Book2 Unit2 Olympic奥运会作文

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《Book2 Unit2 Olympic奥运会作文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book2 Unit2 Olympic奥运会作文(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Book2 Unit2 Writing,Step 1 Lead - in,Listen to a song.,Step 1 Lead - in,As we all know, the 2008 Summer Olympic Games was held in Beijing.,What games will be held in Beijing in 2022?,Step 1 Lead - in,国际奥委会主席亚历山大 北京冬奥申委主席王安顺,The 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.,2015.7.31,I received

2、a message from my friend.,Step 1 Lead - in,Act as my friend, Tom,Hi, Janet. Long time no see.,Hello, Tom.,We havent seen each other ever since we graduated.,I hear that your country will hold the Winter Olympic Games.,Yes. I am very proud and excited.,Can you give me more information about it by sen

3、ding me an e-mail?,北京已经成功获得2022年冬奥会的举办权。假如你是Janet, 请你给你的朋友Tom写一封邮件。要求:1. 表达Janet的自豪与喜悦2. 邀请Tom届时在北京相聚,Pre - writing,Step 2 Phrases,1. 一则好消息 2. 与某人分享某物 3. 打败竞争者 4. 将被举办 5. 冬奥会 6. 一种巨大的责任 7. 一种巨大的荣誉,a piece of good news,share sth. with sb.,beat competitors,will be held,the Winter Olpmpic Games,a great

4、 responsibility,a great honor,Step 2 Phrases,8. 为.感到自豪 9. 对.感到激动 10. 迫不及待做某事 11. 就我而言 12. 值得参观,be proud of,be excited at,cant wait to do sth.,as far as I am concerned,deserve visiting,背一背,1. 一则好消息 2. 与某人分享某物 3. 打败竞争者 4. 将被举办 5. 冬奥会 6. 一种巨大的责任 7. 一种巨大的荣誉 8. 为.感到自豪 9. 对.感到激动 10. 迫不及待做某事 11. 就我而言 12. 值

5、得参观,a piece of good news,share sth. with sb.,beat competitors,will be held,the Winter Olpmpic Games,a great responsibility,a great honor,be proud of,be excited at,cant wait to do sth.,as far as I am concerned,deserve visiting,看中文说英文,一则好消息,与某人分享某物,打败竞争者,将被举办,冬奥会,一种巨大的责任,一种巨大的荣誉,为.感到自豪,为.感到激动,迫不及待做某事,

6、就我而言,值得参观,Step 3 Sentences,1. 有一则好消息,我想和你分享它。,翻译1:,There is a piece of good news. I want to share it with you.,升华,定语从句,翻译2:,There is a piece of good news _ I want to share with you.,that,仿写, 有一本好书,我想和你分享。,There is a good book that I want to share with you., 有一部好电影,我想和你分享。,There is a good movie that

7、I want to share with you.,Step 3 Sentences,2. 我国首都,北京,已经打败竞争者。,翻译1:,The capital city of my homeland, Beijing, has beaten competitors.,升华,修饰语,翻译2:,several strong,The capital city of my homeland, Beijing, has beaten _ (几个强大的)competitors.,仿写, 我们班长,Bob,已经打败几个强大的竞争者。,The monitor of our class, Bob, has be

8、aten several strong competitors., 我国运动员,孙杨,已经打败几个强大的竞争者。,The athlete of my homeland, Sun Yang, has beaten several strong competitors.,Step 3 Sentences,3. 2022年,冬奥会将在北京被举办。,翻译1:,In 2022, the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.,升华,强调句,翻译2:,_in Beijing _ the Winter Olympic Games will be held

9、in 2022.,that,Its,仿写, 在廉实,我们可以学到很多。,Its in Lianjiang City Experimental school that we can learn a lot., 昨天,在电影院,我碰见了Bob.,It was in the cinama that I met Bob yesterday.,Step 3 Sentences,4. 被选中,是一种巨大的责任,也是一种巨大的荣誉。,翻译1:,To be chosen is _ as well as _.,升华,形式主语 it,翻译2:,_ is a great responsibility as well

10、 as a great great honor _.,to be chosen,It,a great responsibility,a great honor,仿写, 学好英语,是重要的,也是有用的。,It is important as well as useful to learn English well., 很遗憾(a pity),你错过了这种考试。,It is a pity that you missed the exam.,Step 3 Sentences,5. 我为我的国家感到自豪。我对这个消息感到激动。我迫不及待地想与你分享我的快乐。,翻译1:,I am proud of my

11、 country. I am excited at the news. I cant wait to share my happiness with you.,升华,连接词,翻译2:,I am _ proud of my country _ _ excited at the news _ I cant wait to share my happiness with you.,but also,not only,so,that,仿写, 我的妈妈不仅为我感到高兴,也为我感到如此地自豪,以致于突然大哭了。,My mother was not only happy for me but also so

12、 proud of me that she burst into tears., 老师不仅为他感到自豪,也对这个这消息感到如此激动,以致于她迫不及待告诉每一个人这个消息。,The teacher is not only proud of him but also so excited at the news that she cant wait to tell it to everyone.,Step 3 Sentences,6. 就我而言,2022年冬奥会值得一看。,翻译1:,_, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games _.,升华,不同表达,翻译2:,As far as

13、 I am concerned, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games _.,deserves to be visited,is worth visiting,As far as I am concerned,deserves visiting,Some Tips,看导学案第2页,While - writing,Step 4 Article,北京已经成功获得2022年冬奥会的举办权。假如你是Janet, 请你给你的朋友Tom写一封邮件。 要求:1. 表达Janet的自豪与喜悦2. 邀请Tom届时在北京相聚,把以上句子合并成一封邮件,Dear Tom, _I am look

14、ing forward to seeing you. Yours, Janet,While - writing,Dear Tom,There is _(一则好消息) that Id like to_(和你分享). The capital city of my homeland, Beijing, _ _ (已经打败几个强大的竞争者). It is in Beijing that _ _ (冬奥会将被举办) in 2022. It is _ _(一个巨大的责任) as well as _ (一种巨大的荣誉) to be chosen. I _ not only _ (为.感到自豪) my cou

15、ntry but also so _ (为.感到激动) the news that I _ (迫不及待)share my happiness with you.,Step 4 Article,填入短语(口头表达),a piece of good news,has beaten several strong competitors,the Winter Olympic Games will be held,a great responsibility,share with you,a great honor,am proud of,excited at,cant wait to,_(就我而言), the 2022 Winter Olympic Games _(值得一看). Id like to be a volunteer for the Olympics and I want to _ _ (邀请你在北京碰与我面)then. I am looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Janet,


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