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1、C-E Translation,田野 yale_ 136 6899 8355,Translation is an impossible undertaking. Translation is extremely challenging. Translation is emotionally rewarding. Translation is in a state of perplexity. Translation is a golden mountain.,上海自来水来自海上,The water supply in Shanghai is from the sea.,Translation

2、is an impossible undertaking.,Translation is probably the most complex type of event in the history of the cosmos.,-I.A.Richards(1953),Translation is an impossible undertaking.,此木成柴山山出 因火为烟夕夕多The trees are to become firewood and they are available in every mountain. The smoke comes from the fire and

3、 there is more of it at nightfall.,每一次都在徘徊孤单中坚强, 每一次就算很受伤也不闪泪光, 我知道我一直有双隐形的翅膀,带我飞,飞过绝望 Every time I became stronger after I experienced hesitation and loneliness; Every time I shed no tears even if I was deeply hurt; Because I know I have a pair of invisible wings all the time, taking me to the sky,

4、 flying across desperation.,曾经在幽幽暗暗反反覆覆中追问 才知道平平淡淡从从容容才是真,2002年的第一场雪比以往时候来得更晚一些 停靠在八楼的二路汽车带走了最后一片飘落的黄叶 2002年的第一场雪是留在乌鲁木齐难舍的情结 你象一只飞来飞去的蝴蝶在白雪飘飞的季节里摇曳,“愚心”与“拙象”:裂变困境与文化幻叙 论沈从文都市文学世界的现代化意味摘 要 沈从文在更新历史的人性观念中通过现代心智强力透视都市精神裂变世界,其抗辨性另类话语对知识与文明人们失谐委顿的“愚心”“拙象”做出反诘;这种自然性的非完美社会情状喻示了建立理想秩序所处的矛盾性物化环境,其都市现代祛魅的溃败形

5、态作为非本质反映正显示出对社会审视的现代性;都市理性混乱与堕落感受态势的文化“他者”叙述伴随着作家的困惑与迷茫,也使沈从文客观认知与思想旅行的现代美善文化探险凸显出社会现代化梦象。 关键词 沈从文 都市文学世界 现代化意味,“Foolishness” and “Disorder“: Fission Dilemma and Illusory Narration -A Modern Reflection of Chen Congwens World of City LiteratureAbstract: Shen Congwen gains a penetrating insight into t

6、he world of city spiritual fission and his demurring alternative discourse offers an oppugnation of “foolishness“ and “disorder“ embodied in knowledge and civilized peoples disharmony and asininity; such a natural imperfect social condition reflects a contradictory material environment ideal for the

7、 establishment of order. His defeat of modern city disenchantment as a non-essence reflection is the very indication of modernism of surveying society. City reason confusion and degeneration-impressed narration of “otherness“ in the cultural sense, together with the writers bewilderment and idol, al

8、l these have made Shen Congwens objective cognation and such travel of thoughts as cultural adventure to modern beautifulness and kindness reveal the sign of social modernism. Key Words: Shen Congwen; City Literature World; Modern Reflection,Translation is emotionally rewarding.,寓教于乐 education+ ente

9、rtainment =? edutainment blending breakfast+lunch=brunch早午饭 motor+hotel=motel汽车旅馆 automobile+home=autome房车,出口 export请照顾好自己的财物 please take care of your inffect,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,国际交往、涉外商贸和涉外旅游越来越频繁,翻译的需求正在以惊人的速度发展。特别是我国加入后,国际化趋势愈加明显,这种需求将更加受人瞩目。据国家外事局统计,年中国翻译市场规模为人民币亿元。根据国际本地化行业标准协会()和美国一家权威机构对世界翻译市场的调查显

