八年级英语look it up 教案1

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1、Chapter5 Lookit up,上师大附外中 沈玮,教案设计说明,1、教材的理解和教学内容、目标的确定,本章课文中的三篇短文摘自少儿百科全书,内容引人入胜,可以激发学生阅读的兴趣,提高阅读,能力,也可以学到利用工具书查询资料和信息的初步知识。,本课时是本章节的第一课时。鉴于学生对其中两篇文章(Dinosaur、Walt Disney)有所了解,也 更感兴趣;同时,本课时旨在导入新课,激发学生的学习热情,因此,在引导学生了解百科全书的 基础上,本课时主要通过听、说、读认识这两篇文章中的重点词汇、整体理解文章内容,为后面的 检测性练习和对原文的细细研读,以及对重要词语和结构的讲解、训练和掌握

2、作铺垫。另外,通过 本课时的学习,激发学生的读好书、不断拓宽知识面的热情。,本课时的教学重点之一是 exist, skeleton 等的词汇教学(harmless, fierce, amusement 等在 SBS 中学,过,在本课教学中只作复习处理);教学重点之二是对两篇文章内容的整体理解。,本课时的教学难点是在一定量信息输入的基础上,如何引导学生较顺利地进行信息的加工和输,出,以达到英语学习的真正目的。,2、教学对象的分析,本课时的教学对象是我校初二(2)班甲班学生。他们大多都热衷于英语学习,思维活跃、有良 好的英语学习习惯。近两年半两套英语教材的学习(Oxford 和 Side By S

3、ide)和小班化教学,他们已 经掌握了相当多的词汇,同时具有相对较强的听、说、读、写能力。但由于多数学生知识面较狭窄, 因此在设计教学过程时,教师还要尽可能地注意信息的输入,为学生提供更多用英语进行交际的素 材。,3、教学思路,牛津英语教学是以任务型学习为基础,以学生为主体,培养学生语言交际能力的新型教学模式。 因此,在整个教学设计的过程中,一方面,通过以学生为中心的师生间、同学间的互动式教学,以 教导学;另一方面,注重语言输入的层次性,由易到难、由点到面,为学生创设成功和发展的机会, 从而进一步调动和发挥学生的主体性,提高他们的语言交际能力。,1) 通过一个 Quiz 使学生初步了解百科全书

4、的内容,也调动了他们学习课文和以读书增长知识 的积极性。同时 Quiz 结合了学生前一阶段学习的话题Space, 由易到难,有助于缓解学生紧张 情绪,营造轻松愉悦的学习氛围,从而提高学习效率。,2) 利用自然的过渡,结合两篇文章的特点,通过听、读、说等多种形式,全面地了解文章内,容,。,由于“Dinosaur”中有几个较难的生词,因此采用由词到句、由句到篇的方式,即,借助图片 解决生词,排除理解障碍在听的训练中,加强句子的理解把握关键词,增强文章整体理解,通过自读、质疑,检查课文理解效果。结合学生喜欢看卡通片、对 Disneyland 极感兴趣的特点,“Disney, Walt”的教学更注重信

5、息的 输入和输出:在热烈轻松的谈话氛围下,集思广益;通过自读课文后的互问互答,增加信息,培养 快速阅读的能力;在教师问题的引导下,获得更全面、系统的信息;借助板书,在简单输出中强化。3) 以 Interview 的形式,提升学生对课文内容的理解,并为学生提供用英语进行有意义交际的 机会,增强英语学习的实践性,同时也是对本课时教学效果的检查。4) 为了能在下一课时更深入地引导学生学习课文和提高英语综合能力,教师鼓励学生利用多 种途径去查阅更多的资料、激发他们热爱读书、不断提升自身素养的积极性。Answer sheet 1 T or F:,1. Thedinosaur lived on Earth

6、 morethan sixty thousand years ago.,(,),),2. Long time ago, people could see dinosaurs. ( 3.All thedinosaurs lived on the land. ( ),4. Someof thedinosaurs werehuge, but someweresmall. (,),(,),5. Dinosaurs werealways harmful to theanimals around them. 6. Not all the dinosaurs ate meat. ( ) 7. Somedin

7、osaurs died out suddenly. ( ),8. People can know dinosaurs from theskeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind. (,),Answer sheet 2 Blank filling:Dinosaurs lived on earth more than sixty _ years ago. This was a long time _ people existed. There were millions of dinosaurs. They lived _. Some were

8、as _ as chickens.,Others wereas big as ten elephants. Somedinosaurs had wings and could_.,Many dinosaurs were _. They were as _ as sheep and ate plants. Others were harmful.,They were_ than tigers and ate meat, unlike most other dinosaurs.,Dinosaurs all died _. _ knows why. We know about the lives o

9、f dinosaurs from the,skeletons, eggs and _ they left behind.,Teaching Design,Teaching contents:Oxford English 8A, Chapter 5 (Look it up!) Thefirst period,Teaching aims:,1. To find and understand theinformation given from encyclopaedias.,2. To develop studentsability of listening, speaking and readin

10、g.,3. To develop studentsability of observation, imagination and cooperation. 4. To stimulate studentsinterest in studying English and reading books.,Teaching focus:,1. To learn and understand somenew words (exist, skeleton, etc.) 2. To get a general idea of thepassages.,Teaching difficulties:,How t

11、o express what theyvelearned in their own words.,Teaching aids:,1. PowerPoint 2. Videos,Teacher: Shen Wei,Class: Class Two (A), Junior Two Teaching time: December 4, 2007,Teaching procedure: I. Warming-up:,Do aquiz.,II. While-task procedure:,1. Dinosaurs:,1). Learn somenew words with pictures.,2). L

12、isten to thetape and do T or F and blank filling.,3).Tick out somewords you think important in the passage.,2. Disney, Walt,1). Talk about your favorite cartoon characters with pictures. 2).Ask and answer thequestions in pairs while reading.,3). Say something about thepassagewith theexpressions give

13、n.,III. Post-task procedure: Carry out an interview.,(Interview the tourists in the museum or in the Disneyland Park according to the information in the short passages.),Assignment:,1. Copy thenew words and phrases.,2. Find more information about dinosaurs, Disneyland and Walt Disney in magazines, books or on the Internet.,http:/ 塑钢打包带 塑料打包带 djl151eiw,


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