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1、形容词(adj.) & 副词(adv.),形容词 Eg. *It seems that hes a kind-hearted guy.*Traveling around Africa is excited. *Something interesting happened today. *Lets make our motherland strong.( keep/leave/find/make n. +adj),用于修饰名词或不定代词,描述被修饰成分的性质、特征、状态或属性等,形容词的类型,1.-ing 形容词 (多形容物的品质和性质) eg: exciting, interesting, f

2、ascinating, pleasing,boring, encouraging,surprising,amusing,amazing 例外:由不及物动词变来的adj, living,rising,只做定语。 living man. rising flag.,exiciting film 定语 this film is exicting. 表语living 活着的 living man alive 活着的 the man is alive. rising 上升的 rising sun,2. ed 形容词 (具有被动意义),e.g. excited, interested, fascinated

3、, pleased,depressed,bored,surprised,amused,disappointed, tired, worried(这类词通常可用于形容词比较级,用于形容人的情绪,状态等)注意: 某些只能做表语的形容词pleased,tired, touched, lost, dressed, i am pleased. please sb. 让某人高兴 i am touched 感动的 my pen is lost. dressed. dress v 穿衣服 i dress you. i am dressed.,3. 合成形容词.,E.g. good-looking, kind-

4、hearted, paper-cup one-way, well-prepared, hard-working, time-wasting, twenty-year-old,To be continued,形容词和副词,1、通常在句中作定语、表语或宾补,有时还可作状语。如:He is honest and hardworking.I found the book interesting. 2 某些形容词与定冠词连用表示一类人作主语时,谓语通常用复数形式。如:The rich and the poor live in different parts of the city.The English

5、 like to be with their families.,形容词,1、 副词的种类,To be continued,副词,(1) 时间副词 如:ago, before, already, just, now, early, late, finally, tomorrow等(2) 地点副词 如:here, there, near, around, in, out, up, down, back, away, outside等 。 (3) 方式副词 如:carefully, angrily, badly, calmly, loudly, quickly, politely, nervous

6、ly等。(4) 程度副词 如:almost, nearly, much, greatly, a bit, a little, hardly, so, very等。,副词:主要用于修饰动词、形容词和其他副词或者全句,描述被修饰成 分的特征或状态。 E.g. (作状语)It snowed heavily last January. (修饰动词,)I recently went to Berlin for a meeting.(修饰动词)Miss Perez speaks French fairly well.(修饰形容词)Hes driving very carefully. (修饰副词)Norm

7、ally we dont have classes on Sundays.(修饰整句),adv.作表语,多数与介词同型的副词可作表语He is out for the moment. I must be off now.We will be abroad next year.(down, up, about, in, through, over,etc.),p.s. 如何判断是介词还是副词? -带宾语时候则为介词,否则为副词.,out of window/ go out; look up the dictionary/ stand up,副词:(作定语) e.g. I hope you enj

8、oy your stay here. (修饰名词)The view around is very beautiful. (修饰名词)Is there anything on tonight? (修饰名词)Follow the example above, please. (修饰名词)(构成成语动词,即固定搭配的短语) e.g. put off, put on, turn off, make up, give up,观察下列各句, 辨别括号中单词的词类。1. He is a (fast) worker.2. He works very (fast.)3. Thats a (hard) math

9、problem.4. You have to work (hard) at your lessons5. I feel(better) now.6. He plays football (better) than I.7. Tom draws (worse) than his brother.8. He was (worse) than his brother.9. Of all the boys ,he reads (best.)10. Of all the boys, he is the (best.),11. That plane flew (high) that day.12. Tha

10、t plane is (high ) in the sky now.13. A (straight ) line is the shortest between 2 points.14. Stand (straight).15. He always speaks in a (low ) voice.16. He is a clever businessman.He always buys (low ) and sells high.17. At the end of the street , there is a (low ) wall.18. We didnt go (far ) becau

11、se we knew that famous place was too (far ) away.19. He is a (slow ) boy. Hes always (slow) to make up his mind.And he even likes to take a (slow) train when he travel.,20. Please tell the driver to go (slower).21. The (last ) time I saw you was the last Sunday in June.22. She was very well when I (

12、last ) saw her.23. The train was ten minutes (late).24. He arrived home (late) last night and he got up late this morning.25. Not many people write with the (left) hand.26. Please turn (left) now.,1.一般在词尾后加 er 或est.soon-sooner-soonest clever-cleverer-cleverest 2.以辅音字母加“y”结尾的形容词副词,先把“y”变为“i”,再加er或est

13、.(形容词加-ly构成的副词除外)angry-angrier-angriest busy-busier-busiest 3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的形容词,前面的元音字母发短元音时,应 先写双写这一个辅音字母,再加er或est.big-bigger-biggest thin-thinner-thinnestfat-fatter-fattest wet-wetter-wettesthot-hotter-hottest red-redder-reddest,形容词或副词比较级和最高级的构成,4. 多音节词和一些双音节词在该词前加more/ most变为比较级/最高级。(以ly结尾的副词除early以

14、及不规则变化外,也应加more/most) Eg. interesting more/most interestingcareful more/most careful slowly more/most slowly usefulmore useful- the most useful例外: tired more / the most tired 以下两种变化方式都可:friendly- friendlier, friendliest / more/the most friendly often- oftener/ oftenest more/the most often glad, shy,

15、 fit, quiet ,形容词或副词比较级和最高级的构成 不规则变化good/well better, bestbad/badly/ill worse, worstmany/much more, mostlittle less, least* old older, oldest 年长的;老的;旧的elder, eldest(亲戚关系中)年长的* far farther, farthest 远的further, furthest 远的(有更加、进一步的含义),有些形容词没有程度可分 或 形容词本身就表示某种程度,没有比较级和最高级。 right / wrong first/last possi

16、ble/impossible excellent/perfect empty/full east/west,形容词或副词各比较等级的基本用法,1、原级:使用形容词或副词原形,表示 A与B一样(或不一样)。主要用于A as as B not so .as 结构。 Eg. 1) Jim is as tall as Mike.Jim is not so tall as Mike.2) Jim works as hard as Mike.Jim doesnt work so hard as Mike.,关于as.(+adj./adv原级).as例句,他和他的兄弟一样高。 John和我吃得一样多。 我的数学成绩并没有她那么好。 韩国人口并没有日本那么多。 英语没有中文那么难。 他们和我们一样渴望和平。 they want peace as much as we. she is as beautiful as i/me.,


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