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1、2013届高考英语(人教版)一轮复习:Book2 Unit 3 课件,高 频 考 点,佳 作 诵 读,考 点 锁 定,课 时 作 业,课 堂 双 基,作,佳,诵,读,(2012湖北八校联考一)假设你叫李明,下面是你的一位外国笔友Kristie给你写的电子邮件,询问有关小悦悦事件的情况。,请你给她回一封邮件,要点如下: 1社会陷入自责和反思; 2某些路人的冷漠或另有原因,可最终还是有一名拾荒婆婆挺身而出; 3单个事件不能代表中国,助人为乐一直是中国的传统美德。,注意: 1不能照抄原信件语句; 2可自由发挥添加细节; 3词数120左右; 4回信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:伦理道德

2、ethical and moral(adj.);美德virtue (n.),Dear Kristie, I was in very low spirits _ Believe me, Kristie, and believe in the Chinese people! Sincerely yours, Li Ming,点,考,锁,定,.重点词汇 1_ n计算器_v计算_n计算 2_ adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的_n宇宙 3_ v简化_adj.简单的 4_ n(电脑)操作员;接线员_v操作;手术,5_ n工艺;科技;技术_adj. 科技的 6_ adj.人造的;假的 7_ n智力;聪明;智能

3、_adj.智能的 8_ vt.解决;解答_n解决方案 9_ n真实;事实;现实_adj.真实的 10_ adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的 11_ adj.总的;整个的_adv.完全地,12_ n应用;用途;申请_v申请;应用 13_ n金融;财经_adj.金融的;财政的 14_ v探索;探测;探究_n探索 15_ adj.支持的;支撑的_n支持者 16_ vt.下载 17_ v发信号n.信号 18_ adj.电子的,19_ vi.出现;外观;外貌_vi.出现 20_ n性格;特点,角色,人物,字体,答案 1calculator; calculate; calculation 2universal

4、; universe 3.simplify; simple 4operator; operate 5.technology; technological 6artificial 7.intelligence; intelligent 8.solve; solution 9reality; real 10.personal 11.total; totally 12application; apply 13.finance; financial 14explore; exploration 15.supporting; supporter 16download 17.signal 18.elect

5、ronic 19appearance; appear 20.character,.短语回顾 1work _ a list 列单子 2compare _ 和比较 3put. _ order 使有序 4from. _ 从时开始 5_ size 在尺寸上 6_ a result 结果 7provide sb. _ 给提供,8signal _ sb. 给某人发信号 9_ a way 在某种程度上 10_ the help of 在的帮助下 11deal _ 处理;安排;对付 12watch _ 看守;监视 答案 1out 2.with 3.in 4.on 5.in 6.as 7with 8.to 9.

6、in 10.with 11.with 12.over,.句式填空 1before 引导的时间状语从句 I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years _ (过久才)I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 2consider 宾语 (to be/as) n/adj. At that time it _ (被看作) a technological revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligen

7、ce”,3as 引导的时间状语从句 _ (随着时间的推移), I was made smaller. 4so adj./adv. that 引导的结果状语从句 Over time my memory has developed _ (如此快以致), like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! 5with the help of 在帮助下 After all, _ (在帮助下) my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence

8、is what Im all about!,答案 1before 2.was considered 3.As time went by 4so fast that 5.with the help of,频,高,考,点,考点单词 1anyhow adv. 无论如何;即使如此 Anyhow I must get all the work done before Monday.(无论如何) I am not feeling quite well, but I will attend the meeting tomorrow anyhow. (即使如此) I was in such a hurry t

9、hat I put my clothes on anyhow.(随便地,胡乱地),【思维拓展】 somehow 表示“以某种方式,不知怎么地”,与 anyhow 意义不同; somewhat adv. 稍微;有些,常用来修饰形容词或副词。,即境活用1 What a terrible experience! _, you are safe, thats the main thing. ASomehow BAnyhow CSomewhat DAnywhere 解析anyhow 无论如何,即使如此。 答案B,2signal vi. & vt. 发信号;n.信号 signal (to) sb. to

10、do sth. 示意某人做某事 signal (sb.) that 示意 a danger/warning traffic signal 危险/警告交通信号 The police signalled the driver to stop his car by raising his hand. 警察举手示意司机停车。,【易混辨析】,即境活用2 The ship met with a heavy storm on the sea and had to send a _ for help. Asignal Bchance Cmark Dmeasure 解析signal 信号,符合句意。句意:轮船在

11、海上遇到暴风雨,不得不发出求救信号。 答案A,3arise vi. 出现;发生;起身;起床;上升 Seeing his mother return home, the boy arose from his chair immediately. (起身) New problems will arise one after another in future. (出现) They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park.(起床) A curl of smoke is arising out of the chimney. (上升) Ac

12、cidents often arise from carelessness.(由)产生,(1)arise 表示“出现,发生”之意时,其主语多为 problem, argument, quarrel, danger, movement, question 等抽象名词,多指不好的事情发生或出现。 (2)arise from/out of 由而引起,由而产生;从中产生。,【易混辨析】,即境活用3 (2012长春市十一中期中考试)Obviously,we can draw the conclusion that good manners_from politeness and respect for

13、others. Ahappen Barise Ccome Drise 解析arise 起因于。rise 上升;happen 发生;come 来到。 答案B,4total adj. 整个的,全部的,完全的 The plan was a total failure. 那项计划完全失败了。 His debt reached a total of $10,000. 他欠的债总共达10,000美元。 In total, there must have been 2,000 people. 那儿总共一定有2,000人。,the total population of 总人口是 a total failur

14、e 完全失败 a total of 总共 in total 加起来 totally adv.完全地,整个地,即境活用4 (2012太原五中月考)With everything he had missing,he was_hopeless and killed himself. Ahardly Bluckily Csincerely Dtotally 解析totally 完全地。句意:随着他的一切都失去了,他完全地绝望并自杀了。hardly 几乎不; luckily 幸运地;sincerely 真诚地。 答案D,5common adj.普通的,共同的,常见的 The twins have no character in common. 这对双胞胎没有共同的性格。 in common 共有的,共用的 out of (the) common 不平常的 common sense 常识,


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