used to store and display plan

12、data 定义:一种用来存储并显示预案资料的媒介 Requirements 要求 Easy to use and distribute 容易使用和散布 Accessible when needed需要时容易获取 Preserves plan data保存预案资料 Technically appropriate for the user对使用者的技术要求合理,预案编制平台的例子 书面文件: (MS Word) 带有超链接的表格: (MS Word) 带有超链接的报表: (MS Excel) 数据库: (MS Access or MS Sequel),Written document: (MS W

13、ord)书面文件: (MS Word) Tables with hyperlinks: (MS Word)带有超链接的表格: (MS Word) Spreadsheet with hyperlinks: (MS Excel)带有超链接的报表: (MS Excel) Database: (MS Access or MS Sequel)数据库: (MS Access or MS Sequel),Plan Platform 预案编制平台,Where is ADEPT Now?,30 Response Plans Written 1 Event plan World Expo 2010 10 Hosp

14、ital plans Pacific & Caribbean 2 Institutional plans CDC Hurricane plan CDC Radiation-nuclear plan 1 Local all-sector plan Catalina, CA 1 US State public health plan Florida health department 1 US National plan Newborn screening plan 8 Provincial/National pandemic influenza plans Asia (4) & Pacific

15、(4) 6 National all-hazard public health plans Pacific,ADEPT在哪里?,30 部成文的应急响应预案 1 部事件预案 2010年世界博览会 10 部医院预案 太平洋 & 加勒比海 2 部机构预案 CDC 飓风预案 CDC 核辐射预案 1 部地方性全危害预案 卡塔莉娜,加利福尼亚 1 部美国州级的公共卫生预案 佛罗里达卫生部门 1 部美国国家预案 新生儿筛查预案 8 部省级/国家级大流行流感预案 亚洲 (4) & 太平洋(4) 6 部国家各种危害的公共卫生预案 大平洋,Conclusions 结论,ADEPT planning method and format is useful for emergency plannersADEPT预案编制方法和形式对应急预案制定者而言是非常有帮助的 ADEPT platform is easy to use during live public health emergenciesADEPT平台在现场公共卫生应急中是容易使用的 ADEPT is evidence-basedADEPT是循证的 ADEPT has been applied successfully domestically and internationallyADEPT已经被成功应用到国内和国际的预案编制中,



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