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1、集体备课记录表学科:英语 年级组:高二年级备课时间 第 四 周 星期 地点 老师办公室课题 Model 1 Unit 2 Growing pains 主备人 廖巧文参加人员 英语组全体教师员工主备教师教学设计 议课记录教学目标 Keep the important words and phrases in mind as well as some difficult sentences重、难点及突破Apply what they have learnt to practiceTo improve the students skills in solving some difficult pro

2、blems related to the college entrance examination.教学方法 Cooperative learning, task-based learning, practicing and summarizing 教学流程(包括课题引入,教学进程,总结等方面)Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in1. What are your growing pains? 2. How do you deal with your growing pains?3. Use the above questions to lead in this

3、unit.Step2 Reviewing the first passage and pick out the language points1. cant wait _ do sth. 迫不及待地做某事2. be supposed _ 应该,应当3. do _ 处理 4. _ charge 掌管,负责5. _ a mess 乱糟糟 6. go _ 熄灭7. be hard _ 对.苛刻 8. _ that 既然9. be proud _ 因感到自豪 10. after _ 毕竟11. mix _ 混合 12. stay _ 熬夜13, insist _坚持 14. along _ 和一起St

4、ep3 Practicing 1.Surprise vt. surprised sb n. to ones surprise 使某人惊讶是adj. surprising surprised at sth.to do sth.e.g._( 令老师惊讶的是), he failed in the exam again. (= To the surprise of sb. )He was extremely _( surprise) at the surprising news!2. I _finish my homework.(我迫不及待地要完成我的家庭作业)3. We _ take care of

5、 ourselves. (我们应该照顾我们自己) 4. She doesnt know _the problem. (她不知道如何处理这个问题) 5. Dont _until midnight, its bad for your health. (熬夜)教学流程(包括课题引入,教学进程,总结等方面)6. 句型:There is a reason why the house is a mess.Why 引导定语从句 当先行词是 reason 且在定语从句中作状语,定语从由 why 引导; 当先行词 reason 在定语从句中作主语或宾语,定语从句由 that 或 which 引导;当 reaso

6、n 作主语时,其后的表语从句不用 beacausewhy 引导,而用 that 引导。(填空)e.g. This is the reason _he went away.I dont believe the reason_Tom told to Mary.(选择)The reason_he didnt come was_he was ill.A. that; why B. that; that C. why; that D. why; which(选择)The reason is _ he lost his key.A. why B. that C. because D. whichStep4

7、 GrammarPreposition+which and preposition + whom1.We use a preposition to begin an attributive clause when the relative pronoun (which or whom) is the object of the preposition. In this case, the relative pronoun, which or whom, cannot be replaced with “that” or “who”. Be sides, the relative pronoun

8、 cannot be left out.Join the sentences with relative clauses another exercise serves as revision of what has been taught as well as presentation of what will be taught.1) We could expect good decisions from you. We thought you were such a person.= We thought you were a person (who/whom/that) we coul

9、d expect good decisions from.= We thought you were a person from whom we could expect good decisions.2) You were to buy dog food with the money. The mone y is gone.= The money (which/that) you were to buy dog food with is gone.= The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone.3) We use that or

10、 in which to begin an attributive clause after way. In this case, that or in whichcan also be left out.e.g I didnt like the way(in whichthat)she talked to me. 2. Fill in the blanks with “prep.+ which/whom”:1) Are you interested in any songs _ _ youve listened. 2) Tomorrow is a particular day _ _ his

11、 daughter will get married.3) This is the knife _ _ I usually cut bread.4) We cant live without the sun _ _ we get heat and light. 5) The subject _ _ Eric is interested is physics.6) Do you know the girl _ _ our head teacher is shaking hands? 来源:学科网7) I cant find my dictionary _ _ I paid over $100.

12、8) This is the good car _ _ I spent all my money. 9) She is the teacher _ _all his students show respect.10) The teacher _ _ you have been waiting is coming in a minute.Step5 Solving some difficult problems related to the college entrance examination.1. 100c is the temperature_ which water will boil

13、.A. for B. at C. on D. of2. Maria has written two novels, both of _ have been made into television series.A. them B. that C. which D. what3. The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.A. that B. it C. what D. which4. Car c

14、ontrol is a subject _ Beijingers have argued for a long time.A. which B. that C. with which D. about which5. He came bake late, _ which time all the guests had already left.A. after B. by C. at D. during6. The way_ he teaches English is interesting.A. which B. with which C. D. whereStep6 SummaryRemember the key words and phrases; choose the right preposition according to the verb-phrase when we solve the problems related to the college entrance examination.作业 Finish the exercises on page6-7



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