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1、我与奥运英语作文我与奥运英语作文_0_0我与奥运英语作文我与奥运英语作文Bidding fr and hsting the lypis suessfully is, perhaps, the ultiate glry fr a ity. Hever, befre transfring the drea int reality, the benefits and drabaks f bidding fr the lypis shuld be eighed arefully. Hsting the lypis surely uld bring abut uh gain t a ity. B f t

2、he lal eny, re jbs, and the pssibility f generating ine all sund extreely attrative t the uniipal gvernent. At the sae tie, better infrastruture, leaner envirnent, enjying the spetaular gae ith hundreds f sprts elites and entertainent stars, and the pprtunity f ntating peple fr all ver the rld als s

3、ee exiting t the itizens. Besides, the bidding ill definitely prte the patriti etin and pride, as ell as the ral behavir in lal peple. In st ases, bidding fr the lypis is ell supprted by bth the publi and the entral gvernent. Unfrtunately, this is nt the entire vie f the pretty piture. If lking fr a

4、nther angle, the lypi bid ight bring abut se side-effets t a ity. First f all, the envirnental ipats, inluding the inreasing exhaust fues f ars, re pressure n ater resures, huge aunt f asted leaflets and ther aterials used fr publi ativities, are st prbably negleted. In rder t bren the streets, se t

5、rees ay have t be ut. Near the nstrutin site, the tiny dust ay linger in the air fr a lng tie. Redutin f farland ay be aused by the need f setting up ne sprts entre r atin failities. These envirnental nsequenes an be espeially serius in a resure-liited and densely-ppulated ity in a third-rld untry.

6、Besides, if talking abut the eni benefit, it shuld nt be frgtten that a quik bsting ay le t bubble grth, hih ay easily rash. If nt ell anaged and rganized, the big event ay nt be s prfitable, and the ne failities ay be frever epty after the gaes. Yes, there have been ases that hst ities ended up ith

7、 enrus debts. Finally, lets think abut the l-ine grups in the ity. hat ill they get fr the lypis bidding? re tax, re fees, re expensive prperty pries, and higher st f living. These definitely are nt gd nes fr the. T bid r nt t, this is a questin. It is up t the hie f the uniipal gvernent, and the lal publi. After the deisin, hat they an d is t ake the st f the benefit, and redue the drabaks t the least.


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