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1、20142014 年高考英语福建卷完型填空翻译与精析年高考英语福建卷完型填空翻译与精析20142014 年高考英语福建卷完型填空原题:年高考英语福建卷完型填空原题:From my second grade on, there was one event I feared every year: the piano recital(独奏演唱会). A recital 36 I had to practice a boring piece of music and perform before strangers. Each year I 37 ask my father if I could s

2、kip the recital “just this once“. And each year he would shake his head, muttering(嘀咕) 38 about build self-confidence and working toward a 39 .So it was with really great 40 that I stood in church one recent Sunday, video camera in hand, and 41 my 68-year-old father sweating in his shirt 42 rising t

3、o play the piano in his very first recital.My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldnt 43 lessons. He could have gone on regretting it 44 too many of us do. But though he was rooted in his past, he wasnt 45 there. When he retired three years ago, he 46 his

4、 church music director to take him as a student.For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard, he 47 stared down at his fingers. Has he forgotten the 48 ? I worried, remembering those split seconds 49 ago when my mind would go blank and my fingers would 50 . But then came the beautiful melod

5、y(旋律), from the 51 fingers that once baited(装饵于) my fishing lines. And I 52 he had been doing what music teachers always stress: 53 the music and pretend the others arent there.“Im 54 of him for starting something new at his age,“ I said to my son Jeff.“Yeah, and doing it so 55 ,“ Jeff added.With hi

6、s first recital, my father taught me more about courage and determination than all the words he used those 30-plus years ago.20142014 年高考英语福建卷完型填空翻译:年高考英语福建卷完型填空翻译:从我上二年级开始,每年都有一件事让我害怕,那就是钢琴独奏会。每一次独奏会都意味着我必须要练习一曲无聊的音乐并且还要在陌生人面前表演。我每年都会问父亲我能不能翘一次,哪怕就“一次”。而父亲每年都是摇摇头,含糊地说些诸如“建立自信”,“向目标奋进”这样的话。于是,在最近的一个

7、周日,当我拿着录像机看着自己 68 岁的父亲在即将进行他的独奏会之前无比紧张,汗流浃背的情形时,我心里找到了一点满足感。从孩提时候开始,父亲就一直渴望演奏音乐,可是他那时候家境贫穷,也就没钱参加课程培训。本来他会像我们很多人一样后悔遗憾。然而,父亲没有沉浸在后悔中,三年前他退休的时候,他说服了他那个教堂的音乐教练收他为徒。就在父亲在钢琴键盘旁边坐下来后,他朝着自己的指头注视了一会。难道他忘记了乐谱了?想起几十年前我自己头脑一片空白、手指僵硬无比的那些令人难过的时刻,我开始担心起来。然而就在这时候,美妙的旋律从他的指尖传出,同样是父亲这些指头曾为我装饵上线。这时我意识到父亲正在全神贯注于音乐之中

8、,假装周围万物皆空。而这正是音乐老师们所强调的。“父亲能在这个年龄开启新的篇章,我为他而骄傲,”这是我对自己的儿子杰夫这样说。儿子点点头,说:“是的,而且爷爷做的很棒。”比起父亲那 30 年里所用的言语,他的第一次独奏会让我更多地懂得了勇气和决心。20142014 年高考英语福建卷完型填空答案精析:年高考英语福建卷完型填空答案精析:36. A. reflected B. explained C. meant D. proved解析:C 根据“.I had to practice a boring piece of music and perform before strangers.“可判断应

9、该是“意味着“,故选 C 项。37. A. would B. could C. might D. should解析:A 表示“过去总是.“,应用情态动词 would,故选 A 项。38. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something解析:D 父亲嘀咕了一些话,故用代词 something,故选 D 项。39. A. goal B. stage C. journey D. chance解析:A 父亲鼓励“我“为达到目标而努力,故选 A 项。40. A. trouble B. satisfaction C. strength D. disapp

10、ointment解析:B 根据 So 可知这里是承接上文的,第一段父亲一定要“我“参加独奏会,今天看到父亲也处于相同的处境,心里应该带着一丝找到机会“报复“的满足感,故选 B 项。41. A. kept B. sent C. watched D. felt解析:C 此处应该是“看着父亲在表演前紧张得大汗淋漓“。故选 C 项。42. A. through B. from C. against D. before解析:D “在上台表演之前“,是时间状语从句,故选 D 项。43. A. miss B. afford C. select D. understand解析:B 根据“. . . his f

11、amily was poor“可判断,父亲“不能支付钢琴课的学费“,故选 B 项。44. A. as B. once C. if D. while解析:A 句意父亲大可以一直为此感到后悔,正如我们大多数人那样。故选 A 项。45. A. educated B. protected C. stuck D. spoilt解析:C 父亲没有沉浸在后悔中,而是当有条件时,拿出行动来实现自己学钢琴的夙愿。选 C 项,意为“困在那里“。句意:虽然父亲对过去念念不忘,但他不为过去所困。46. A. allowed B. invited C. inspired D. persuaded解析:D 退休后要让钢琴

12、老师接收其作为学生应该有一定的难度,故选 D 项,意为“说服“。47. A. roughly B. simply C. merrily D. curiously解析:B 根据卜文“Has he forgotten the 48 ? I worried.“可知父亲没有做什么,只是低头看着手指。故选 B 项。A 项意为“大约地,粗略地“;C 项意为“开心地“;D 项意为“好奇地“。48. A. words B. videos C. notes D. lessons解析:C A 项意为“话语“;B 项意为“录像“;C 项意为“音符“;D 项意为“课程“。在演奏钢琴时,最可能的是忘记了“音符,曲谱“。

13、故选 C 项。49. A. decades B. weeks C. hours D. moments解析:A 根据文章最后一句中“.those 30-plus years ago“可知是几十年前了,故选 A 项。50. A. play B. freeze C. click D. adjust解析:B 根据常识可知,人在紧张的时间会大脑一片空白,手指僵住,故选 B 项。51. A. same B. warm C. different D. dirty解析:A 父亲弹钢琴的双手和帮“我“装鱼饵的双手当然是同一双,故选 A 项。52. A. predicted B. realized C. imag

14、ined D. insisted解析:B 当父亲弹出优美的旋律时,“我“突然明白他遵照了老师强调的要领,故选 B 项。A 项意为“预测“;C 项意为“想象“;D 项意为“坚持“。53. A. pass over B. turn up C. bring in D. concentrate on解析:D 根据常识可知,在表演时应该“集中注意力在音乐上,假装观众不存在“,故选 D 项。A 项意为“传递“;B 项意为“出现“;C 项意为“引进“。54. A. ashamed B. aware C. tired D. proud解析:D 父亲出色的表演当然让“我“感到自豪,故选 D 项。A 项意为“羞耻的“;B 项意为“意识到的“;C 项意为“疲倦的“。55. A. casually B. anxiously C. nicely D. frequently解析:C “我“儿子也觉得父亲的钢琴弹奏很出色,故选 C 项。A 项意为“随便地“;B 项意为“焦虑地“;D 项意为“频繁地“。


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