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1、MOMENTS IN LIFE 那瞬间的人生 There are moments in life when you miss someone so much 当你在非常思念某一个人的那一瞬间 that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! 你只想能够把他从梦中一把揪出后, 将他当真般紧紧的拥抱着!,When the door of happiness closes, another opens; 当一个快乐之门关闭时, 另一扇门却为你打开 But often times we look so lon

2、g at the Closed Door 不过我们经常只会太久太久的光瞪着已关闭的那一扇门 that we dont see the one, Which has been opened for us 而忽略了早已为我们打开的大门。,Dont go for looks; they can deceive. 不要只光看外貌, 它们可能会蒙骗你 Dont go for wealth; even that fades away. 也不要选择财富, 它们也会消逝无踪 Go for someone who makes you smile, 应该寻找一个能令你开心和有微笑的人 Because it tak

3、es only a smile to Make a dark day seem bright. 因为只有笑容能将一个黑暗的日子变成明亮 Find the one that makes your heart smile 去吧, 去寻找一个能令你的心微笑的人.,Dream what you want to dream; 去梦想你想要的梦想 Go where you want to go; 去你想去的地方 Be what you want to be, 去完成你想完成的目标 Because you have only one life 因为你只有一个生命 And one chance to do a

4、ll the things You want to do. 也只有一次的机会去做你所要完成的一切事情,May you have enough happiness to make you sweet 愿你有充足的快乐能叫你觉得甜甜蜜蜜 Enough trials to make you strong, 有足够的历练使得你刚强 Enough sorrow to keep you human and 有足够的悲哀使得你保有人性 Enough hope to make you happy. 有足够的希望使得你拥有快乐,最快乐的人未必就要拥有所有最好的东西。 然而他们却是最善于利用送到手上的每一样东西。

5、 The happiest of people dont necessarily Have the best of everything; They just make the most of Everything that comes along their way.,最明亮的未来肯定是建立在遗忘的过去。 除非你把过去的失败和痛心的事让它就此成为过去, 你就没法在人生的道路上向前迈进。 The brightest future will always Be based on a forgotten past; You cant go forward in life until You let

6、 go of your past failures and heartaches.,当你出生的时候, 你呱呱落地的哭声却赢得了周围人们的笑面相迎。 当你走完你的人生而抵达终点时, 你应当是那个带着满足的微笑的人,而围绕着你的人们 却为你而哭哭啼啼。 When you were born, you were crying And everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, Youre the one who is smiling and everyone Around you is crying.,请把以上信息发给

7、所有关心你的朋友们(我就刚刚做了)。 尤其是那些在某些方式影响过您的人生, 触动过您的心坎, 又在您需要的时候带给你欢笑的人们。 还有那些帮助您在困境时看到事物光明的一面, 往往让你念念不忘的知心朋友。 Please send this message to those people Who mean something to you (I JUST DID); To those who have touched your life in one way or another; To those who make you smile when you really need it; To those who make you see the Brighter side of things when you are really down; To those whose friendship you appreciate; To those who are so meaningful in your life.,不必去计较你活了多少年 算一算你所有的记忆! Dont count the years - count the memories!,


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