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1、Period Five Communication Workshop,.单词识记 1_ n. the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of sth 2_ v. to frighten sb 3_ vi. to suffer or die for lack of food 4_ n. an amount of bread that has been baked in one piece,depth,scare,starve,loaf,5_ adj. difficult 6_ n. one of several parts of sth

2、 7_ vt. to succeed in doing sth or completing sth,tough,component,accomplish,.短语天地 1_ 多亏,由于 2_ 扬帆,起航 3_ 发表演说 4_ 难怪 5_ 与某人私奔,thanks to,set sail,make a speech,no wonder,go off with sb,6feel down_ 7go wrong_ 8make fun of_ 9burst out laughing_ 10give away_,感到难过,沮丧,出错,取笑,突然大笑,泄露,赠送,.句型搜索 1I looked down a

3、s much as I could and saw a human creature just six inches high,with a bow and arrow in his hands. 信息提取with a bow and arrow in his hands是with的复合结构之一:with宾语介词短语。 例句仿写老师走进了教室,手里拿了一本书。 The teacher walked into the classroom,_.,with a book in his hand,2I felt at least forty more of the same kind followin

4、g the first. 信息提取“(be) of抽象名词”用来描述人或事物的特征。 例句仿写这两个男孩同样的年龄,却不一般的身高。 The two boys are _ but _.,of the same age,of different heights,3Just when I was able to struggle no longer,I found myself within my depth. 信息提取“find宾语介词短语”表示“发现自己处于状态”。 例句仿写苏醒过来时,我发现自己在医院。 When I came to myself,I _.,found myself in h

5、ospital,4Having scared the little things,I began struggling to get loose. 信息提取having done sth 为现在分词完成形式作状语。 例句仿写完成作业之后,孩子们就回家了。 _ , the children went home.,Having finished their homework,.预读理解 1判断正(T)误(F) (1)At first,our voyage went well,but in November,we were driven by a storm onto a rock.( ) (2)T

6、hey didnt serve me anything to eat.( ) (3)One of the creatures climbed onto the stage and made a long speech.( ),T,F,T,(4)Suddenly,I started to yawn and quickly fell asleep,for their doctors had put a sleeping drug in with the wine.( ) (5)I did nothing to prevent the arrows falling on my face.( ),T,

7、F,2课文缩写 _,I felt something _ on my left leg.It _over my body and came almost up to my face.I looked down _ I could and saw a human creature _,with a bow and arrow in his hands._,I felt at least forty more of the same kind _the first,I was _surprised and shouted so loudly that they all ran back _.,Su

8、ddenly,alive moving,advanced,as much as,just six inches high,Immediately,following,completely,in fear,1starve vi.挨饿,饿死 Thousands of people will starve if food doesnt reach the stricken city.如果食物不能运到那座受灾城市,成千上万的人就要饿死。,starve to death饿死 be starved of非常需要,缺乏 starvation n挨饿,饿死,【搭配】,Whole communities sta

9、rved to death during the long drought. 在这场漫长的大旱中,整个村落的人都饿死了。,【翻译句子】 (1)战争期间,许多人饿死了。 _ 【完成句子】 (2)她工作的那个部门一直缺少资源。 The department where she is working has _ resources. 【答案】(1)Over war,many people died of starvation. (2)been starved of,2tough adj.艰难的,不幸的;强壮的,强健的 The reporters were asking a lot of tough

10、questions. 记者们问了许多难以回答的问题。,Climbing the high mountain can be tough for everyone. 爬上那座高山对每个人来说都是一件艰难的事。 Its difficult for him to speak English well. 对他来说讲好英语很困难。,【完成句子】 (1)要在丛林中活下来就要有坚韧不拔的意志。 You need to _ _ _ _ in the jungle. (2)现在该对足球迷小流氓采取强硬措施了。 Its time to _ _ _ football hooligans. 【答案】(1)be toug

11、h to survive (2)get tough with,3accomplish vt.做成功,完成,实现(计划等),达到(目的) My plan for reading has been accomplished smoothly. 我的读书计划已顺利完成。 A lazy man would never accomplish anything. 懒惰的人永远一事无成。,accomplish ones task/aim完成任务/达到目的 accomplish ones mission完成使命 accomplishment n. 成就;才能,才艺,【拓展】,We must try our b

12、est to accomplish our task this weekend.这周我们必须尽力完成任务。 The series of buildings is quite an accomplishment. 这一系列的建筑真是了不起的成就。,【完成句子】 (1)她完成了自己的使命后走了。 She had _ ,and then left. (2)她是一位美丽有才华的女士。 She was an elegant and _ woman. (3)她多才多艺,能歌善画。 Drawing and singing were among her many _ . 【答案】(1)accomplished

13、 her mission (2)accomplished (3)accomplishments,thanks to Thanks to the teachers help,he passed the exam. 多亏了老师的帮助,他通过了考试。,【拓展】 thanks to,due to,owing to和because of都有“因为,由于”的意思,在意义上,除了thanks to通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”外,其他几个短语的含义区别不大,但在用法上稍有不同: (1)due to多作表语,作状语时一般不置于句首。 (2)owing to可以作状语和表语,在作状语时一般要在该状语后面加上逗号

14、。,(3)because of应用最广,也更口语化。 The mans failure is due to his too much pride. 他的失败是因为太骄傲了。 Because of his wifes being there,I said nothing about it.他妻子在那儿,我什么也没说。,【翻译句子】 (1)多亏你的耐心解释,我才明白这句话的意思。(thanks to) _ (2)这个作家的成功主要靠机遇。(due to) _ 【答案】(1)Thanks to your patient explanation,I could understand the meaning of the sentence. (2)The writers success was mainly due to the opportunity.,1(课文重现)Just when I was able to struggle no longer, I found myself within my depth.当我挣扎不起来时,我发现(水深)不超过自己的高度。 【句式分析】 该句是“find宾语介词短语”结构,意为“发现自己处于状态”。介词短语作宾语补足语。,


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