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1、Performance Appraisal,业绩考核,收集、分析、评价和传递有关某一个人在其工作岗位上的工作行为表现和工作结果方面的信息情况的过程。,业绩考核,概念,概念,考核与测评,考核,人员 任用,人员 培训,薪酬 确定,人员 激励,重要性,Business Goals and Objectives Internal Requirements,Organizational Environment,Information,Resources,Incentives,Culture/Climate,Job Demands,Human Performance Requirements,Verifi

2、cation of Accomplishments,Behaviors,Accomplishments,Aligned?,Triggers,Yes,Requires changes in,Requires changes in,Creates,Results in,Generates,Leads to,No,Influences,Influences,Influences,Influences,Source: Harold D. Stolovitch,Erica J. Keeps, Editors, Handbook of Human Performance Technology, Josse

3、y-Bass Pfeiffer,A Conceptual Model for a Human Performance System,Identify Business Requirements Proactive Reactive,Monitor and Maintain Performance Interventions Performance Business,Identify Performance Requirements Legal/regulatory New skills and knowledge Performance improvement,Specify Current

4、Performance Exemplary Deficient Related,Define Performance Gaps Magnitude Value Urgency,Specify Performance-Gap Factors Environmental External Internal Organizational/cultural Job-specific Skills and Knowledge Emotional/Political General Specific,Implement Performance Interventions Plan Execution Su

5、pport,Develop Performance Interventions Design Creation Verification,Select Performance Interventions Appropriateness Internal External Economics Feasibility Acceptability,Identify Potential Interventions Environmental Skills and Knowledge Incentives and motivation,Source: Harold D. Stolovitch,Erica

6、 J. Keeps, Editors, Handbook of Human Performance Technology, Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer,An Operational Model for Engineering Effective Human Performance,Variables Affecting Job performance,1. Performance Specifications Do performance standards exist? Do performers know the desired output and performance

7、standards? Do performers consider the standards attainable?,Input,Output,Consequences,Performer,Feedback,2. Task Interference Can the performer easily recognize the input requiring action? Can the task be done without interference from other tasks? Are the job procedures and workflow logical? Are ad

8、equate resources available for performance (time, tools, staff, information )?,4. Feedback Do the performers receive information about their performance? Is the information they receive relevant? accurate? timely? specific? constructive? easy to understand?,5. Knowledge / Skill Do the performers hav

9、e the necessary skill and knowledge to perform? Do the performers know why desired performance is important? 6. Individual Capacity Are the performers physically, mentally, and emotionally able to perform?,3. Consequences Are the consequences aligned to support desired performance? Are consequences

10、meaningful from performers viewpoint? Are consequences timely?,考核的真正目的,保证组织目标的实现 激励员工进取 促进人力资源开发,考核内容与标准 考核方法 考核工具 考核周期 考核程序,考核体系,有效的考核体系的标志,中肯贴切敏感性可靠性可接受性实用性,考核内容与考核标准,考核内容,工作态度(德,勤) 工作能力(能) 工作绩效(绩),考核内容与考核标准,工作知识 力气 眼手协调能力 证书 商业知识 成就欲 社会需要 可靠性 忠诚 诚实 创造性 领导能力,完成任务 服从指令 报告难题 维护设备 维护记录 遵守规则 按时出勤 提交建议

11、 不吸烟 不吸毒,销售额 生产水平 生产质量 浪费 事故 设备修理 服务的客户数量 客户的满意程度,特 征,行 为,结 果,绝对标准绝对评价(绝对考核):人与工作比较 相对标准相对评价(相对考核):人与人比较,不可比因素太多 违背考核实质 容易背离日常工作的具体性,忽视工作上的客观标准。“具体人”变成“抽象人”,背离考核初衷。 “永远的先进” 先进成为特殊阶层,相对评价标准的弊端,绝对标准与相对标准,考核内容与考核标准,滞后指标与超前指标,滞后由于我们过去采取的行动,我们现在的绩效如何? 超前由于我们现在采取的行动,我们将来的绩效如何?,滞后指标,利润/损失或营运资本 投资回报率,占用资本回报

12、率 雇员人均创造收入 顾客投诉数目,超前指标,新产品开发周期 用于关键客户的时间 按时送货率,考核内容与考核标准,从单个利益相关者到多个利益相关者,股票市场 每股收益 盈利能力 每股价格,顾 客 财务状况稳定性 创新能力 服务水平,当地社区 财务状况稳定性 环境意识 提供增长/就业,员 工 就业稳定性 满意的工作 合理的薪酬,管 理 层 回报水平 挑战 盈利能力,组织,考核内容与考核标准,测评整体,而不是部分,采购,生产,后勤,营销,销售,质量 价格变化 送货准确性 服务水平 发票出错率 供应商群体的规模,质量 设备利用率 生产效率 停机时间 维护 单位员工平均产量,存货周转率 运输成本 车辆

13、利用率 交接成本 服务水平 提前时间,市场份额 回忆率 店堂测试 焦点小组,边际利润 销量 促销费用 占销售额比例 拜访顾客次数 转换率,考核内容与考核标准,评级量表法,采用最普遍的方法,是由考核者根据量表,对员工每一个考核项目的表现作出评价和记分,常用5点量表。,等级择一法,首先应该给评价档次ABCDE赋予相应的等级内涵。之后,就可以根据这些内涵,对考核项目作出单项选择。,考核的方法,普洛夫斯特法,考核者只需要掌握被考核者的事实即可。具体操作步骤: 制作“对照评价表”,根据被考核者的工作事实进行逐项核定; 在相应的空格中打“”; 对照记分表计算分值; 根据换算表换算评价等级。,混合标准测评法

14、,包含许多组概念上相容的描述句(通常是3个一组),用来描述同一考核项目的高、中、低三个层次。 描述句在测评量表中是随机排列的,考核者只需指出被考核者的表现是“好于”、“相当于”、还是“劣于”描述句中所叙述的行为即可。 能鉴别出那些“没有逻辑性”的考核者。,考核的方法,个体排序法,也叫做排队法,就是把员工按从好到坏的顺序进行排列,配对比较法,把每一位员工与其他员工一一配对,分别进行比较。 每一次比较时,给表现好的员工记“+”,另一个员工就记“-”。 所有员工都比较完后,计算每个人“+”的个数,“+”个数多者名次在前。,考核的方法,人物比较法,在考核之前,先选出一位员工,以他的各方面表现为标准,对

15、其他员工进行考核。,关键事件记录评价法,通过观察,记录下有关工作成败的关键性事实,依此对员工进行考核评价。,考核的方法,A Comparison of Traditional Appraisal and Three different 360Focus,360-Degree Research Results,Appraisers prefer that 360-degree appraisals be used for development feedback to appraisees, not to make decisions about an appraisees merit rais

16、esappraisers are concerned about negative reactions form appraisees. Appraisees feel that written descriptive 360 feedback is more helpful than rating scale data. Managers want their direct contributors to be accountable for their rating; however, direct contributors want their ratings to remain ano

17、nymous. Direct contributors who had to sign their names to the upward appraisal instruments gave their managers higher ratings than those who used an anonymous procedure. Managers indicated that about 25 percent of the appraisal feedback they received was expected positive feedback, 30 percent unexpected positive feedback, 20 to 30 percent expected negative feedback, and 15 to 20 percent unexpected negative feedback. Appraisers (direct contributors) estimated that 19 percent of the managers would be surprised by the low ratings on the 360-degree appraisals.,


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