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1、Unit 5 My New Room,B Lets learn,执教者 陈佳嘉,A chant .,Put your hands on your face.Put your fingers in your ears.,Put your hands under your leg.,A chant .,Put your hands on your face.Put your fingers in your ears.,Put your hands under your leg.,Make a new chant in groups. 组内创编新歌谣。用on/in/under造句:,Put your

2、 on.,Put your in.,Put your under.,提示:可以用文具、身体各部位来做这三个动作。,Make a new chant in groups. 组内创编新歌谣。用on/in/under造句:,Put your on.,Put your in.,Put your under.,提示:可以用文具、身体各部位来做这三个动作。,Horse Race,赛马比赛,A,B,Horse Race,A is in front of B. Or B is in front of A. 猜一猜A跑在B前面还是 B跑在A前面?,Lets guess.,the first round,the

3、second round,游戏:小Jerry藏在哪些图片的后面, 请同学们帮忙找出来。 T: Where is Jerry? S: Is it behind?,Time for games,Ask : Is it behind the.?,Make a new sentence.造新句子。,The _ is over the _ .,A: Where is Jerry ?,B: Its .,Ask and answer.,答问组小,Please find out the mistakes.请找出错误。,Help Tom make the room in tidy and design the

4、room. 帮助Tom把房间整理好,把房间安排成自己想要的样子。,做一个房间小设计师。,To be a room designer .,请根据房间的布置,选择所学的介词来填空,并在小组里介绍自己的房间。 in / on / under in front of /behind over / near,This is my room . The bed is my room. The end table is the bed. The mirror is the bed. The closet is the bed. The trash bin is the bed. The lamp is th

5、e end table.,请根据房间的布置,选择所学的介词来填空,并在小组里介绍自己的房间。 in / on / under in front of /behind over / near,Wow! What a tidy room! 多整洁的房间啊!,To be helpful at home . To be a clean and tidy child!,在家里做爸爸妈妈的小帮手。,做个爱干净,爱整洁的好孩子。,1. Discuss your classroom like this: 用所学的句型谈谈教室里的物品。A: Where is the ? B: Its on/in/under. 2.Introduce your own room to your friends. 用英语跟朋友介绍自己的房间。 3.Design a room and write an E-mail to your friends. 用英语写一封信件描述自己梦想中的房间,发E-mail给老师或 者你的朋友。,Homework,(根据自己的掌握程度选择其中一项或者两项做),Good bye!,


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