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1、【英语】Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gaine-vocabulary课件(新人教版选修10),精品课件,Words and Vocabulary,实验版高三 Module 10 Unit 1,精品课件,LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE,April 16th, 1916 Moving to Elephant Island was a dangerous under-taking, but it was not our first. We had _ onto the ice to make camp when the Endurance was s

2、tuck.,struggled,精品课件,The ice constantly broke up at night because of the warmth of our bodies and we often dropped into the freezing water while sleeping. Though we were in an _ situation, we tried to make our daily life_ with singing and making fun of each other.,unbearable,cheerful,精品课件,Our_ impro

3、ved when we saw the solid land of Elephant Island appear on the horizon. Shackleton gave us no time to _ the failure of our expedition. He encouraged us all with advice to prevent _.,circumstances,mourn,sickness,精品课件,Without his _ that we would indeed survive, we might all _ to despair. _ we prepare

4、d to follow his advice and on this day climbed into the three small open boats ready for the journey.,faith,give way,Anyhow,精品课件,Gou Jian, King of Yue, was captured by his enemy, Fu Chai, the King of Wu. His _ lasted for three _ years, which to him seemed like a lifetime.,EX. 2 P6,suffering,bitter,精

5、品课件,One day the King of Wu fell ill. After tasting the Kings stool(大便), Gou Jian announced that Fu Chai would soon_. Fu Chai was moved by his act and he let him return to Yue.,recover,精品课件,Remembering how _ his life as a slave had been, Gou Jian took no interest in _ and continued to live in the sam

6、e way as he did in Wu. He wanted to_ his lost land.,unbearable,celebrations,recover,精品课件,But he also knew it was _ to_ the chance with care. So first he introduced the King of Wu to a beauty called Xi Shi. While Fu Chai was trying to entertain Xi Shi, Gou Jian attacked and defeated him.,vital,select

7、,精品课件,Ex. 3 Creating a word web of adjectives to describe peoples characters.,characters,confident,(un)selfish,outgoing/inward,patient,cheerful,optimistic,determined,positive/ negative,(in)dependant,aggressive,stubborn,delicate,精品课件,Useful structures-attributes: Ex. 1, p 6,warm and dry clothes, a co

8、sy bedroom, sunny days, my mothers face and the celebration we will get when we return .,精品课件,Ex. 2, P7,landing who liked to visit sites of historic places freezing where they had struggled to land soft-eyed which looked grey and forbidding,精品课件,that surrounded the camp on two sides unfair coldest,

9、most, unfriendly on earth to eat of men like a baby rescue,精品课件,Ex. 3, p 7,A The tall girl who had long, black hair carried a large handbag. B The girl carrying an empty handbag did not look rich enough to buy a necklace. C Her green coat was too thin for the cold weather.,精品课件,D The girl wearing gl

10、asses looked carefully round the shop. E She looked at the necklace given by the assistant. F The assistant turned back and the necklace that had been on the counter was gone. G The girl who left the shop in a hurry said she must catch a train.,精品课件,Workbook, P52, Ex 1,Odysseus is a literary figure

11、in the Odyssey written by Homer. He rejected the_ life of a Greek king and made a _to help another Greek leader,cosy,commitment,精品课件,Menelaus, get his wife back. But the war dragged on and on and he was away from his family for ten years. During this time the fortunes of the war were so_ that no one

12、 could predict who would win.,changeable,精品课件,Odysseus became tired of the war and the _ in Troy. He _wanted to return home, so when the Greek kings had their _ weekly meeting he,delay,urgently,regular,精品课件,grasp,suggested that they _an opportunity to trick the Trojans. The Greeks built a giant wood

13、en horse so that men could hide inside it. The Greeks then pretended to leave _ their ships as if they were,aboard,精品课件,_ by the length of the war. The Trojans_ their Gods for their good fortune and prepared to celebrate.,discouraged,blessed,精品课件,That night the men climbed out of the horse and opene

14、d the city gates to the Greek army. The Trojans awoke to the _ of their warning bell announcing a Greek victory.,boom,精品课件,So the war ended but the _ of the Trojan people was only just beginning.,punishment,精品课件,我建议你做出这个决定,因为这是合法的。(advocate),EX 3 Translate these sentences into English, using the wor

15、ds in brackets.,I would advocate that you make this decision because it is legal.,精品课件,He was extremely bored during the film show because it was so silly.,在电影放映过程中他感到极端无聊,因为那部电影是那么愚蠢可笑。(bored),那块肉散发出一股臭味,因为它变质了。(give off),That meat is giving off a bad smell because it is bad / rotten.,精品课件,If you s

16、ay it is true, you must swear you are telling the truth.,She is an admirable person who always puts other peoples needs first.,如果你说那件事是真的,你得发誓 保证你是在说实话。(swear),她是一位值得尊敬的人,她总是把别人的需求放在第一位。(admirable),精品课件,1 My failure in that exam was so painful that I stopped myself from remembering it until many years later when I could consider it more rationally. 2 This is an ancient kind of camp fire for cooking.,


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