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1、2018 年秋七年级英语上册课时检测质量评估试卷1UnitUnit 4 4 WheresWheres mymy schoolbag?schoolbag?第一课时第一课时 SectionSection A A (1a(1a2d)2d) A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1Where_ is my pen? Its in my pencil box. 2I cant find my balls on the desk. Are they under_ the desk? 3We eat dinner at the table_ in the dining room. 4The lib

2、rary has many books. They are in the bookcases_ 5Grandma is sitting on the sofa_ in the living room. 6Its 11:00 at night. I want to go to bed_ 7There are 40 desks and chairs_ in the classroom. .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1_Her_ (she) books are on the table. 2_They_ (they) are Tonys good friends. 3Is this _his_

3、 (he) watch? 4Please help _me_ (I) 5Where are the _tables_ (table)? 6Where _are_ (be) the CDs? 7The baseball _isnt_ (not) on the sofa. .根据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词) 1我的书包在哪儿? 在椅子上。 Where is my _schoolbag_? Its on the _chair_ 2钥匙在沙发上吗? _Are_ the keys on the _sofa_? 3棒球不在床底下。The baseball _isnt_ _under_ the bed.2

4、018 年秋七年级英语上册课时检测质量评估试卷24英语书在他的桌上。 The English book _is_ _on_ his _table_ .单项选择。( D )1.Her hat is _ the sofa. Aat Bof Cby Don ( D )2.Look at these keys on the table. _ are your fathers. AThese BIt CThose DThey ( A )3.Here is your schoolbag, dear. _, Mom. AThank you BYoure welcome CYou, too DI see( B

5、 )4.Are the books on the desk? _. Theyre under the chair. AYes, it is BNo, they arent CYes, they are DNo, it isnt ( C )5._ is my pencil box? Look, its on your desk. AWhat BHow CWhere DWhy .从 B 栏中找出适合 A 栏的答语。A ( A )1.Are these Sallys rulers? ( D )2.Where are the computer games? ( B )3.Is the baseball

6、 under the chair? ( C )4.What is your email address?B AYes, they are. BNo. Its under the bed. CIts J. DThey are on the desk. B 语法扬帆 .从下列句子中找出一个语法错误,画线并改在下面的横线上。 1Wheres his notebook and pencil box? _Wheres_改为 Wherere_ 2Wherere the flowers?Its on the table. _Its_改为 Theyre_ 3There is a picture book on

7、 desk.2018 年秋七年级英语上册课时检测质量评估试卷3_desk 前加 the_ 4We can see some birds on the tree. _on 改为 in_ 5Where is a schoolbag? _a 改为 the_ C 提升冲浪 .完形填空。I am John.Here is a picture of _1_ room.A desk is _2_ the picture.My books are on _3_ desk.My basketball _4_under the desk. _5_that in the desk? I _6_know.Two _7

8、_are behind the desk.One is my_8_, Bob.The_other is my friend, Frank._9_are students.Frank is _10_Beijing now. ( B )1.A.her Bmy Chis ( C )2.A.at Bof Cin ( A )3.A.the Ba C/ ( C )4.A.am Bare Cis ( C )5.A.Hows BWheres CWhats ( B )6.A.not Bdont Cam not ( B )7.A.teachers Bboys Cgirls ( A )8.A.brother Bsi

9、ster Cmother ( C )9.A.He BShe CThey ( A )10.A.in Bon Cunder .阅读理解。This is a pencil box. Its red. Its on the desk. Look! This is a pencil. Its black. And this is an eraser. Its orange and white. Theyre both in the pencil box. This is a ruler. Its blue. Its next_to the pencil box. Thats a pen. Its yel

10、low. Its on the desk.Wheres my math book? Oh, its there, under the chair. ( D )1.The pencil box is _. Ayellow Bblack Corange and white Dred ( C )2.The ruler is _ Ain the schoolbag Bin the bookcase Cnext to the pencil box Din the drawer( D )3._ is/are in the pencil box. AA pencil BAn eraser CA ruler

11、DA and B( B )4.The _is blue. Apen Bruler Cpencil box Dmath book( D )5.Where is my math book?2018 年秋七年级英语上册课时检测质量评估试卷4AIn the desk. BOn the desk. CSorry, I dont know. DUnder the chair. .任务型阅读。This is Cindy and Kates bedroom. The blue bed is Kates and the green one is Cindys. They arent twins. They ar

12、e sisters. Kate is thirteen. Cindy is nine. Cindys bag is on the bed, and Kates is in the bookcase. A baseball is under the table. Its Jims. Jim is Cindy and Kates friend. They are all English. They are in the same school. 根据短文内容把物品编号写在图中相应的位置上。 ACindys bag BKates bag CJims baseball略猜出画线短语的中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。读后词汇拓展1The other _另一个_ 2next to _紧挨着_


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