2018年九年级英语全册 unit 5 what are the shirts made of section b1课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit5 What are they made of?,Section B (1a2e),international competitor its form ballon scissors lively heat polish complete,New words,New words,New words,Have you ever been to Weifang?,Weifang,潍坊风筝广场“风徽”标志。,What is Weifang famous for?,Can you fly a kite?,Can you make a Kite?,风筝制作图解,潍坊国际风筝节是中国设立最早、连续

2、举办时间最久、影响力最广、经济和社会效益最好的知名节庆会展活动。与北京地坛庙会、哈尔滨冰灯节、自贡灯会、并称的全国四大群众文化活动;与大连国际服装节、洛阳牡丹花会、哈尔滨冰灯节一起并称为全国四大节会;是“中国改革开放30年最受关注的30个节庆”、“中国最具国际影响力十大节庆(IFEA) ”,连续多年荣膺“中国十大品牌节庆展会”、“美丽中国最负城市形象品牌节庆”、“中国节庆产业金手指奖十大节庆”,潍坊市也多次荣膺“中国十大节庆城市”、“中国最具魅力节庆城市”等殊荣,还是荣获“中国最具活力的会展城市”荣誉称号的全国会展十强城市之一。每年一度的世界风筝锦标赛是国际风筝运动最有影响力的活动,是世界风筝

3、体育赛事的正式标准国际赛事。每年举办一次。潍坊国际风筝节一般定于每年4月20日至25日在风筝都潍坊举行。1984年举办第一届潍坊风筝节以来,吸引着大批中外风筝专家和爱好者及游人前来观赏、竞技和游览。旅游者以4月20日前抵达潍坊为宜。,潍坊风筝节,Listening(1b),Listen to a conversation and circle the correct answers. 1.Laura is trying to find out more about _. A.what zheng Yun did on his vacation B.what zheng Yun thinks a

4、bout Weifang 2.Zheng Yu tells Laura about _. A.a kite festival B.how to make a kite,Work on 1c. Listen and write.,1._ went on a vacation to Weifang. 2._wants to know more about the kite festival. 3.saw many different kinds of kites at the festival. 4.didnt know that kite flying could be so exciting.

5、 5.wants to learn to fly a kite.,Work on 1d. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1.Weifang is a city in Shandong. It is famouse for _. 2.The international kite festival id held in _ evry year. 3.The competitors at the festival are from_. 4.There are _ for the kites. 5.Some of the kites Zheng Yun sa

6、w were made of _. Some were paited with colorful_.,A:Where did you go on vacation? B:I went to an international kite festival. A:That sounds interesting.What did you see there? B: Role-play a conversatin withthe information in 1b-1d.,Pairwork.,What do you know about folk and traditional art?,paper c

7、utting,paper cutting,sky lanterns,Bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.,Chinese clay art,The pieces are shaped by hand carefully.,彩绘,They are fired at a very high heat.,Clay pieces,Clay pieces,Read the passage and complete the chart.,Reading,bamboo and paper,Sky lanterns,Paper cutting,Chinese

8、 clay,paper and scissors,a very special kind of clay,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,1.What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? 2.What were sky lanterns useed for before and What are they used for now? 3.What kind of pictures are usally found on paper cuttings? 4.How do pe

9、ople use papper cuttings during the Spring Festival? 5.What are the steps for making clay art pieces? 6.Which art form do you think is the most interesting? Why?,Language ponts,send out 发送; 发出; 长出; 散布 All the stars send out light and heat. 所有的恒星都会发出光和热。 The transponder automatically sends out a sign

10、al .发射机应答器便会自动发出信号。 2.turn into 变成;进入;成为;进入,使变成,使成为 The old building was turned into a library.这座旧房子被改作了图书馆。 3.be covered with 被所覆盖,覆盖着,盖满 The road was covered with tar.路上覆盖了柏油。 The vast champaign was covered with thick snow.广袤的平原被厚厚的雪覆盖着。,Compelet the sentences.,1.People used to _ sky lanterns when

11、 they were in trouble.But today ,people light the lanterns and watch them _ the sky with their wishes. 2.The art of paper cutting _ a simple thing like a piece of paper_ a beautiful piece of art. People often_ these art pieces _ the doors , windows and walls of their homes to celebrate the Spring Fe

12、stival.,send out,rise into,turns,into,put,on,3.To make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand into things _ cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales and stories. They are then_ paint.,such as,covered with,1.Which art form do you think is the easiest? Which is the most difficult? Wh

13、y? 2.Which art form would you like to learn? Why?,Discussion,New words and expressions international competitor its form balloon scissors lively heat polish complete turn into send out be covered with Sentence structures 1.According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.

14、 2.They are made of bamboo and covered with paper.,summary,Exercises,II.句型转换 1. They went to Tibet on vacation. (对画线部分提问) _ _ they _ on vacation? 2. I want to know how I can make a paper plane. (改为同义句) I want to know _ _ _ a paper plane. 3. Weifang holds the international kite festival every year. (

15、改为被动语态) The international kite festival _ _ in Weifang every year. 4. The beautiful clothes are made in this company. (改为一般疑问句) _ the beautiful clothes _ in this company? 5. Strawberries are grown on the farm. (改为否定句) Strawberries _ _ on the farm. 1. Where did; go 2. how to make 3. is held 4. Are; made 5. arent grown,Review the useful language items. Write a short passage about your favorite art festival.,Homework,Thank you.,


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