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1、Unit 12 Transforming Mars,Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer. 1. What does Mike have doubts about ?a. He was about Mr. Black s lectures.b. He has doubts about the present space plans.c. He has doubts about how to write an article. 2. Why does Mike say space travels are a waste of

2、money?a. He think that the money should have been spent to improve the poor peoples life.b. He thinks that only rich people can make space travels.c. He thinks that Martians dont like human beings to visit them. 3.Why are scientists looking for some other planets for human beings to live on accordin

3、g to Mr. Black.a. The population is increasing rapidly , and there will not be enough room for everyone on theearth.b. People have become bored of living on the earth , and they want to have a change.c. The resources on the earth will be used up eventually.,4. How does Mr. Blake express his uncertai

4、nty about the number of years before the resources onthe earth are used up?a. the resources will have been used up er pretty soon, I suppose, but Im not very sure. b. the resources will have been used up in er I dont know, in a few hundred years time, perhaps, maybe sooner than that. c. the resource

5、s will have been used up in about er five hundred years time, though I cant say for certain.,The answers:1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b,ConversationA: Mike, a middle school student.B: Mr. Blake, Mikes teacherA: Excuse me, Mr. Blake, have you got any time now? B: Sure, Mike. Whats it about? A: Im writing an article

6、. It discusses why human beings are interested in the outer space. B: Well, thats obviously a fascinating topic to write about. Im sure Ill be very much interested in reading it. A: I hope it will be an interesting article, but the trouble is Im not quite sure . I mean . Ive some doubts about the pr

7、esent space plans . B: For example? A: Space travels, exploring Mars, that sort of thing. B: Ah, yes, I see. Er . why do you see them as a problem then?,A: Well, I think . er . is it really necessary for us to travel so far away? I mean . you see, therere so many poor people right here on the earth

8、. B: Why dont they spend the money to help the poor? Is this what you want to say? A: Yes, but instead they waste the money looking for Martians, or whatever they are called. B: Mike, the space plan does cost a lot, but thats not a waste of money, I must say. On the contrary, the space plans will he

9、lp to make human beings live better in the future. A: To make us live better? I dont see the point, Im afraid. B: You see, Mike, they are actually looking for new planets for human beings to live on.,A: Why, arent there enough room on the earth for us? B: Yes, but the thing is the resources on the e

10、arth will surely have been used up in . er. I dont know, in a few hundred years time, perhaps, maybe sooner than that. A: Oh, I see. So they are looking into the far future, arent they? B: Exactly. Mike, is the point Ive made helpful? A: Yes, it certainly is. Thank you very much, Mr. Blake. I really

11、 appreciate your time. B: Youre most welcome.,Useful Expressions explore: v. conduct a search into 探索 He is exploring ways and means of solving the problem. Mars: n. the fourth planet from the sun 火星 room: n. space 空间 Theres only standing room in the bus. resource: n. a source of supply and support,

12、 natural assets 资源 We should treasure manpower and material resources. use up: run out of 耗尽 He used up all his money. on the contrary: opposite Are you nearly through? On the contrary, Ive only just begun. appreciate: v. thank 感激 We shall really appreciate your timely help.,Useful Expressions You m

13、ay express certainty like this: Definitely/Sure enough/Certainly To be sure, he has heard a lot of promises. There must be something wrong with the project. Actually his secretary does all the work. He must have missed the train. I know for sure that Marriott was involved in this affair. I swear I p

14、ut my bag here it just seems to have disappeared. My boss told me he had no doubt about my abilities as a salesman. The team is quite confident of being able to win this important game. The builders want to finish the job by Friday, but I bet they wont. Say what you like, I think this government is

15、ruining the country. She was convinced that her efforts were fruitless. It is certain/clear/obvious that hell be late. I simply cant bear your barbaric behavior. Dont pretend that you are a good God.,You may express uncertainty like this:I doubt if Jane will cooperate with us. If Im not mistaken, he

16、 played a folk song. I cant help wondering if we should go and ask him about it. It is uncertain if she will take the offer. It is not clear that she actually meant to kill him. I might make a trip to Thailand next month, but its still up in the air. There was some uncertainty/doubt about the candid

17、ates qualification. Its doubtful / questionable that the leaders of the two sides will reach an agreement.,For a few minutes it was touch-and-go whether we could be allowed out of the police station. It was a borderline decision whether to send him to prison or not. The weather forecast said there was a fifty-fifty chance of rain. I dont know what to do for the coming weekend maybe a toss-up between fishing or shopping.,


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