2013年广西高一英语基础梳理课件bookunit 16 《scientists at work》(人教版必修1)

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2013年广西高一英语基础梳理课件bookunit 16 《scientists at work》(人教版必修1)_第1页
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1、Unit 16 Scientists at work 科学家在工作,. 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1. _ (n. ) 实验;试验 2. _ (vt. ) 使充电;要(价);控告;攻击 3. _ (vt. ) 证明;证实 4. _ (vt. &vi. ) 撕扯;撕裂;撕毁,experiment,charge,prove,tear,5. _ (vt. & n. )控制;支配;管理 6. _ (vt. & n. )测试;试验;检验 7. _ (n. )有利条件;优点_ 不利; 不利条件 8. _ (n. ) 应用;实施;用途 _ (v. ) 申请;应用 _ (n. ) 申请人;求职者

2、9. _ (n. ) 舒适;安慰 _ (adj. )舒适 舒服的_ (adv. ) 舒服地,control,test,advantage,disadvantage,application,apply,applicant,comfort,comfortable,comfortably,10. _(adj. ) 成功的;胜利的 _(adv. ) 顺利地;成功地_ (n. ) 成功;胜利_ (v. ) 成功;继承;接替 11. _ (n. ) 感觉;感官_ (adj. ) 敏感的;体贴的, 善解人意的 12. _ (n. & vt. ) 怀疑;疑惑_ (adj. )(人)充满疑心的;(事)可疑的,

3、不明确的 13. _ (n. ) 结束;结论_ (v. )得出结论;断定;结束,successful,successfully,success,succeed,sense,sensitive,doubt,doubtful,conclusion,conclude,【品词自测】 _ should _ to the company for the job and then hand in the _ to the manager. (application) He _ in business and we admired his _ achievements very much. He was a

4、real_ . (successful),Applicants,apply,application,succeeded,successful,success,. 短语回放 1. 很多的;大量的 _ 2. 挑出;辨别出 _ 3. 利用 _ 4. 把系到上面 _,a great deal of,pick out,make use of/take,advantage of,tie. . . to. . .,5. 保护;使不受侵害 _ 6. 阻止;阻挡 _ 7. 照顾 _ _ 8. 为争取而斗争 _,protect. . . from . . .,stop/keep/prevent. . .,from

5、 doing,take care of/ look after/,attend to,fight for,. 句式扫描 _(系住手绢的几个角)to the points of the cross, and you will have a nice strong kite. 2. Scientists say that if a medicine works with animals, _(很可能) that it also works with people. 3. _(毫无疑问) 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals

6、 in experiments are very well taken care of.,Tie the corners of the handkerchief,there is a very high chance,There is no doubt that,【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子 祈使句+and+简单句(一般使用将来时) 仿写:来早点,你就能赶上第一班汽车。 _ _ There is a very high chance(that)很可能 仿写:到明天我很可能会写完这篇文章。 _ _,Come early,and youll catch the first bus. =If y

7、ou come early, youll catch the first bus.,There is a very high chance (that) Ill have this essay finished by tomorrow.,1. charge vt. 使充电;要(价);控告;攻击n. 费用;掌管;控告 (1)charge sb. some money for为向某人索取收取多少钱 charge sb. with (doing)sth. =accuse sb. of(doing)sth. 因(做)某事而控告某人,(2)free of charge 免费的 take charge (

8、of) 负责,照料,保管等;掌管,接办(强调动作) be in charge of sth. 负责;掌管(强调状态) be in / under the charge of sb. 由某人管理,The restaurant charged us 40 for the wine. 饭店收了我们40英镑的酒水钱。 The man they arrested last night has been charged with murder. 昨晚他们逮捕的那人被指控犯有谋杀罪。 Your order will be delivered free of charge within a ten-mile

9、limit. 在10英里范围之内,您的定货将免费送货上门。,Im leaving the school _ _ _ . 我这就把学校交给你掌管。 He _ _ _ the farm after his fathers death. 父亲去世后他掌管了农场。,in your charge,took charge of,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空:,常用于A charge B some money for. . . “ A因向 B索取收取多少钱”。,常用于A pay B some money for. . . “A因向B付 钱”。,常用于sth. cost sb. some money“某物花

10、费某人多少 钱”。,常用于sb. spend some money on sth. 或sb. spend some money (in) doing sth. “某人在某事/做某事上 花费多少钱”。,我花一百元买了那双新鞋。(一句多译) They _ me 100 yuan _ the pair of new shoes. =I _ them 100 yuan _ the pair of new shoes. =The pair of new shoes _ me 100 yuan. =I _ 100 yuan _ the pair of new shoes.,charged,for,paid

11、,for,cost,spent,on,2. prove vt. 证明;证实 (1)prove(vt. ) +名词/代词/从句/复合结构证明 (2)It is proved that . . . 据证明 (3)prove(link-v. 证明是, 结果是, 事实说明)+不定式/形容词/名词/介词短语/副词,Evidence has been found that proves his innocence. 证明他无罪的证据已经找到。 Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you. 只要给我个机会,我就会证明给你看。 The promotion pro

12、ved to be a turning point in his career. 这次提升最后成了他职业生涯的一个转折点。 Your computing experience should _ _ _ _. 你的计算机运用经验表明是有用的。,prove to be useful,3. control vt. &n. 控制;支配;管理;克制 in control of 管理;掌握 in the control of 被控制;被管理 out of control 不受管制;失去控制 beyond control 无法掌握;无法控制 bring. . . under control 控制住 take control of 控制;管理 lose control of 无法控制;对失去控制,


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