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1、,Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future,Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open,Whats your dream?,Do you want to work for the government?,Do you want to be a pilot?,Do you want to be a teacher?,商人,merchant,m:tnt,Do you know any graduation songs?,Listen and tick the statements that are mentioned.,Education keeps

2、your choices open. When you grow up, you can be a merchant. Do well in school, and the decision will be yours. Study hard, and you will do well. You may decide to be a professor. Maybe a police officer is the job for you. You could be a successful cook. You could be a successful farmer.,keep是一个具有多种意

3、义的词,它的主要用法如下: a. keep+动名词 表示一直在做某事 eg. Kate keeps looking out of the window. 凯特一直看着窗外。,keep+宾语 在表示“保存”“借”的意思时,常用此句型。 eg. You can keep it. I dont need it any more. 你留着吧,我不再需要它了。 keep+形容词 这一结构主要表示“保持某一状态”。 eg. Keep quiet, please! 请保持安静!,keep+名词/代词+形容词 这一结构主要表示某人或某物保持某种状态。 eg. Dont keep the windows ope

4、n. 不要让窗子开着。 keep +sb. /sth.+介词短语 这一结构主要表示使某人或某物位于某处。 eg. The heavy rain keeps us inside the house. 这场大雨使我们不能出门。 keep +sb./sth. +doing 这一结构主要表示某人或某物一直进行某个动作。 eg. Dont keep your car running so fast. Its dangerous. 不要让你的车跑那么快,很危险。,do well in意思是“在某个方面做得好”,well是一个副词。 well与good的用法区别: 两者都表示“好”的意思。但具体用法有所不同

5、。good是形容词,用作定语或表语。既可作副词,又可以作形容词,well用作副词时修饰动词,用作形容词时只能作表语,意思是“(身体)好”。 eg. She is a good teacher. 她是一位好老师。His handwriting is very good. 他的书法很好。Tom draws very well. 汤姆的画画得很好。Hes not feeling well today. 今天他感觉不舒服。,could aux.表示可能性,意思是“能,可能,可以”。 eg. We could see the oil bleeding out from the joint then. 那

6、时我们可以看到油从接缝中渗出。 It was so dark that we could see nothing. 天太暗了以至于我们什么也看不见。 If I could go with you, I should feel very glad. 假如我能同你们一起去,我会非常高兴的。 You could have been more considerate. 你本来可以更慎重些。 If you tried, you could do the work better. 如果你试试的话,准能把那项工作做得更好。,police n.(常用the police)警察局,警务人员(总称) six po

7、lice(=six policemen)6名警察 eg. The police are on their track. 警察在跟踪他们。,表示职位单词的规律: 以-er结尾:farmer, teacher, player, dancer 以-ian结尾:musician, librarian 以-or结尾:actor, visitor 以-ist结尾:scientist, artist,Read the song and tick the meaning that best describes each word.,1. professora title for a university te

8、achera title for a high school teacher 2. merchanta person who works in a storea business person in trade 3. farmerone who works in a factoryone who grows food and raises animals 4. pilota person who flies a planea person who works in a spaceship,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the word

9、s or phrases in the box.,successful do well in choice decide graduate,1. They have different dishes on the menu. There are so many _. 2. If you want to _ school, you must study hard. 3. She _ from high school and went to university last year. 4. The most _ people are those who fail the most, but try

10、 the most! 5. I know that you _ to leave here, but please reconsider.,choice,do well in,graduated,successful,have decided,Group work: 1. Practice the song in groups.2. Competition.,Work in groups. Do a survey and find out what your classmates want to do in the future. Make a list of possible professions and then interview your classmates.,1.Listen and read. 2.Finish exercises of this lesson.,Homework,



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