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1、Lesson Eleven,Grade Five May,the eleventh lesson,Unit 2 She looks cute.,his name hes,her name shes,her name shes,his name hes,handsome,handsome,policeman,handsome,man,man,man,man,man,man,police,post,fire,milk,snow,beautiful,policewoman,一,写出下列单词的复数形式 1.man_ 2. woman _ 3.policeman_ 4.postman_ 5.snowma

2、n_ 6.German_ 二、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is ( I)mother. 2. Nice to meet ( you). 3. (He ) name is Mark. 4. Whats (she)name? 5. Excuse ( I). 6. Are ( you)Miss Li? 7. (I) am Ben. 8. (She) is my sister. 9. Fine , thank ( you). 10. How old is (he ) 三,补全对话: Kate:Hi, li Yan. _ that man? li Yan: _ my uncl

3、e. Kate:Wow! He _ big eyes. He _ handsome.And who _ that woman _ long hair? li Yan: _ my aunt. Kate:_ beautiful. li Yan: _ you.,His,my,you,her,me,you,I,She,you,he,Whos,Hes,has,is,is,with,Shes,Shes,Thank,一、beautiful的用法 beautiful 表示“美”,可用于人或事物。用于人时,通常只用于形容女性或小孩,一般不用于男性。语气很强。如: Its a beautiful village.

4、 那是个美丽的村庄。 She is a beautiful girl. 她是个美丽的女孩。 The film star is really beautiful. 这位电影明星的确很美。二、pretty的用法 pretty 主要表示“漂亮”、“俊俏”、“标致”等义,可用于人(主要是女性和小孩)或事物,语气比beautiful 弱。它往往侧重从主观上评述某人或某物,含有“可爱”或“讨人喜欢”之意。如: What a pretty dress! 多漂亮的连衣裙啊! They have a pretty daughter. 他们有个漂亮的女儿。 She is not really beautiful,

5、 but she looks pretty when she smiles. 她其实长得并不美,但笑起来很好看。 注:偶尔用于男性,但通常带有贬义。,beautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome用法区别,三、good-looking的用法 good-looking 意为“好看的”,主要用于人(男人、女人或小孩),不常用于事物。如: He (She) is good-looking. 他(她)长得很帅(漂亮)。 有时用于事物,但不多见。如: He has a good-looking car (horse). 他有一辆(匹)好看的汽车(马)。四、handso

6、me的用法 handsome 意为“英俊的”,主要用于男性,但有时也用于女性(一般只用于成年女性,不用于少女),意为“体态健美的”、“端庄稳重的”。如: He is a handsome young man. 他是一个英俊的年轻人。 Do you discribe her as beautiful or handsome? 你是说她貌美还是说她健美? 有时可用于事物,但不多见。如: Its a handsome building. 那是栋漂亮的建筑。,Todays homework,1.Talk about your family in pairs.,2.Do exercise-book.(lesson 11),


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