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1、,名词的数,不可数名词(U)一般情况下,不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不与不定冠词a(n)连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Milk is my favourite food.Water is very important to us all.特殊情况:1)如果不可数名词表示特指,则必须与定冠词(the)或其它限定词连用。The milk in the cup was bad.,2) 当不可数名词表示个体时,必须使用单位名词(量词)。a piece of advice / bread / chalk / news etc.a pair of glasses / shoes / trousers

2、 etc.two bottles of ink / milk /wine etc.3)部分带有形容词修饰语的不可数名词可以用来表示“一种”,“一段”,“一类”等,常与不定冠词a(n)连用。for a long time take a great interestlive a hard life make a fire下面不可数名词不可与不定冠词连用。,advice weather knowledge homeworkprogress fun news houseworkinformation furniture traffic 4)有些名词的用法随意义变化而不同。coffee(咖啡) a co

3、ffee(一杯咖啡)glass (玻璃) a glass (玻璃杯)man (人类) a man (男人)iron (铁) an iron (熨斗)room (空间) a room(房间)work (工作 a work(著作)paper (报纸) a paper(报社)hair (头发) hairs (几根头发),)部分以-s结尾的专有名词指某一事物名称常用做单数。The United States is made up of 50 states.The United Nations has sent an official there.但是,The Olympic Games are hel

4、d every four years.2.可数名词: 个体名词 (worker,pen,dog etc.)集体名词 (family,group,police etc.)运用原则:适当的冠词C或pl形式。A horse is a kind of animals.The horse is a kind of animals.Horses run faster than donkeys.,复数名词的构成方式: 名词后直接加-s。清辅音后读s;浊辅音和元音后读z.desks dogs apples days 以-s , -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词加-esiz.buses watches box

5、es classes 以“辅音y”结尾的名词,先把y变成i,再加上-es iz.factories countries cities babies 以“元音y”结尾的名词,或以y结尾的专有名词直接加-sz.boys days Germans,5)以”辅音字母o”结尾的名词,加-es iz heroes tomatoes potatoes zeroesHeroes eat tomatoes and potatoes.大多数以o结尾的外来词,缩略词直接加-s.radios photos pianos zoos bamboos 7)以f和fe结尾的名词的复数有三种情况:a)直接加-s.一个首领(ch

6、ief)带着一个农奴(serf)在海湾(gulf)的悬崖(cliff)上发现一个屋顶(roof)上面有个保险箱(safe)。,b) 变f或fe 为-ves.一个贼人(thief)的妻子(wife)冒着生命(life)危险用半(half)片树叶(leaf)似的小刀(knife)杀死了一只狼(wolf)。c) handkerchief的复数形式有两种。handkerchiefs handkerchieves 8)以th结尾的名词后直接加-s. 长元音后读z;短元音和辅音后读smouths paths months 9)不规则变化 footfeet tooth- teeth goose-geesec

7、hildchildren mousemice,单复数同形。sheep deer fish (fishes)表示“某国人”的名词。中日友谊是一致(单复数同形)Chinese Japanese Swiss英法联盟a改e Englishman Frenchman其它一般加-s Germans Americans复合名词的复数boy friend gold watchpasser -by sister -in-law man doctor woman singer,s,es,s,s,men doctors,women singers,有些名词的复数形式表示特别的意义。papers(报纸,稿件) wor

8、ks(工厂,作品) times(时代) drinks(饮料) manners(礼貌) 部分物质名词可以用复数表示种类。silks fruits foodsword用做“消息”“通知”不与冠词连用,也不用复数。Word came that he won the first prize keep ones wordhave a word/a few words with sb.have words with sb. leave wordin a word in other words,备注:有些名词只有复数形式。例如。 goods(货物) glasses(眼镜) compasses(圆规) tha

9、nks(感谢) clothes(衣服) remains (遗物,遗体) trousers(裤子) cattle(牛) police 警察,守信,与某人说话,与某人吵嘴,留言,简而言之,换句话说,名词的一般用法 名词做定语1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数* He has two pencil-boxes.* There are three banana trees over there.2.man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致*We need a man teacher.*They are all women workers.,3.sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数

10、形式*a sports field *a clothes shop a parents meeting4. 当数词与单位名词一起做定语时, 单位名词往往用单数形式,数词与单位名词用“-”连接。*He is a fourteen-year-old boy.*This is a two-hour plan.,名词做主语时,应注意名词的数,避免主谓不一致。* Her family is a large one and her family are all teachers.她家是一个大家庭,她的家人都是老师。*There is a pair of glasses on the desk.桌上有一副眼镜,



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