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1、商务英语翻译教程,College Business English A Course for Translation,从商务英语翻译教程这门课的名称来看, 他有两个关键词,一个商务英语,一个翻译。这门课就围绕这两方面来进行。 说到翻译呢,对于一个优秀的翻译人员的话,理论是基础,实践是真理。 也就是说,实践对于学好翻译来说是至关重要的。如果只掌握了理论,而不去实践,是不能成为好的翻译人员的。相反,没有理论系统的学习,而有大量的翻译实践,有可能是以为合格的翻译者。 而商务英语翻译除了关系着翻译,还涉及到很多商贸知识。,翻译理论,在我国,文字翻译最早开始于春秋时期的越人歌,迄今大约有2500年的历史

2、,对翻译标准的争论也有1000多年,但有关翻译标准在翻译界迄今还没有达成“共识”,即还没有一个大家都认同的翻译标准。 翻译是一门推敲的,无唯一答案的课程。 国内外翻译标准百家争鸣、白花齐放。,信、达、雅”。 1898年,严复在天演论的译例言中说:“译事之难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达尚焉。”后来一般就把“信、达、雅”当作翻译的标准。 用今天的话来说,“信”就是忠实准确,“达”就是通顺流畅,“雅”就是文字古雅。,“功能对等”。 “功能对等”(Functional Equivalence)翻译准则是由美国著名翻译家尤金.奈达(Eugene A . Nida)博

3、士提出的。在众多的国外翻译家中,奈达的翻译理论可以说对我国的影响最大。他认为,翻译的预期目的主要是原文与译文在信息内容、说话方式、文体、风格、语言、文化、社会因素诸方面达到对等。,综观国内外翻译家们的观点,可以得出结论:中外翻译标准其实质上有一致性,即:信息对等。 说到底,不管什么样的翻译标准,都离不开一个“真”字,换言之,译文应该是原文信息的真实反映,译者最大限度地将原文作者所赋予原文语言文字的“任务”转译到译文里。,译者应具备的能力,翻译过程是一个语言转化的过程,涉及跨语言,跨文化的内容。 外语水平能力 母语水平能力 知识水平能力 商务英语专业行话 术语 应用水平能力 只有通过练习实践,才

4、能真正提高译者的翻译水平,Business negotiations,The conclusion of a favorable sale contract results largely from careful and meticulous(极仔细的; 一丝不苟的) business negotiation between the exporter and the importer. Trade negotiations in international business background consist of five steps: enquiry, offer, counter-o

5、ffer, acceptance, and the formation of contract.,Enquiries,An enquiry is usually made by an importer to an exporter, asking for prices lists, catalogues, samples, and details about the goods or trade terms.However, the exporter, on receiving the enquiry, will make a reply to, thus getting the negoti

6、ation started. Business negotiations in foreign trade usually commence with an enquiry by an overseas buyer to a seller to inquire about the terms of the sale.,Offers,Definition An offer is a good proposal that is made to a specific individual or entity to enter into a contract. The proposal must co

7、ntain definite terms and must indicate the offerors intent to be bound by an acceptance. The party that sends the offer is called the offeror and the another party that receives the offer is called the offeree.,Definition of an offer,A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more spec

8、ific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. (CISG Art 14-1) CISG: United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 联合国国际货物销售合同公约,Withdrawal of offer,The withdrawal of offer me

9、ans that the offeror, for some reason, withdraw his offer before it reaches the offeree or before it becomes effective. This may happen when the offeror finds that the offer he makes contains some mistake, or that the situation has changed which makes his offer unfavorable to him.,Revocation of offe

10、r,To revoke an offer means that when the offer has reached the offeree, it has become effective, the offeror acts to revoke the offer thus to kill its effectiveness. The Convention agrees in principle that an offer is revocable before the note of acceptance is dispatched but provides that on the fol

11、lowing two occasions, an offer is irrevocable. A. It indicates, whether by stating a fixed time or otherwise, that it is irrevocable. B. if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.,Termination of offer,“An offer,

12、even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror” (CISG Art.17).,Offers,According to different criteria, offers can be classified into various kind: Selling offersoffers made by the seller Buying offersoffers made by a buyer Firm offers or offers with engagement Indefini

13、te offers or offers without engagement,Firm offers,A firm offer or an irrevocable offer or an offer firm, is intended to make a contract with the offeree. The terms or conditions put forward in the offer can not be revoked or amended without consents from the other party. Once it is unconditionally

14、accepted by the offeree within its validity, the transaction is completed and a contract is concluded immediately. Until this time, the offer has legally binding force on the both parties. Such offer usually has phrases like: “we offer firm, or we make a firm offer for the following goods”.,Indefini

15、te offers,An indefinite offer is not binding on the offeror, and is stated unclear, incomplete and with reservation. Some expressions can help the reader to identify this nature of the offer, such as, reference price, subject to our final confirmation, subject to being unsold. Actually, quotation sh

16、eets and price lists can serve as offers without engagement because they only include part of the terms, such as descriptions, specifications and unit prices. They do not include those terms about shipment, payment etc.,Counter-offers,Definition A counter-offer is a reply to an offer that materially

17、 alters the terms of the offer. The party who has received the offer is not in a position to fully accept the business terms offered. He may make a counter-offer, in which some alternations have been made about the business trade terms, such as, the price or other terms with the purpose of bargaining. There are also two kinds of counter-offer: one with engagement and the other is without engagement.,


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