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1、,III. Classification of WordsWords may fall into (1) basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary by use frequency;(2) content words and functionalwords by notion (3) native words and borrowed wordsby origin,3.1 Basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary3.1.1 The basic word stock: Foundation of the voca

2、bulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language.,Obvious Characteristics: 1)All National Words of the basic word stock belong to people as a whole, not to a limited group, a certain region or a certain profession.,2) stability (used for centuries): man, fire, mountains st

3、ability is relative; the word stock will also undergo some change. Chariot knight arrow dropped out the basic word stock. Electricity, machine, computer joined the rank of basic words, following the social and technical changes.,3) productivity: Root words or monosyllabic words. They can be used alo

4、ne and at the same time, they can form new words with other roots and affixes. Hand:handbrake handcheese手捏干酪 handclap: a slow handclap慢吞吞的鼓掌 (不耐烦;不满),Handfast抓紧 be in handfast 被牢牢掌握着 handfeed handless 笨手笨脚的 Handmaid起服务或辅助作用的事物 Law is the handmaid of justice. 法律是为正义服务的. Hand money=earnest money 定钱 Pa

5、y earnest money on a car 付定金,Handpick 用手采摘,仔细挑选, They were clearly handpicked from the hundreds. Handsel (乔迁等时的)贺礼;初次经验, 预示 Our present tears are but the handsels of our joys hereafter. 我们现在的眼泪只不过是我们今后欢乐的前奏而已.,Foot: footpath, Footbath Foot-board Footfall, Footloose, I am travelling around, footloose

6、 and fancy-free, you might call me. Foot-dragging Foot-race Foot-worn,Footling, Footy footwear Foot-work, foot-fault, foot-in-mouth, Foot-in-mouth-disease Foot-and-mouth disease & put ones foot in ones mouth,4 ) polysemy: a set of different meanings. Roll:She stood in the corner with tears rolling d

7、own her face. 1. 滚落 The train rolled slowly into the station. 2. 车辆行驶 The 23 years of separation rolled away.3. 岁月流逝 Lets get the project rolling.4. 进行;开展,Wake up, time to roll.4. 出发 Sharp retorts roll from the tongues of the people there.5. (话语)滔滔不绝 A rolling vista of hills 6. 群山连绵起伏的景色 His jokes k

8、ept us simply rolling about all evening.7. 不可抑制地大笑 His eyes rolled in terror.8. 他因恐惧而骨碌碌地转动着眼睛。,The river rolled its waters to the ocean.9. 江水滚滚流向大海。,5) Ability to form collocations To form quite a number of set expressions, idiomatic usages, proverbial sayings, etc. A change of heartAfter ones hear

9、t break ones heart cross ones heart Promise me you wont tell him what I have said. Cross your heart and hope to die.,Cry ones heart out Have ones heart in ones mouth Steal ones heart away Lose ones heart to (compare lose heart) To ones hearts content Sbs heart in not in sth. Take (fresh) heart Heart

10、 and hand,3.1.2 Non-common core words : Words void of the stated characteristics Terminology: technical terms used in particular and academic areasmedicine: penicillin photoscanningmathematics: algebra calculus,2) Jargon: specialized vocabularies by which members of arts, science, trades and profess

11、ions communicate among themselves.bottom-line ball park figuresball park: n. 球场 活动范围价格观点等的可变通范围 adj. 大致正确或准确,bargaining chips谈判的筹码 Coal and ice冬天卖炭,夏天卖冰。 We should always stick to the coal and ice, no matter how big the business is. 不能忽视对市场的需要。 Blizzard wizard暴风雪奇才 善于抓住机会促销的人 ( wiz-: wise; -ard:,3)

12、slang: The substandard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words like cant, jargon and argot. Buzz (telephone) nuthouse (mental hospital),Tomatoa beautiful girl Chicken coward nut, dome, upperhead merr

13、y, comfortable, boileddrunk cancer stick香烟,The tube1. (Am.E) 电视2. ( Austr. E) 一瓶/罐啤酒3. 香烟4. v.i (Am.E) 做得很差smoke eater消防员 clock watcher磨洋工的人 Lets hit the road.我们出发吧.,Bottle-man:drunkardSemi-detached 与他屋一侧相连的(房舍) 与妻子分居而未离婚的男子,oomph: 喘气的拟声词,秀色迷人、性感、精力、热情 Marilyn Monroe had lots of oomph. 玛丽莲梦露十分性感迷人。

14、Its not a bad song, but it needs more oomph. 但尚需更多的热情。,4) Argot: The jargon of criminals used by sub-cultural groups, and outsiders can hardly understand it. Can-opener dip persuader 5) Neologisms: Newly created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings. futurology coopetition 竞

15、争性合作 (金融界),empowerment enbetterment (to make better) Obamabot Obama + robot (对其一无所知却衷心拥护者)奥巴马粉丝、奥巴马信徒等 ObamaniaObama+mania (狂躁症狂热)奥巴马狂热现象 Obamanian奥巴马的狂热追随者,6) literary words: words mainly used in writing, especially in books written in a more elevated style, in official documents, or in formal spee

16、ches.,(1)A minister of Crown may foresee the advantages of his policy and outline it to his colleagues; but in presenting it to Parliament he may visualize the first and adumbrate(勾画出。的轮廓) the second.Foresee and outline: common words, appropriate when talking or writing to ones colleagues.Visualize and adumbrate: literary words, used on formal occasions。,


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