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1、Lecture Eight The Wine & Tea Culture,Term Translation Story Telling Group Presentation Lecture Assignments,Course Outline,Term Translation,Term Translation,Verbal Techniques (a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation),Total,Eye Contact (seldom returning to notes),Mechanics (no misspellings or

2、 grammatical errors ),Subject Knowledge (explanations and elaboration),Organization (in logical, interesting sequence),Poor Ordinary Good Excellent0-1 2 3 4,53,Shaoxing Wine,Contents 1 Production 2 Classification 3 Usage 4 Producers,Production Shaoxing wine has been in production since dynastic time

3、s. Large quantities are made and stored in the classic Shaoxing wine jars over long periods of time. It is also bottled for domestic consumption and for shipping internationally. Aged wines are referred to vintage (chnnin, 陳年).,Classification,Usage Shaoxing wine can be drunk as a beverage and is con

4、sidered to take the place of rice at the beginning of a meal. When at home some families will drink their wine out of rice bowls-which is also the serving style at Xian Heng Jiu Dian. If not served at a meal, Shaoxing wine can also accompany peanuts or other common snacks. Huang jiu 黄酒, as it is kno

5、wn locally, is also well known for its use in meat dishes, in addition to being an ingredient in many dishes of Chinese cuisine. It is a key ingredient of Mao Zedongs favorite dish of braised pork belly with mushrooms and scallion greens - what he called his “brain food“ that helped him defeat his e

6、nemies. The following is a sample list of other common Shaoxing wine-marinated dishes:Drunken chicken (醉雞) Drunken shrimp (醉蝦) Drunken fish (醉魚) Drunken crab (醉蟹) Drunken liver (醉肝) Drunken tofu (醉豆腐乾) Drunk chicken talon (醉鳳爪),The history of tea,5000 years ago,medicine,Shennong,& food,the West Han

7、Dynasty,beverage,the Song Dynasty,Widely spread,Luxurious,Varieties of tea,How many kinds of tea do you know?,Green tea,绿茶,White tea,白茶,Black tea,红茶,Yellow tea,黄茶,Oolong tea,青茶,Dark tea,黑茶,Scented tea,花茶,Lushan Yunwu 庐山云雾,Huangshan Maofeng 黄山毛峰,Longjing 龙井,Green tea,Biluochun 碧螺春,Xin Yang Mao Jian 信

8、阳毛尖,The national drink of China 国饮,Longjing(龙井),Huangshan Maofeng 黄山毛峰,Xin Yang Mao Jian 信阳毛尖,Biluochun 碧螺春,Biluochun( Pi Lo Chun ),Dong Ting mountain of TaiHu Jiangsu province,Features :,Birthplace:,1.long-lasting cooling flavor,2.mellow taste,3.Dark green,The name Biluochun literally means “Green

9、Snail Spring“. It is called so because it is a green tea that is rolled into a tight spiral, resembling snail meat, and is cropped early spring. Its original name is Xia Sha Ren Xiang (“scary fragrance“). Legend tells of its discovery by a tea picker who ran out of space in her basket and put the te

10、a between her breasts instead. The tea, warmed by her body heat, emitted a strong aroma that surprised the girl. According to the Qing Dynasty chronicle Ye Shi Da Guan, the Kangxi Emperor visited Lake Tai in the 38th year of his rule. At that time, because of its rich aroma, local people called it “

11、Scary Fragrance“. The Kangxi Emperor decided to give it a more elegant name - “Green Snail Spring“.,Biluochun( Pi Lo Chun ),Lushan Yunwu 庐山云雾,Lu Shan Yun Wu,green color,Features:,delicate fragrance,Picking time:,between GuYu (谷雨)and the beginning of summer (立夏),Benefits:,improve digestion,detoxifyin

12、g 解毒,White Tea(白茶),Features:,Birthplace:,Fujian province,1.Plant :whitish appearance,Baohao Yin zhen 白毫银针,2.Liquid: yellow-green,3.Fresh smell,Black tea,Wuyi mountain,Fujian province,1.retains its flavour for several years.,2.accounts for over ninety percent of all tea sold in the West.,Birthplace:,

13、Features:,the countrys second largest tea kind,Yellow tea,1.yellow-green.,2.high-quality teas served at the Imperial court,effective for people who have a poor appetite,3.Benefit:,Oolong Tea(乌龙茶),Tie Guan Yin(铁观音),Big Red Robe (大红袍),sweet , fruity, honey flavour, green fresh,Birthplace:,Wuyi mountai

14、n , Fujian,Features:,Dark tea(黑茶)Pu-erh(普洱茶),1.Pu-erh county near Simao, Yunnan, China,3.the more aged, the more fragrant,2. Red , unique fragrance,Scented Tea (花茶),1.Mostly made of Green tea orblack tea and flowers,2. aromatic flavor (香气浓郁),dark liquid(茶汤色深 ),Chrysanthemum tea,Jasmine tea,1.Jasmine

15、 tea,The Song Dynasty Based on green tea or white tea. Subtly sweet. The most famous scented tea.,2. Chrysanthemum tea:,Popular in East Asia Repeatedly usedHelp to reduce feverClear liver /bright eye,Fruit Tea,Eight-treasure Tea,Tangerine Peel Tea,Lotus Seed-heart Tea,Date Tea,Do you know?,1.How man

16、y kinds of tea we have mentioned ? What are they?,2.Which kind does Lushan Yunwu belong to?,3.Which scented tea is most popular?,Green tea , White tea , Black tea , Dark tea, Yellow tea ,Oolong tea, Scented tea,Green tea,Jasmine tea,4. Which province is Pu-erhs birthplace?,Yunnan,5. Which kind of tea is the most popular one in the west?,


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