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1、,Module9 Unit1,Do you want to visit the UN building?,travel (旅行),present,礼物,all around China,all around China,all around (到处 处处),all around the world,all around (到处 处处),all around China,Does Simon want to visit China?,Watch and answer.,1.Where are they visiting?2.What do they see?,Watch and answer.,

2、1.Where are they visiting?A. the UN building. B. the White House,the UN building,UN= 联合国,United Nations,知识小链接,联合国(the United Nations) 是一个统一的世界性综合性的政府间国际组织,至今有193个成员国。联合国大会总部所在地是美国纽约、瑞士日内瓦、奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕;联合国在维护世界和平,缓和国际紧张局势,解决地区冲突方面,在协调国际经济关系,促进世界各国经济、科学、文化的合作与交流方面,都发挥着积极的作用。,联合国现有193个 。,member state,

3、成员国,现任秘书长: 潘基文 1944年6月13日出生于韩国,联合国第八任秘书长,于2007年1月1日上任,China is one of the first countries in the UN. 中国是最早加入联合国的国家之一。,2.What do they see?A. flags from all around the world B. a map of China C. a present from China,Watch and answer.,Heres a flag from the US.,Heres a flag from the UK.,Heres a flag fro

4、m Canada.,China,the US,the UK,Canada,Heres a flag from China.,这是,China,Canada,Australia,America,Japan,They are flags from all around the world.,Listen and say then answer.,1. Is the UN building big or small?Its . 2.Where are the flags from?They are from_.3.How many member states are there in the UN?

5、There are .,all around the world,4. Whats the present?,Its a train.,5. What does Daming want to do?,He wants to take a photo.,Listen and say then answer.,a beautiful train,the presents from China,1984年12月,联合国官员向各国代表郑重宣布:象征人类征服大自然和进入宇宙空间的三件礼物,被评为联合国特别奖。这三件礼物是:中国的成昆铁路象牙雕刻艺术品,美国的阿波罗宇宙飞船带回来的月球岩石及前苏联的第一颗

6、人造卫星模型。它们分别代表了人类在20世纪创造的三项具有划时代意义的伟大杰作。成昆铁路象牙雕刻是中国政府赠送给联合国的一件精美礼品,被排在三件礼品特别奖的首位。它艺术地浓缩了中国在险峻山区修建一条铁路干线的伟大创举。,present,a beautiful train,one of the presents from China,one of 其中之一,one of the girls ,one of +复数 其中之一,one of the boys,One of the is green.,Lets do and guess. 我来比划你来猜。,practice 3,Do you want

7、to ?,practice 3,今天,让我们邀请要好的朋友去你家做客吧。那么应该如何用英语向朋友介绍自己家呢?,完成任务,Task completation,完成任务,Task completation,A: Do you want to visit my house? BCD: Yes, we do! A: Lets go! BCD: What a big/beautiful house! A: Do you want to go inside ? BCD: Yes, please.Wow! There are so many photos! A: Yes, I want to show y

8、ou one of the photos.Here it is. BCD: Oh! you are swimming. A: Yes, my father took it for me.,A: Do you want to ? BCD: Yes, we do! A: Lets go! BCD: What a house! A: Do you want to ? BCD: Yes, please.Wow! There are so many photos! A: Yes, I want to you one of the photos.Here it is. BCD: Oh! you are .

9、 A: Yes, took it for me.,Homework,1、模仿课文录音。 2、邀请你的朋友们到家中并向他们介绍你的照片。,a flag from China,the Peoples Republic of China,the Great wall,Kunming,the Huangshan Mountain,Harbin,Homework,1. Read the text and imitate. (读课文并模仿录音) 2. Invite your good friends to your house and introuduce your house. (邀请你的朋友去你家,并向他介绍你的家。),


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