10、示,目前全球年翻译产值超过亿美元(其中亚太地区占),年将达到亿美元,而中国翻译市场今年产值将超过亿元,中国翻译市场需求正面临着急剧膨胀的趋势。另一方面,国内的翻译行业总体还处于比较落后和分散的状态,未形成明显的产业链。中国翻译公司的数量和规模都远远不能满足翻译市场的巨大需求。 上海译云翻译公司的市场部负责人陈弋桃告诉记者,目前全国有多家翻译公司,而上海则聚集了不到家。尽管如此,由于我国翻译人才缺口达,大部分翻译公司的翻译能力相对较弱,因而不能形成规模化经营。,我们一定要热爱动物, 因为它们的味道实在是太美了.金钱不是万能的, 有时候需要信用卡.,We must love animals, be

11、cause they are really tasty.Money is not everything; we need credit card sometimes.,符合条件者得优先录用. 参加考试者不得带任何书籍入场. 受污染的物质不得投入珠江. 谁做得了主? 谁也做不了主. 这话他说得,我就说不得吗?,Thank you!,Translation of Words,context; broad sense and narrow sense commendatory sense and derogatory sense collocation ambiguous words,开汽车、火车、

12、飞机 -驾驶 开电梯、机器、车床-操纵 开电视、收音机-使用 开盖子-打开并去掉 开工资-发放 开缺口-穿透、破例 开会-召集、举行 开矿-开采,开票-填写 开课-讲授 开门-打开 开刀-做手术 开口-讲话 开窍-想通 开设办起 开创-探索,1.上星期她在这里学开汽车. 2.现在连姑娘也会开飞机啦! 3.这位年轻的飞行员将开一架新式喷气机. 4.谁开那台机器? 5.他在三周内学会了开机器. 6.第一辆公共汽车开走了,第二辆汽车开过来了. 7.火车已经开走了. 8.火车就要开了. 9.那台电脑正开着.,10.把收音机开小声点,别打搅别人. 11.这台电视机每最多开两个小时. 12.隧道顶上开了一

13、些洞,让烟尘逸出. 13.门半开着,我往里偷看了一两眼. 14.我们进厨房时,水正开着. 15.我认为他在给我们开玩笑. 16.我给你开一些药,每天服用,控制血压. 17.她一个人开两台机器. 18.花开了.,1.上星期她在这里学开汽车. Last week she was learning to drive a car here. 2.现在连姑娘也会开飞机啦! Nowadays girls can pilot planes, too! 3.这位年轻的飞行员将开一架新式喷气机. The young pilot will fly a new-type jet plane. 4.谁开那台机器? W

14、ho is operating that machine? 5.他在三周内学会了开机器. He acquired the ability to run a machine within three weeks.,6.第一辆公共汽车开走了,第二辆汽车开过来了. There goes the first bus, and here comes the second one. 7.火车已经开走了. The train is off/gone. 8.火车就要开了. The train is about to start. 9.那台电脑正开着. That computer is now at work.

15、,10.把收音机开小声点,别打搅别人. Turn down the radio, or you will disturb other people. 11.这台电视机每最多开两个小时. The television set is switched on two hours a day at most. 12.隧道顶上开了一些洞,让烟尘逸出. Holes were dug in the tunnel roof so that smoke might escape. 13.门半开着,我往里偷看了一两眼. The door was partially open and I peeped in. 14

16、.我们进厨房时,水正开着. The kettle was on/at boil when I came into the kitchen.,15.我认为他在给我们开玩笑. I thought he was making fun of us. 16.我给你开一些药,每天服用,控制血压. Im going to give you some medicine, and youve got to take it every day to keep your blood pressure under control. 17.她一个人开两台机器. She minds two machines all by herself. 18.花开了. The flowers are out.,1.他就着油灯读信. 2.我这星期不忙,就你的时间吧. 3.花生仁儿就酒挺合适. 4.稍等一会儿,我就来. 5.她十三岁就参加革命了. 6.我一打听到他的住址,就马上告诉你. 7.他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言. 8.她三天才来看我一次,你一天就来三次.,


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