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1、词组翻译,1. 梦想进行大型自行车旅行dream about taking a great bike trip 2. 大学毕业graduate from college有机会干某事get the chance to do sth.,4. 从它开始的地方到它结束的地方from where it begins to where it ends 5. 使某人对某事感兴趣get sb. interested in sth. 6. 干某事的最好方式the best way of doing sth / to do sth 7. 改变某人的主意 change ones mind,8. 在 的高度at an

2、 altitude of 9. 下定决心干某事make up ones mind to do sth. 10. 穿过深谷pass through deep valleys 11. 确信、确定be sure about / of sth,12. 像往常一样as usual 13. 扎营make camp 14. 首先, 其次For one thing, ; for another, 15. 向某人问候say “Hello” to ,16. 在别人眼中看世界to see the world through somebody elses eyes 17. 支起, 竖起put up 18. 熟悉, 为

3、某人所熟悉be familiar to 19. 关心, 在乎care about,20. 坚决的表情a determined look 21. 不睡觉stay awake 22. 迫不及待地做can hardly wait to do 23. 列出清单make a list of,单词拼写,The Australians like to _ (露营) in the countryside at the weekends. We all know that he is too _ (顽固) to apologize. Dont take that _ (态度)with me, young man

4、. Most students keep a _ (日记) of their everyday life.,camp,stubborn,attitude,diary,5. Excuse me, what is the f_ to Paris? Is $10 enough? 6. The music sounds so good that I want to r_ it from the radio. 7. In the past, the villagers t_ their goods by goat not by truck. 8. The little boy said nothing

5、because he was not b_ enough to be against his father.,are,ecord,ransported,rave,Wang Hong was ahead of me in the usual way. Wang Hong was _ me _. 2. Many people keep a diary about what they think. Many people _ a diary.,in front of,as usual,句型转换,put their thoughts into,3. Many students who are lear

6、ning English like “China Daily”. “China Daily” is _ students _. 4. How can you do your homework while you are listening to music? How can you do your homework while _ music?,popular with,of English,listening to,5. Mary told visitors many interesting things about the school and they were interested i

7、n it. Mary _ the school by telling them many interesting things.,got the visitors interested in,他是一个意志坚强的人。如果他下定决心做什么事, 就一定要做好。 He is a _ person. If he _ do something, he will do it well.,完成句子,determined,determines to,2. 我对这座城市不太熟悉,这是我第一次来访。 I am not _ the city, for this is my first visit here. 3. 最

8、后, 他们终于被说服了骑自行车去环游全国。 Finally they _ to cycle around China.,familiar with,were persuaded,4. 我们明天就要去北京了。 We _ for Beijing tomorrow. 5. 科学家们正在寻找这条河的源头。The scientists are searching for the _ of the river.,are leaving / will leave,source,record, camp, give in, determine, cycle, expect, dream,Complete th

9、e sentences with the words from the box in proper forms. Some words may not be used.,I _ about flying last night. The boys went _ last summer. They put up their tent at the foot of the hill.,dreamt,camping,3. The money we have will _ how long we can stay here. 4. He was _ along the street when he was knocked off his bike. 5. You cant _ to learn a foreign language in a week. 6. She _ everything that was said at the meeting. 7. Never has he _ to his fate(命运).,determine,cycling,expect,recorded,gave in,



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